244. Chapter 243 Dark Abyss

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  Chapter 243 Dark Abyss

  The moment she heard this sentence, Hong raised his head and looked at Lindsay, the meaning in his eyes was very obvious.

  Owner? He is calling me Master!

  In their original expectations, these resuscitators did have a high probability of knowing Hong. But everyone understands the difference between 'knowledge' and 'owner'.

  Then, Hong saw Lindsay blinking at her.

  Lindsay barely made any sound and simply used her movements to remind Hong that now was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

  Hong reacted immediately.

  The expression on the girl's face suddenly became serious, and she asked the resuscitator in a very dominant tone:
  "Tell me, what is the situation on the Black Mountain now?"

  "What is the current state of the beast that stole my power."

  The title . The resuscitator whose master is red has an attitude of awe and timidity.

  He didn't even dare to look at Hong, but lowered his head in surrender, and then continued to reply:
  "Master, that dragon beast lives on the Black Mountain."

  "It mistakenly thought that after advancing to the eighth stage, it would be able to fully I have mastered your power, so I am accumulating source of energy. Master Anya has prepared everything. You only need to devour the dragon beast after it reaches the eighth stage, and you can immediately restore the past power!" Wait until the

  dragon beast advances, then Devour it.

  And then regain the power of the past?
  A simple answer, a situation completely beyond imagination, was placed nakedly in front of the two of them.

  And this matter also involves dragon beasts.

  The power that allowed him to advance quickly in the Crystal Valley actually came from Hong.

  At the same time, there is a guy named An Abyss, who is secretly plotting against the opponent, and is preparing to let this power return to Hong's hands after the dragon beast successfully advances!

  Hong continued to ask:
  "Has that beast noticed your actions?"

  The resuscitator immediately replied:

  "After it accepted your power, Master Anya has been guiding its growth. Later it occupied this world, and it became more I will completely hand over the work of my subordinates to Master An Yuan, and concentrate on advancing."

  "That stupid beast has no reason to notice our actions."

  At this point, the resuscitator also breathed a sigh of relief, and he said somewhat happily :
  "Actually, after discovering that your body was missing, Lord Dark Abyss once doubted whether the dragon beast was aware of the truth, but it has been on the Black Mountain and has no intention of looking for your body." "It is precisely

  because of this, Only then can we be sure that it doesn't know the truth."

  Hong's expression was speechless.

  Because in fact, she was imprisoned under the swamp by the dragon beast.

  If it weren't for Lindsay, who was the spoiler, God knows when she would have seen the light of day again.

  There are also intrigues and conflicts between the dragon beasts and these resuscitators.

  Hong adjusted his attitude and continued to ask:

  "Are you here to look for me?"

  The resuscitator immediately nodded:
  "More than a month ago, Lord Dark Abyss noticed a sudden burst of will in the Crystal Tomb. He thought it was very important. It may be related to you, so I issued an order to let people in Qianshan Stone Forest go to the tomb to investigate."

  At this point, the resuscitator glanced at Lindsay cautiously next to him.

  He completely brought it into his own subjective perspective and judged Lindsay, who had exerted various powers in the battle, as Hong's subordinate.

  "Master, where did you recruit this hero from?"

  "His abilities seem to be different from our three mainstream skills, and they do not match the characters that appeared in the past wars."

  Hearing this, Hong almost laughed. Voice.

  She looked at Lindsay, who was mistaken for her subordinate, and patted him on the shoulder as if taking advantage:

  "This kid is an extremely rare awakener. I plan to focus on training him in the future. Are you right, Lindsay?"

  Lin Sai had no choice but to smile:

  "Yes, yes."

  After teasing Lindsay, Hong changed the topic and continued to ask:

  "Tell me, what is An Abyss's current status?"

  "Since he has been dealing with dragon beasts , you must have encountered a lot of troubles, right?" The resuscitator still replied with great respect:

  "Lord Dark Abyss, he woke up earlier than you, but because of the power of the Righteous One, he could not wake you up, so he broke through the mausoleum and prepared Cultivate your strength first. The only trouble you encounter here is that the stupid beast happened to seize your strength."

  Hong then brought up what he had seen in the Forest of Stars:

  "But as far as I know, the dragon beast seems to have encountered some threats. Will this cause an accident when I recover my power?"

  The resuscitator was excited:
  "Master, you can indeed understand all the secrets in the world!"

  "Human beings are re-opening the world, and their power has just arrived at the other side of the Black Mountain. With the strength of the dragon beasts, they did not launch an attack, but opened up a place for survival in the opposite world."

  "I see." Hong nodded, "Then how strong are these humans? Will they pose a threat to us?"

  The Resuscitator Flattery said:
  "Master, since they don't even dare to challenge the seventh-level dragon beast, then with your boundless power, they can naturally win it easily."

  Hong continued to ask:

  "Does Dark Abyss have other arrangements?"

  The resuscitator did not come up with a new answer this time:
  "Master Dark Abyss has ordered that if you are found, you will be taken back to the Black Mountain area as soon as possible to lurk."

  Hong had to return the question to the beginning of the conversation:

  "Then he arranged for me to What is the means to restore strength?"


  Suddenly, the resuscitator fell into silence.

  Hearing Hong's question, he who was in awe just now seemed to have encountered something unbelievable.

  "You... don't know?"

  The resuscitator raised his head slightly and looked at the girl in front of him.

  With his fifth stage strength, he can certainly tell whether there is sefirah in a person.

  He discovered a surprising fact.

  The red body contains powerful source of essence, and the killing power within it is almost before your eyes!

  The resuscitator's eyes changed in an instant.

  The awe and fear towards Hong just now turned into suspicion and shock in the blink of an eye.

  "Wait a minute, why do you have sefirah?"

  "That stupid beast clearly stole your power. You should have nothing now, or even be missing..."

  Having said this, the resuscitator suddenly turned his head to look at Lindsay.

  If it hadn't been for the previous battle, he might have been wondering about Hong's condition for a long time.

  But Lindsay's various abilities gave him a bold idea immediately, and all the excitement turned into anger at this moment.

  "Corpse stealer, you can still control corpses!"

  "How dare you desecrate the Crown of Extinction! Idiot, prepare to meet your doomsday!"

  As the words fell, the corpse of the resuscitator began to deform.

  The twisted pustules and flesh on his body instantly swelled and swollen, and the blue-green blood vessels and tendons stood out horribly.

  The next second.

  The resuscitator in front of Lindsay and Hong has turned into a terrifying sarcoma.

  The essence in his body also turned into an ominous death aura, filling this huge sarcoma.


  "Hong, stay back!"

  Hong's and Lindsay's voices sounded almost at the same time.

  But at this moment, the violent explosion completely drowned out the two people's voices.

  (End of chapter)

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