241.Chapter 240 Shrinking Step Distance

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  Chapter 240: Shrinking Steps

  The red mark on the map is getting closer and closer.

  A quarter of an hour later, the target appeared.

  The heavy snow in the sky prevented Lindsay from seeing their appearance clearly, but three vague shadows had already emerged under the investigation of [Puzzle Game].


  Lindsay's eyes were locked in this direction.

  Immediately afterwards, in the complex and crazy sound of wind and snow, some small movements were also classified as "clues" and peeled off in Lindsay's ears.



  "Humanity...is still..."

  Some discussion sounds came into my ears.

  Although these sounds are small and blurry, with skill, Lindsay can distinguish the corresponding syllables.

  The reason the dialogue is choppy is because of the language itself.

  The language used by these people is somewhat similar to bestiality, but only some of the syllables are the same, and the rest is completely indistinguishable.

  Based on Lindsay’s understanding of language use.

  It feels like a language has undergone great changes through evolution.

  There are only some remnants of the same syllables and nouns.

  Still proving the relationship between the two.

  "The evolution of animal language..."

  "Dan never taught me this when he was in class."

  Lindsay frowned, and [sapphire glasses] were placed on the bridge of his nose.

  The direction in which these human beings are moving does not completely coincide with Lindsay's. In just a few sentences, they will be staggered from Lindsay's location.

  Lindsay was not about to pass up such a rare opportunity.

  He stood up from the shallow snow pit, braved the blowing of the blizzard, and quietly approached the direction of these humans.

  The three of them were completely unaware of Lindsay's arrival.

  They dare to act in the wind and snow, and of course they have their own abilities that they rely on, but compared to Lindsay who has a pile of equipment and skills stacked up, the perception and reconnaissance abilities are still far behind.

  Crunch - Crunch -

  In the blizzard, only a slight sound of stepping on the snow could be heard on the ground, almost completely hidden in the background.

  Lindsay continued to eavesdrop on the conversation of the three people in front.

  But unfortunately, it is still too difficult to identify an unfamiliar language.

  The only thing he could be sure of was that these three guys were complaining, maybe the target was the snowstorm brought by the dragon beast.

  Do you want to go up and say hello?

  It's possible to communicate using animal desires, or human common language, right?

  After three or four minutes, Lindsay still gained nothing, and he began to think about whether to negotiate with these three people.

  But at this moment, Lindsay suddenly discovered something.

  [Puzzle Game] In addition to highlighting the figures of these three people, even the other party's footprints started to be marked on the snow.

  "Why is this?"

  Lindsay was a little troubled. The [Analyzing Game] skill would not put worthless clues in front of him.

  Although there is no follow-up skills to analyze these clues.

  But he can be sure that this is definitely some kind of very important reminder!

  With this thought in mind, Lindsay turned her gaze to the surroundings and carefully identified the obvious footprints.

  He found a clue - the stride length became smaller.

  These three people all maintained a relatively stable speed before using it.

  But at this minute, they slowed down their movements, so the distance between each step also subconsciously narrowed.

  Why do you need to slow down suddenly in such a heavy snowstorm?
  Lindsay focused her eyes forward and found that the three figures began to disperse from each other, as if they were forming a triangular arrow.

  The conversation that was still ringing just now also disappeared without realizing it.


  Lindsay immediately realized what this change meant?
  I don't know what method they used, but these three people discovered themselves and vaguely formed a surrounding formation!

  Red hostile mark, unknown language, strange appearance timing.

  ——You must strike first to gain the upper hand!

  This thought flashed through Lindsay's mind, and the arrow in his hand came out of the string.

  Armor-piercing arrows flew through the wind and snow.

  It didn't make a sound, smashing all the wind and snow in front of it, and the next second it came to the figure directly in front. "Ah!"

  The surprise attack worked.

  The arrow penetrated deep into the bone marrow and penetrated the torso.

  Many sephiroth effects took effect at the same time, immediately depriving him of his ability to move.

  The figure kneeled down in the snow, clutching his left shoulder and roaring in pain.

  His companions on his left and right.

  Then he rushed towards Lindsay without hesitation.

  Swish -

  in the heavy snow, two black and gray lights appeared at this moment.

  One of the two men held a knife and the other held a gun. The weapons were wrapped with ominous mist, and their movements were as fast as two snow leopards hunting.

  The battle is about to break out.

  The first thing Lindsay saw was the opponent's source of skill.

  This was the first thing I realized.

  Because he is very familiar with this kind of power. Hong, who practices with Lindsay every day, uses techniques that have this effect.

  The gray-black mist represents apoptosis and killing!

  Without any doubt, an earth wall more than one meter thick appeared beside him in an instant.

  At the same time, the man holding the gun threw the spear in his hand.

  The originally swift and precise blow hit the earth wall straightly, causing earth to splash everywhere.

  For a time, the fierce wind and snow could not even suppress the exploded soil.

  This spear throw was so powerful that even one meter thick soil was immediately blown into pieces.

  It's a pity.

  Lindsay knows this craft all too well.

  He blocked the opponent's attack with a preemptive advantage.

  Immediately afterwards, the magic pattern on the back of Lindsay's hand suddenly changed, and the pattern of snowflakes turned into the shape of mountain soil and rocks.

  Lindsay takes a step to the left.

  The whole person was buried under the snow and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


  "Where are the people?"

  Both of them are battle-hardened warriors.

  Lindsay's disappearance only made them hesitate for a moment, and the next second they rushed towards each other, their backs touching, forming a posture to cover each other.

  "Those arrows look a bit like a visitor in the forest?"

  "But he disappeared into the snow. Could he be from the elemental school?"

  In an instant, a violent explosion erupted from the feet of the two men, and high-temperature flames enveloped the surroundings.

  A handful of fire bombs were sent under the two men from the ground.

  The snow prevented them from noticing this small change.

  Under the impact of the explosion and the high temperature, their hair and clothes became charred black.

  But they move extremely fast.

  Relying on their amazing will to suppress the pain, they rushed out in the blink of an eye, shouting out their judgments:

  "Flame, this guy is indeed from the elemental school!"

  "He is underground, find him quickly and kill him!

  " The individual was on standby, trying to find Lindsay's figure from beneath the ground.

  Although there are some differences in judgment.

  But the facts happened to be consistent with their judgment.

  The 7 seconds of earth escape was indeed not long enough. Lindsay could no longer hide underground and had to come out.

  However, Lindsay did not go as the two expected.

  Keep attacking them.

  The location where Lindsay chose to appear on the surface was in front of the figure who had just been hit by an arrow and was unable to move.

  "Although this is a bit despicable..."

  Lindsay kicked him down, and the weapon was already on the opponent's head: "But two gentlemen, considering the safety of your companions, I advise you to put down your weapons immediately."   (End of this chapter


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