239.Chapter 238 Stone Forest in the Snow

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  Chapter 238:
  The time in the snowy stone forest is daytime.

  But the sky was dark, and the cold wind blew across the earth. Some stone forests even collapsed and turned into rubble on the ground.

  On the ground, Lindsay and Hong hurried forward with difficulty.

  Of course, the strong wind could not stop the two awakened ones with strong physiques, but the cold air hit their eyes and penetrated their nostrils. This feeling makes people neither want to open their eyes nor want to breathe.

  The journey itself became a torture.

  This kind of extreme weather might be explained by natural principles in other worlds.

  But this is the world of Montenegro.

  The behavior of the dragon beast to extract the source of the world caused the temperature of this world to change quite obviously. Even if the wind does blow, it should be a heat wave at this altitude, not the biting cold wind now.

  And this strong wind did not happen overnight.

  The dragon beast used some kind of skill to influence the airflow in the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest. It was just a breeze in the first two days, but this change never diminished, but became stronger day by day, and finally turned into the strong wind today.

  Against the cold wind that affected her vision, Hong shouted loudly:
  "Lindsay, do you think that beast is scared?" "

  It knows that I wholeheartedly go to Montenegro to kill it, but it doesn't dare to kill me, so it is trying its best to stop me. Where are we!"

  Lindsey also shouted in pain and replied:

  "I really can't think of the second possibility!"

  "This guy's reaction confirmed our speculation. He is afraid!" "

  But I I can tell you in advance!" Hong continued to shout, "I will not sacrifice myself to kill the enemy! Before arriving at Montenegro, we have to think of a solution."

  Snap -

  in the cold wind, Hong suddenly His feet stepped on a boulder.

  She stabilized her body and continued to ask Lindsay:

  "By the way, don't you have a lot of messy things?"

  "Have you prepared the secret trick that can kill that beast?"

  Lindsay answered Hong first. The first request:
  "Don't worry, I can't sacrifice my comrades just to kill the enemy!"

  Hong waited for a few seconds, and then spoke with a hint of smile:
  "I understand what you mean! "

  Sometimes, not answering can be considered an answer!"

  The strong wind that blocked the progress was obviously summoned by the dragon beast.

  Lindsay didn't dare to be careless about this matter, so she started to lie to the cold wave blowing on her face:
  "Then I'll tell you honestly, I haven't thought of a way yet."

  "Hahaha. So do you. Have you run out of ideas?" Hong became happy when she heard that Lindsay had no idea, "That's okay, I'll go and fight for it when the time comes, and you can just watch!" "


  A week later, the strong wind was still raging in Qianshan. stone forest.

  The dragon beast seemed to realize that a simple strong wind could not stop the progress of the two people, and the temperature in the wind began to drop accordingly.

  A few days later, a blizzard came.

  The sky was completely covered by dark clouds, and the sky and the earth were completely white. The snowflakes blown up by the wind were like waves blowing across the beach.

  Nothing can be seen now with the naked eye alone.

  However, Lindsay has the [Handheld Radar], [Compass] and [Map] skills.

  With the power of these gamers, the blizzard has almost no impact on the route.

  For Lindsay and Hong, it was a matter of survival.

  Such terrible weather made it almost impossible for them to obtain food through hunting. The strong winds that had previously raged here had destroyed all the tall trees, making it more difficult to obtain fuel.

  There is almost no difference between night and day.

  So after crossing a ravine, Lindsay shouted to Hong:
  "Hong, let's stay here a little longer today."

  "First dig a tunnel. It doesn't need to be too deep, just two or three meters below the surface!"

  Bai Mangming under the heavy snow.

  The fire of the meteorite pickaxe and the cold light of the iron pickaxe flickered.

  The two of them quickly entered the ground. Lindsay put a torch at his feet and put a few rocks in his hand directly on top of his head.

  Bang bang bang——The tunnel is sealed.

  Through this not-so-thick layer, the sound of wind and snow outside became small and strange, as if there were demons roaring outside.

  Holding the pickaxe, Hong asked,

  "What other ideas have you got today?"

  "Prepare resources. If you can't get out in this weather, you won't be able to hold on." Lin Dao came up with his goal and then began to give instructions, "Now expand this tunnel. Some, dig to the east, I'll dig to the west, leave a few pillars in the middle to support it, don't let it collapse."

  The two awakened people began to work underground.

  Under the sound of waving iron pickaxes, the simple tunnel was dug into a cave, and the area gradually expanded.

  Half an hour later.

  This underground space is large, with pillars supporting it every few meters, and torches for lighting.

  There may still be some shortcomings in the environment, but the atmosphere already has a rare touch of warmth.

  Lindsay lit up a simple bonfire, took out her sleeping bag, and shouted to Hong,
  "Okay, the place is big enough!"

  "You can go and rest first, and I will handle the rest of the work myself." "

  ... "

  Hong threw the pickaxe away and walked directly to the bonfire:

  "This is what you said. Don't wake me up if you can't solve it alone later."


  the girl hit Yawn, get directly into the sleeping bag, and start to rest.

  After sending Hong away, Lindsay took a deep breath and said,
  "Let's start the real work!"

  The next work will all rely on the skills of the [Gamer], and there is really no way to ask Hong to help.

  The first thing to replenish is water resources.

  This job was the simplest. Lindsay dug an infinite pool and replenished the water easily.

  Then there's fuel.

  Lindsay took out two seeds. There was no need to bury them in the soil or water them.

  He just put the seeds on the ground and touched his chest with his right hand, and the power of [Forest Brooch] began to work.

  Brush, brush, brush -

  the ability to induce plant growth takes effect, and the two seeds grow and germinate quickly, quickly forming a dense bush.

  Rather than resource seeds, and then cultivate them slowly.

  Directly using [Forest Brooch] for catalysis consumes more source material, but the efficiency is extremely fast!
  After Lindsay cut it down, the fuel was replenished.

  "In the end, it's food."

  There is no hope of hunting in the icy and snowy environment.

  Although meat biscuits are unpalatable, they are the dry food Lindsay used at the last moment.

  So it's like cultivating plants in a glass greenhouse on the hidden edge. Lindsay reclaimed farmland in this underground space and planted resource-resourced crops.


  "Turning seeds into resources still consumes too much essence."

  After working for a long time, Lindsay was not tired physically, but she was a little tired mentally, and most of the essence was squandered.

  The result is that the seeds of vegetables and staple foods have doubled.

  He wiped his sweat and returned to the campfire.

  The previous daily habit of setting up camp led Lindsay to open the map.


  Lindsay's eyes suddenly froze.

  Because on the expanded map, under the raging wind and snow, several red dots are walking on the surface in the distance!
  (End of chapter)

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