237.Chapter 236 Erase Traces

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  Chapter 236 The traces of erasure
  are obvious.

  If given a choice, no one or monster would be willing to sacrifice freedom.

  So when the Eyeless People who originally occupied this territory collapsed, some small groups of monsters in the surrounding areas naturally launched attacks, hoping to earn a place for survival on this land.

  "In order to get rid of the influence of the dragon beast..."

  Buzz -

  at this moment, a sound wave hit the two of them.

  Lindsay and Hong dodged to the left and right, and the sound wave hit the wall behind them, peeling off a piece of rock.

  These bat monsters living underground cannot allow anyone to compete with them for territory, and they have already been included in the crusade!
  "This is your first move!"

  The wood poison javelin in Hong's hand was instantly clenched, and several afterimages immediately separated and shot towards the bats in the cave.

  Swish, swish -

  the weapon differentiated by the skill flew away, instantly nailing several bats that could not react to the wall of the cave.

  Lindsay also shook her head slightly.

  Faced with a monster that actively attacks, there is really no reason to avoid fighting.

  He took out the spider silk night shadow, and took the arrows in his right hand as fast as lightning, and the armor-piercing arrows rained down like a heavy rain.

  With Lindsay's current strength.

  It is very easy to kill ordinary monsters.

  Every arrow shot out, even if it fails to hit the enemy's fatal part, can still penetrate the wings of these bats, causing them to lose their ability to fly and fall to the ground.

  Immediately afterwards, the sightless people around him will swarm.

  After losing its flying advantage, the Bat Monster, which was already among the best in terms of strength, had no reason to live.


  "Run, we can't all die here!"

  With the addition of Lindsay and Hong, the battle immediately fell into a one-sided situation.

  The number of bat monsters has dropped sharply.

  The leading bat realized that nothing could be done and immediately called his companions to evacuate.

  Taking advantage of their flight, these bats immediately entered a tunnel and disappeared into the cave in the blink of an eye.

  "Still want to run?"

  Hong was already in the mood to fight and didn't want to let these enemies go.

  In Lindsay's field of vision, the flow speed of the gray-black source material around the girl increased, and its color became more gloomy and powerful.

  Lindsay grabbed Hong, who was about to rush over:

  "Don't go, don't chase after the bad guys." "

  And we are running away now, so we can't waste time on this kind of thing."


  Hong curled his lips and turned sideways. view.

  She was a little disappointed not to be able to continue fighting.

  But Hong also understood that there was nothing wrong with Lindsay's statement, so she honestly put away her weapon.

  But in the cave in front of Lindsay and Hong, the eyeless man who had just finished the battle did not relax.

  They looked at the two humans who suddenly joined the fight.

  Various discussions arose among the group:

  "They are the elder's guests..."

  "Kuzangka and the others went to the forbidden area, and they should have bumped into these two humans."

  "They shouldn't be enemies, right?"

  " Everyone, stay calm." Among them, the more assertive Eyeless Man shouted to his companions to calm down, and then walked towards Lindsay, "I will negotiate with them." "

  Humans, on behalf of everyone, I thank you for your support..."

  Seeing Eyeless people choose to release kindness.

  Lindsay also nodded slightly and walked towards the other party, flipping through his hunting notes on the way.

  There is an additional entry for [Cave Bat].

  The number of kills just meets the first level achievement reward, so you can choose to receive it.

  [Wonderful Item/Material: Bat Sonar]

  [After equipped, the wearer can detect the surrounding environment with hearing; it can also be used as a material to make other props.

  【Special reconnaissance equipment, moderate value. ]

  Still check its synthesis formula.

  [1 bat sonar + 3 metal ingots + 2 precision parts = handheld radar] Lindsay has a lot of metal ingots, and precision parts can also be made with iron or steel ingots.

  In other words, he can synthesize this handheld radar immediately.

  But now is not the time for research and preparation, so Lindsay first put away the items and talked to the eyeless man who came to him:

  "You can rest assured that we are planning to leave the underground."

  "Whether it's the lizard or the eyeless man, or just now We have no intention of further investigating the group of bats that escaped."

  The eyeless man who came over was obviously relieved:
  "Thank you for your broad mind, but you came here, did you see Kuzangka and the others just now?"

  Lindsay immediately realized who the other party was asking:

  "You are talking about the eyeless people who just walked towards Crystal Valley."

  The eyeless people nodded:
  "He is the warrior who escorted us to escape here."

  "Their behavior They are indeed brave." Lindsay considered the words, "Their final choice also reflects this bravery." The

  two parties, each with their own goals, exchanged a few simple greetings and then went their separate ways.

  Facing this race in a special situation.

  Before leaving, Lindsay asked one more question:
  "What are you going to do next?"

  The Eyeless Man's answer was full of helplessness:

  "We plan to move to the north of Qianshan Stone Forest, where there are few resources, but at least we will not be attacked by lizards. attack."

  Lindsay waved goodbye:

  "I wish you a safe journey."

  The Eyeless Man politely replied:

  "Humans, I also wish you escape from this dangerous world."


  After bidding farewell to the Eyeless Man, Lindsay and the others keep going.

  This time, the road ahead is clear. We bypass two tunnels and uncover a patch of creeping plants with small red fruits in front of us.

  Brush -

  the long-lost sunshine comes into view.

  The time underground has passed for a long time, and it happens to be daytime outside.

  They finally returned to the ground, which was not illuminated by torches.

  However, returning from the darkness to the bright surface, Lindsay felt a little uncomfortable for a while, and her eyes immediately became moist.

  "This is the first time I feel it's so bright outside..."

  boom--! ! !
  Suddenly, an extremely exaggerated loud noise resounded across the entire sky.

  Then the ground shook violently.

  Lindsay and Hong, who had just arrived on the surface, were even a little unsteady on their feet.

  They supported each other, realized something at the same time, and quickly looked behind them.

  Not long ago, the land was a sunken land. Now it was falling downwards, and all the rocks and soil were crushed into slag.

  If you want to describe the changes before your eyes.

  Then the trough that had just sunk in like an iron pot was completely smashed into the shape of a bucket. All the caves and tunnels under the ground are all squeezed into one, leaving no room for survival.


  The two of them were speechless for a moment.

  From Lindsay's new perspective of ability, he saw that the sky directly above him was dyed red and blue by a special source of matter.

  Immediately, with extremely majestic power, the condensed air hit the ground again.


  boom! boom! boom!
  Desperate pounding, one after another.

  A few minutes later, the area that was outside the control of the dragon beast a second ago completely turned into a piece of solid soil.

  The creatures inside naturally had no chance of surviving.


  There was silence between heaven and earth.

  Standing on this piece of land that didn't know whether to call it a ruin or something else, Lin Sai and Hong looked at each other and unanimously made a judgment:
  "It's the power of the dragon beast!"

  Then a question also emerged.

  Why did this attack that wiped out everything happen just when the two of them left the underground?

  Not while they are also underground.

  Literally burying everything?
  (End of chapter)

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