242. Chapter 241 Confrontation in the Snow

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  Chapter 241 Confrontation in the Snow

  Lindsay’s threat was rewarded with three throwing spears.

  The remaining two people didn't care about the life or death of their companions at all. The knife wielder charged again, while the gun wielder turned into an afterimage and attacked.

  Although the wind and snow obscured each other's figures.

  But the emotional fluctuations shown in [Sapphire Glasses] told Lindsay a fact.

  These two people.

  There wasn’t even a severe mental fluctuation!

  "You don't care about your companions at all?"

  The threat was ineffective, so Lindsay kicked him up and knocked the still wailing enemy completely unconscious.

  The ice badger mace was replaced in his hand at the same time, and he swiped it hard in front of him.

  boom! boom! Snap—

  three gray spear projections were immediately swept away by the mace.

  Then he looked at the knife-wielding man rushing toward him.

  Lindsay did not retreat but advanced, decisively choosing to confront the enemy head-on.

  The ice-ringed mace and long knife smashed together in the air.

  The violent impact triggered strong air currents, and the surrounding wind and snow could no longer obscure the sight of both parties.


  Lindsay and her enemy exclaimed at the same time.

  "Who are you?"

  "With such a strong power, you are definitely not an awakener of the Elemental School!"

  Lindsay was confused because he finally saw the other person's appearance clearly. The enemy currently fighting does have a human body, but one-third of the bones and flesh are missing from the head, one of the most important organs of human beings.

  A pustule exuding a rotten smell replaced the opponent's brain and was directly exposed in the air.

  Analyze the growth trends of these decaying things.

  The one third on the surface is probably not the whole picture. The other parts inside the head, even deep into the torso, are most likely not what normal humans should look like!
  Next to Lindsay, there is Red who uses the same skills as the enemy.

  Even in this unknown profession, there are individual differences due to different personal training and study directions.

  But it won’t turn people into living monsters!

  In contrast, the enemies who fought against Lindsay were also extremely surprised.

  Manipulating earth and rocks, triggering flames and explosions, and powerful and silent archery skills. With his rich combat experience, this performance can basically be judged as an awakened person of the elemental genre who is proficient in archery.

  But this kind of awakened person, trained in the art of manipulating elements, is almost everything to them.

  Even if some combat skills are taken into account, the element controller who has just become an upgraded person cannot be that strong.

  The Lindsay in front of her doesn't even have an elemental body, which goes against common sense!

  How could there be any logic in the world that an awakened person from the elemental school could compete with a warrior like him in terms of strength?

  Lindsay was heard speaking the lingua franca at this moment.

  He also abandoned the obscure and weird tone before and asked in common human language:
  "Young man, what school of thought are you from?"

  "There may be some misunderstandings between us. We all came to Montenegro to explore..."

  Qiang !
  It wasn't Lindsay's answer that greeted him.

  But more unimaginable fighting skills.

  The mace, which was originally in conflict with the long knife, disappeared inexplicably from the young man's hand.

  Almost at the same time.

  The daggers exuding cold air and flames were held in Lindsay's hand.

  Taking advantage of the extremely close distance between the two people.

  Lindsay retreated on one foot, twisted her body, and avoided the opponent's long knife.

  When the enemy couldn't regain its inertia for a while, the explosive power of the source of life bloomed on both arms.


  Lindsay’s hands were like two crossed lightning bolts.

  The ice badger dagger and the shining flame prison dagger came to the enemy in an instant and cut hard between the necks.


  The next moment, a mutilated head flew up in the wind and snow.

  "What the hell is this again?"

  The guy who was analyzing intelligence a second ago stopped thinking.

  In the end, he didn't figure out what technique Lindsay used. With endless darkness, his body and head were separated on the snow.



  Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

  Another enemy with a spear did not expect the battle to be resolved so quickly.

  In just one encounter, a companion whose strength was at the fifth stage was brutally beheaded! "Damn it, what the hell is this!"

  He cursed, condensing the essence in his hand.

  The spear condensed into a shadow, and it was about to continue throwing in the direction of Lindsay in the next second.

  He was one step late.

  Just such a moment of hesitation.

  Lindsay, who was a few meters away, put one hand on the snow and galloped backwards. At the same time, a wall of earth blocked each other's view.

  boom! boom!
  The thrown spear quickly shattered the earthen wall into pieces.

  But at this moment, the man with the gun turned his sight forward, and all he saw was the wind and snow that was once again raging between heaven and earth.

  Lindsay's voice was hidden in the heavy snow, and he couldn't distinguish it for a while.

  "How could there be such a monster?"

  Just like his friend who had just died, the man with the gun was extremely troubled.

  He couldn't tell where Lindsay was from.

  Craftsmen with a high enough rank can achieve this kind of multifarious power, and they can produce all kinds of magical items.

  But the same problem is here.

  If Lindsay was really a craftsman of this level, there would be no need to go to such great lengths to deal with them!
  Whoosh -

  the man holding the gun was extremely confused, but at this moment, there was another sound of tearing the air in the wind and snow.

  He took a closer look.

  Two dark arrows were shooting towards him.


  The gunman was not angry but happy. He had just lost Lindsay's position, but these two arrows revealed the opponent's location!

  He rushed directly towards the direction of the arrow.

  Holding the spear in both hands and swiping it, two black-feathered arrows would be knocked down directly from the air.

  Something extremely weird happened again.

  The arrow that should have been opened by him casually contained a power that was hard to match.

  It was as if what he casually pushed aside were not two slender arrows.

  But two extremely thick maces!

  Caught off guard, his fragile wrist actively collided with the two maces, and the consequences can be imagined.

  His body twisted sideways irresistibly, and he almost fell down immediately.

  ——What the hell is this?
  The same doubts as those of his dead companion ran through the mind of the man with the gun.

  His excellent combat awareness made him strive to focus his sights in the direction of the enemy.

  So he also saw the scene that he should be aware of.

  As the distance between the two grew closer, he saw Lindsay's figure standing in the wind and snow.

  He must dodge the next arrows, he can't just take them like this...


  The man with the gun had already thought of how to dodge them.

  But the picture that caught his eye made his brain shut down.

  Through the wind and snow, he saw that what Lindsay was holding didn't seem to be a bow and arrow, but instead seemed to be a slender tube.

  What is this? A lowland man's blow dart?

  Gunshots rang out in the snow.

  The flying speed of bullets is far beyond that of bows and arrows.

  The enemy who was preparing to dodge the arrows never expected that the attack would come so quickly.

  He didn't have time to adjust his posture and was accurately hit by the shot in the chest.

  Bullets are not just bullets either.

  It also carries the power of a mace that is powerful and heavy!

  The man with the gun flew backwards instantly, and a terrible bloody hole exploded in his chest.


  He cried out in pain.

  But before he could get up, Lindsay's figure appeared again in the wind and snow, and stepped on him to the ground.

  "Young man, it's all a misunderstanding!"

  "I..." The


  of a sword was Lindsay's answer.

  Then Lindsay shook off the black blood stuck to the weapon, and his eyes under the sapphire glasses did not waver at all:
  "As long as your emotions fluctuate a little, I am willing to talk to you a few more words!"

  (End of Chapter)

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