238. Chapter 237 Concerns about Not Killing

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  Chapter 237: Concern about Not Killing

  The dragon beast’s attention has already been cast on this land.

  Although they still had doubts, Lindsay and Hong did not hesitate and embarked on the journey away from here.

  In front of the two of them, the entire Crystal Valley became a thing of the past.

  In the underground world a few hours ago, whether it was the leader of the six-stage lizard dragon or other underground races active here, they all disappeared under the brute force.

  There was no way the two of them would put themselves in such a dangerous situation.

  They left here at lightning speed, and they couldn't help but feel worried on the way.

  Once the dragon beast attacks them...

  However, just as they leave the underground, the dragon beast's all-destroying attack arrives.

  They were not attacked on the subsequent journey.

  After more than a month of progress in Qianshan Stone Forest, Lindsay and Hong's journey returned to a stable routine again.

  There is no attack from dragon beasts to threaten them.


  "It's winter, maybe spring..."

  In another towering stone forest, Lindsay set up camp alone, while Hong went out hunting.

  In the Crystal Valley, he used up the stones he had accumulated in desperation.

  This results in a blurred record of time.

  The dragon beast's ability also causes the temperature in the Black Mountain world to be abnormal, which is basically not affected by seasonal changes.

  So it becomes quite difficult to judge the exact time.

  Now that Lindsay was very good at setting up a camp, he picked up a stone as usual, recycled it and stored it. Then he took out various materials from his bag and built a simple outdoor hut.

  "Huh -"

  Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief.

  With his physical strength, doing this kind of work is not considered strenuous at all. This kind of stretching is more like a habit engraved in the body's memory.

  Turning around and taking the cushion, Lindsay lit the fire and took out her radar.

  [Strange Object/Material: Handheld Radar]

  [After equipped, the perception ability is improved; every ten seconds, the handheld radar will automatically check the surrounding terrain; it can also be used as material to make other props. ]

  [Excellent reconnaissance equipment, moderate value.

  After performing the second level of synthesis.

  The new radar becomes an automatic type and does not even require hearing.

  Compared with large-scale detection on maps, radar detection is better at being small and precise. After Lindsay has set up camps, he will conduct separate detections.


  "There are only scattered monsters nearby, and there are no dangers on the terrain." "

  That's it for today."

  Lindsay put away the [Handheld Radar] and subconsciously looked at the workbench on the attribute bar.

  [Handheld Radar] also has subsequent synthesis formulas.

  And it's the kind that Lindsay cares about very much.

  [1 handheld radar + 1 weather forecaster + 1 permanent magnetic compass = sky compass]

  "The synthetic route of the sky compass..."

  Lindsay muttered.

  The subsequent synthesis of the forest brooch requires [Sky Compass] and [Tide Conch], and now the former is finally somewhat visible.

  It is unknown where the [Weather Forecaster] was obtained, but the [Permanent Magnetic Compass] has its clues.

  Lindsay had already synthesized the compass in Hidden Frontier.

  The corresponding formula is as follows.

  [1 Compass + 1 Eternal Magnet = Permanent Magnetic Compass]

  In Lindsay’s impression, permanent magnets in the usual sense are actually just a relatively one-sided statement.

  Permanent magnets are only capable of retaining their magnetism for long periods of time under appropriate conditions.

  But once the time is too long, or under some special conditions, they will also lose their magnetism.

  It is not permanently demagnetized in the true sense.

  "In this world, will the eternal magnet have real permanent magnetism?"

  Lindsay's experience told him that this should be a mineral affected by the source of matter.

  If he could reach a large human city, he might be able to obtain this material by purchasing it directly without having to prospect for mines.

  At this time, some subtle sounds sounded from outside the camp.

  Lindsay's current perception can clearly capture these weak information.


  a continuous sound of footsteps.

  Whistle - the sound of feathers being blown by the wind.


  gently, unhurried breathing.

  With the help of the ability of [Puzzle Solving Game], important clues are separated from the cluttered background sounds.

