236.Chapter 235 Perception of Sesame

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  Chapter 235: Source Perception

  In the Crystal Valley, the leader of the lizard dragon raised his head and roared.

  Under its feet stood the corpse of a piranha that had been burned to dryness, and the resuscitators around it were also reduced to ashes under the heat.

  After the battle, however, it found nothing of value.

  Except for the fighting piranhas and resuscitators, there were no expected treasures at all inside the crystal wall, leaving only a piece of cold land lying quietly in front of you.

  For a moment, the airflow it controlled even went out of control.

  Several ordinary lizard dragons that it brought all the way to the Crystal Valley were burned alive by the extremely angry heat!

  "Damn it!"

  "Where is...where is my treasure?"


  On the other side, Lindsay and Hong were still evacuating.

  Although the lizard leader was furious, he did not expect that these two little humans still survived.

  The structure of the underworld is winding and winding.

  After passing through this straight tunnel, the next cave is immediately connected to three intersecting tunnels.

  At this moment, Lindsay's essence has finally returned to a level that can cope with the battle.

  He activated the module he had just unlocked.

  [Puzzle Game - Clues Collection]


  After activating the skill, the picture in front of Lindsay did not change at all.

  But when he focused his attention on these three tunnels, some vague traces became particularly obvious, looking like the naked-eye 3D effect on the laser card!

  "The passage on the left has airflow passing through it."

  "The passage in the middle has obvious footprints on the ground."

  "The passage on the right has an obvious slope that goes deeper into the ground. The gravel above is completely different from the stones on the tunnel wall."

  One clue after another Just like this, it appeared in front of Lindsay's eyes.

  The puzzle game currently only has one level, and the unlocked skills are also at the most basic level.

  But looking at the scene before him, he could even guess what the next skill of the puzzle game would be.

  "After collecting, it's natural to analyze the clues."

  "But even without skills to assist in analysis, it is definitely enough to specialize these clues in front of you."

  There is no need to expand the map.

  Lindsay will be able to determine the direction to take next.

  "Hong, let's go to the left..."

  Lindsay habitually turned to look at Hong, preparing to leave with her companions.

  But this time's gaze made him aware of a scene he had never seen before. On Hong's body, there was a faint gray-black air flow around him, and the aura of murder and ominousness came towards him.

  "Is this... the source of matter?"

  Lin Ma immediately reacted.

  What he sees now is not the emotional fluctuations that he could see through the sapphire glasses just now, but the source of essence in Hong's body!

  This is supposed to be a perceptual ability that can only be acquired after truly becoming an upgraded person.

  But on him.

  This unique perception ability is acquired in advance in the form of [Puzzle Game] skills!
  Lindsay subconsciously turned her head and looked towards the tunnel from which they came.

  The dark passage was quiet, without any sign of the source material.

  Although the leader of the six-stage lizard dragon is powerful, it is not so outrageous that it can be observed here.

  Lindsay's unusual behavior immediately attracted Hong's attention:
  "Lindsay, what's wrong with you?"

  Lindsay pointed at the girl's body:

  "I just gained a new ability, and now I can directly see the source of matter with the naked eye. There are signs of activity."

  Hong's tone was a little surprised:

  "You see signs of sesame activity...ah? Didn't you see it before?" Hong's thoughts at this moment were clearly written on his face.

  She always believed that Lindsay, who once completely suppressed her and was now evenly matched with her, definitely had such ability!

  Lindsay replied:
  "Generally speaking, this is an ability that can only be awakened after reaching the fifth stage of promotion."

  Hong retorted incomprehensively:
  "That's not what you said about your strength."

  Lindsay had no choice but to Patiently explained:

  "That's because my situation is special. Anyway, I can see it now."

  With that said, the two of them also came to the entrance of the three tunnels.

  They should have stepped onto the left tunnel leading to the surface without hesitation.

  But when the distance is close enough.

  The originally quiet underground tunnel was filled with faint sounds of fighting, floating like poplar catkins in the wind.

  Hong immediately looked at Lindsay:
  "Lindsay, or those guys?"

  "The direction the lizard came from is not this way." Lindsay shook her head, and then squatted on the ground, stroking the footprints she just saw. "Look at these footprints. They should be left by the eyeless people we just met." The

  size and shape of the footprints perfectly match the body shape of the eyeless people.

  Lindsay immediately made a judgment:

  "It seems that apart from the lizard attack, they also encountered other troubles ahead."

  Hong nodded and agreed with Lindsay's judgment, and the wood poison javelin was already in his hand:

  "Should we take a detour or go straight? "

  Lindsay replied without hesitation:
  "Keep moving forward."

  "This is the closest passage back to the ground. There is no reason to stop here." "

  But it is still not far enough from Crystal Valley, and some overly large things may still attract lizards. Dragon's attention, so we try to avoid fighting as much as possible."

  Hong listened to the sound of fighting in the wind and asked:
  "What if the fighting ahead is very fierce?"

  "What if the road ahead is completely blocked by fighting." So said , Lindsay took out the meteorite pickaxe again, "Then let's dig a tunnel up there!"

  Lindsay and Hong continued to move forward.

  As residents of the underground world, lizard dragons and eyeless people are excluded from control by dragon beasts.

  So for these underground dwellers.

  The ground has become an unwelcome area.

  After all, as creatures that obey their instincts to control the essence, they are far more susceptible to the erosion of dragon beast rules than humans. This is something that they will definitely avoid as much as possible.

  And there are six-stage existences like the Lizard Dragon Leader.

  Even if the former dragon beasts didn't kill them, once these 'fish that slipped through the net' frequently stepped into areas they shouldn't have entered, the result might not be as lucky as in the past.


  On the other side, Lindsay and Hong continued to move forward.

  After passing through two more caves and a tunnel, the source of the fighting sounds in the wind appeared in front of them.

  This is indeed a battlefield.

  Some of the eyeless people who chose to flee came all the way here, and ended up running into a group of bat-like monsters.

  Fighting broke out immediately.

  However, compared to the battle between the Eyeless Man and the Lizard Dragon, the scale of the fight here is much smaller.

  And there is no strong person with decisive strength to participate in the battle.

  The battle between the Eyeless Man and these bats fell into a stalemate, purely a competition of numbers and individual strength.

  It's also at this location.

  In addition to the fighting that came along the wind, Lindsay also clearly heard the roars of these bat monsters:
  "Kill them!"

  "The lizard dragon cannot occupy such a large territory. As long as we fight for living space on the edge, we can also get a piece of it." Shelter!"

  "If we can survive here, we can get rid of control!"

  (End of this chapter)

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