240. Chapter 239 [Hand of Construction]

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  Chapter 239 [Hand of Construction]

  "This kind of climate condition..."

  "Ordinary animals will never appear in the wild!"

  Lin Ma became interested immediately.

  The strong wind was followed by this blizzard, and it had been a long time since he had harvested fresh prey.

  As for Warcraft and the like, they all have to be eaten anyway.

  In the final analysis, there is not much difference between the meat of Warcraft and ordinary wild animals.

  He stood up in front of the campfire with great interest, and before Lindsay could set off, a new column appeared on his attribute panel.

  [Survival Construction Level: 3→4]

  [Survival Construction Ability: Hand of Construction]

  [Hand of Construction: Broaden the player's construction range. The excavation and placement of building materials are no longer limited to direct contact.

  【Note: How many blocks of earth are needed for the simplest house? ]


  Lindsay blinked and reacted quickly.

  [Gamer]'s ability advancement, in addition to mission rewards, is also closely related to real-life activities.

  This time in a snowstorm.

  He opened up a large underground living space, where he also built a camp, made materials, and cultivated farmland.

  This is the first time that Lindsay has completed the construction of this entire survival system.

  This experience perfectly fits the theme of the survival game, so it also brings about the upgrade of the module.

  "The requirement to continue to advance will not require me to build a castle in reality, right?"

  According to this pattern, Lindsay can also imagine the subsequent development of the survival module.

  Building cities and creating wonders should give it a chance to continue to break through.

  But... what about the follow-up?

  Thinking of this, Lindsay shook her head.

  He glanced at Hong, who was still sleeping peacefully next to her. The girl's eyes were closed tightly, and her quiet and beautiful face shone in the light of the bonfire.

  "Let her rest well..."

  Lindsay smiled slightly and did not disturb Hong.

  He came alone to the passage where the two came down, preparing to catch a few monsters running around outside and test his new skills along the way.

  According to the skill description.

  Lindsay took out the meteorite pickaxe and swung it at the sealed cave entrance above his head.

  There is obviously still more than one meter left.

  Neither Lindsay nor the meteorite pickaxe in his hand touched the wall above his head.

  But just like the pickaxe hit the clod of soil directly, the familiar sound sounded again, and the digging effect was obviously effective!

  "Can you really dig without touching it at all?"

  Lindsay opened her eyes wide, raised her hand and swung the meteorite pickaxe in the air again.

  Bang - bang!
  With the excavation ability of the meteorite pickaxe, ordinary clods of soil can be dug up in one or two strokes.

  The next second, a square piece of soil fell down and immediately hit Lindsay in the face.

  "Holy shit - Bah! Bah! Bah!"

  Lindsay quickly shook the dirt away.

  This time, he did not continue to climb up. Instead, he continued to swing the meteorite pickaxe toward the soil further up from his original position.

  Bang -

  Sure enough, another piece of soil was dug out.

  Lindsay continued to test upwards, and it didn't take long for her to discover the limits of this skill.

  Within a two-meter range, activating this technique of extending the digging ability consumes a negligible amount of energy, which cannot even catch up with Lindsay's automatic recovery speed of the energy.

  But it’s just like the [Map] skill.

  Once the test range exceeds two meters, the source material consumed by [Hand of Construction] increases rapidly, and the 5-meter range is already the current limit.

  Lindsay then switched to other weapons.

  But unfortunately, just like the skill description, [Building Hand] can only be used on tools and items. Weapons such as daggers and whips cannot enjoy the effect of this skill. "But a tool with effects like a meteorite pickaxe is actually powerful enough to hurt people."

  Lindsay thought about the development of this skill.

  At the same time, switch to the meteorite pickaxe and dig out the passage above your head completely.

  Crash -

  the snow accumulated at the entrance collapsed first, hitting Lindsay in the face.

  The violent wind and snow then followed the cave and poured water into the ground. The cave, which was rarely warm, immediately began to cool down!
  Lindsay jumped right out of the cave.

  He took out a clay block from his bag and waved it out of thin air without squatting or bending down.

  The cave below was immediately sealed with mud.

  [Hand of Construction] has the same effect on digging and placing materials, and is used within 2 meters. Once beyond the range, the consumption increases sharply.

  "If we can find a hard enough material."

  "Using this placement ability, a barrier can be raised anywhere within two meters at any time."

  Lindsay continued to think about the development direction of this skill.

  He opened the map, held the [Handheld Radar], and walked in the direction of the red dot on the map.

  The heavy snow in the sky greatly hindered the view.

  A few meters away, visibility becomes hazy.

  The speeding wind and snow also caused a lot of noise, making it difficult to distinguish the surrounding sounds.

  Lindsay decisively replaced the [Puzzle Game] module.

  In this way, at least within the blurred vision, some objects had highlighted outlines; the sounds were also divided into layers, allowing him to distinguish some movements that were different from the sound of wind and snow.


  Lindsay stepped forward one step at a time.

  He seemed to be lucky. Before he reached the target location, the red dots had already appeared on the map.

  These monsters came from east to west, exactly opposite Lindsay's position.

  Soon, [Handheld Radar] also captured their location.

  Lindsay reacted quickly. He conveniently held the [Handheld Radar] between his neck, and the [Spider Silk Night Shadow] was already attached with a bow and arrow.

  But the arrow failed to shoot.

  Because it is in the detailed information fed back by [Handheld Radar].

  The marks on these maps are not the shapes that Warcraft should have, but humans with very obvious limbs and bodies!

  Lindsay was a little unsure.

  He actually met a human being in the world of Black Mountain, but the other person on the map was still red, symbolizing hostility.

  When you notice it first, but the other party knows nothing about it.

  Is it really okay to launch an attack rashly?


  Lindsay lowered her body unconsciously, and her whole body was almost buried under the vast snow.

  At the same time, the spider silk night shadow in his hand was replaced by the iron horn bow, and the enchantment of the Silent Edge was rubbed on at the same time.

  Lindsay had three guesses in mind.

  These people are also small town residents who have escaped from the hidden frontier and hope to escape from the Black Mountains. It was just because of the sudden snowstorm that they were trapped here. Due to the lack of supplies, they were scurrying around like headless flies.

  Or maybe they came to this world more than ten years ago when the hidden border teleportation array was still intact, and then stayed there until today.

  Lindsay had seen such people in her records in frontier towns.

  This is also possible for some awakened people who have special requirements. Even Huntress Dan was very likely to become this kind of existence with her husband.

  The last and worst guess.

  These people are subordinate to the dragon beast.

  The reason why it is marked red on the map is because of this unavoidable hostility!

  Under the wind and snow, Lindsay lurked quietly in the snow.

  He waited quietly for the movements of these humans, and the arrows that decided the fate of both sides were already ready to go in the focused gaze.

  (End of chapter)

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