  He understood that Hong was back.

  She could even guess what kind of prey the girl who went out hunting had caught today:
  "Hong, are we eating roasted bird meat again today?"

  Hong skillfully pushed open the camp door:

  "Your ears are getting more and more pointy."

  She sat down on the ground, and the steel spear with the pheasant hanging on it was thrown over, and the prey end stopped exactly in front of Lindsay.

  When the wood poison javelin kills prey, it will be infected with the poison.

  So Lindsay made a special iron spear for Hong to use for hunting.

  Lindsay handled the body skillfully and prepared dinner for the two of them today, while Hong began to talk about her current thoughts:
  "It seems that the dragon beast doesn't take us seriously at all?"

  "We ran away for more than a month. I didn't see any other reaction from that guy."

  Lindsay replied seriously:

  "The power of the dragon beast comes from that underground cave."

  "But, Hong, you once fought with the righteous ones in that cave and were even killed by them. Die."

  Of course Hong understood what Lindsay meant.

  She had no intention of discussing it tactfully, but asked directly:
  "You mean, the dragon beast is coveting some kind of power in me?"

  "This is impossible!"

  "That guy has been imprisoning me far away from Montenegro. If the swamp really covets my existence, it has no reason to throw me so far away!"

  Lindsay nodded slightly.

  He had a guess in his mind.

  But seeing Hong's eyes staring at the bonfire and thinking of the two people's journey and adventures for more than half a year, he really couldn't say anything.

  But the fact is.

  In addition to her impulsive personality, Hong is also very smart. She immediately came to a new conclusion.

  The girl suddenly opened her eyes wide.

  She put her hands on the ground and lay in front of Lindsay, their faces almost touching each other:
  "Wait! Lindsay, I think of a possibility!"

  "Maybe the power the dragon beast gained has something to do with me, and the reason why it is like this Treating me, maybe because my death will cause it to lose power?" "


  What Hong said was also the result of Lindsay's previous guess.

  I still guessed it.

  Lindsay sighed inwardly.

  Then he pushed Hong back to the ground and sat down. Since the other party can also think of this, he has no worries:

  "If this inference is true, the dragon beast definitely doesn't want you to have problems, so it sealed you secretly." What

  Lindsay was thinking about at this time was the swamp. experience in.

  The underground volcano triggered by the dragon beast is not hot enough to burn the Jueyuan Ice Jade, and will only bury Hong underground.

  This is completely consistent with speculation.

  Sitting in front of the campfire, Hong continued to speculate:

  "If that's all, it would be enough to seal me. There is no need to go to such a distant place."

  Lindsay continued to nod:

  "I think it's because Near the Black Mountain, there is something that can really threaten it. It doesn’t want your biggest weakness to be exposed, so it transports you to the other side of the world.” The

  fairy girl in the Forest of Stars once complained to someone before she died. thing.

  ——The dragon beast was threatened by humans and had to make many changes that went against its will, such as its hasty choice to break through the eighth stage.

  Hong's attention was completely transferred to another aspect.

  Her tone was even a little happy:
  "But in this case, can't we just go straight to Montenegro?"

  "Anyway, the dragon beast will definitely not dare to let me die!"

  Lindsay retorted without hesitation:
  "As long as there is Intelligent creatures will find ways to protect or remove their own weaknesses."

  "You can't guarantee that it has not found a way to solve your hidden danger." "

  Running to Montenegro so recklessly may be a good road, but it may also be You just threw yourself into a trap." At

  this time, the barbecue on the campfire had just finished, and Lindsay handed over the dinner.

  Hong took it and took a big bite:
  "But if you don't try the challenge, but just wait there to die, then you have given up the right to fight hard!"

  "Lindsay, you don't think so. Are you going to run away?"

  "You'd better go ahead and eat your food!" Lindsay rolled his eyes unceremoniously. He glanced at the [Brilliant Bomb] in his bag and said with determination, "Do you think I Why did you come here?"

  (End of chapter)

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