235. Chapter 234 Resuscitator Killer

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  Chapter 234 Resuscitator Killer

  "The real name of this kind of thing is not a living corpse, but a resuscitator?"

  "And... more than 70 people have been killed?!"

  Lindsay was a little surprised at first, but after thinking about it carefully, This amount is quite reasonable.

  Piranha is not a human with only two arms and two legs.

  It is fully committed to the killing, and the speed at which it devours and evolves depends entirely on how much material is around it.

  And think about the number of those resurrected...

  Thinking about it this way, this number is even less.

  If the leader of the lizard dragon, a six-stage powerhouse, had not participated in the battle, Piranha's results would have been even more brilliant!
  [73 → 74]

  With just such a sigh, the number on the hunting note immediately increased by one in front of Lindsay.

  He chuckled and shook his head, then received the first stage achievement reward.

  In addition to the title [Resuscitator Killer] that appears as usual, the reward items this time are also very special.

  [Rare Item/Material: Emergency Respirator]

  [After equipped, it can provide the user with a quarter of an hour of breathing time in situations such as burial, freezing, vacuum, suffocation, etc. It can also be used as a material to make other props. ]

  [How to sell this thing? Are you out of breath? Come! Take a puff and discuss the price! ]

  "What do you mean...life is priceless?"

  The emergency respirator looks like a gas mask.

  Lindsay can't use its function yet, and of course she won't choose equipment. She just wants to take a look at its synthesis formula first.

  [1 emergency respirator + 1 isolation suit + 1 long-lasting illuminator + 1 flipper + 1 Faraday cage + 2 drill + 1 parachute + 3 adrenaline + 1 toilet = multi-functional survival equipment]

  "So many!"

  Except for the forest brooch. Complex progressive synthesis of series.

  This [Multifunctional Survival Equipment] is definitely the longest synthesis formula Lindsay has ever seen!

  And from the name of the equipment, as well as the various items required for synthesis.

  You can also roughly guess the function of this thing.

  "Another new trick?"

  Hong asked in a low voice. The girl didn't even ask about the function of the emergency respirator.

  She was used to this kind of thing.

  Lindsay explained briefly:
  "This is a piece of equipment that can provide breathing in an emergency."

  "If you can't breathe one day, I can give you a couple of puffs."


  "Thank you, I There won't be such a day."

  After receiving a look from Hong, after counting his harvest, Lindsay continued to devote himself to the work of digging tunnels.

  The battle between the piranha and the lizard leader above continues.

  Lindsay checked the hunting notes from time to time, and the number of resuscitators on them was still increasing steadily.

  Continue like this for half an hour.

  Lindsay doesn't have to do anything herself, and the next level of achievement is automatically unlocked.

  The only thing that felt pity was the corpses of these resuscitators. He might not have the chance to collect materials.

  Two pickaxes, one red and one white, struck the ground repeatedly.

  The straight tunnel also extended forward with the efforts of the two of them.

  Wait until a quarter of an hour later.


  Suddenly, a gap was dug out in the soil ahead.

  But it was not like the state when the tunnel was dug before. Instead, the surrounding soil immediately collapsed, quickly revealing a huge exit.

  Hong put the pickaxe on the ground, bent down and stuck his head out, looking around.

  Within the scope of the torch, the surroundings were dark, and nothing could be seen except the cold earth:

  "Here is..."

  "We have dug to the end." Lindsay directly answered Hong's doubts, "Before digging, I chose Okay, direction, there is a tunnel straight away from here on the left side of this cave. Let's just run away." "

  And if this side collapses due to the battle above, we can choose a tunnel on the right and go there. Go up about 300 meters, then dig another 20 meters, and there will be another tunnel. Although it is less efficient, you can still get out of here as soon as possible." Listening to Lindsay talk about her plan, Hong couldn't help but praise. :
  "You are well prepared, have you even planned an alternate route?"

  Lindsay replied in a matter-of-fact tone:
  "Of course, we are in a dangerous situation now, we can't just run around like headless flies. Right?"

  The two put away their pickaxes and rushed in the direction pointed by Lindsay.

  The range illuminated by the torch quickly moved forward.

  But just when they saw the tunnel they had reserved in advance, something unexpected happened in front of them.

  A group of hurried figures were rushing out of the passage.

  They also held weapons made of earth and stone in their hands, and there was a chilling atmosphere surrounding them.

  Those are a bunch of eyeless people!

  They were also surprised when they collided head-on with Lindsay. Some of them even pointed their weapons at Lindsay and the two of them, making a fighting stance.

  However, no fighting broke out between the two sides.

  Lindsay went to talk to the elders of the eyeless people before, and was seen by many eyeless people on the Yanchuan River, and was recognized at this moment.

  "Don't get excited!"

  "They are not enemies, they are guests invited by the elders before!"

  With the reminder from their companions, these blind people put down their hostility and crossed paths with Lindsay.

  And the direction they are heading towards is naturally the location of Crystal Valley.

  It is also the place where the leader of the lizard dragon and the piranha fight.

  "Are you going in the wrong direction? Over there... huh?"

  Lindsay wanted to remind these blind people of the danger ahead.

  But just as he sensed the opponent's target, Lindsay discovered a special situation.

  The sound of the battle between the piranha and the lizard leader suddenly disappeared.

  Lindsay immediately opened the hunting notes. As expected, the number of kills of the Resuscitator stopped at 143 and never increased.

  Then look around the entry for [Black Scaled Lizard Dragon].

  There were a few kills of ordinary lizards, but no numbers appeared for elites or leaders.

  Piranha, completely dominated by the desire to kill, will never run away from a battle.

  The winner of the battle is self-evident.


  A roar came from the distant depths.

  The leader of the lizard dragon has defeated powerful enemies one after another, unscrupulously venting his power to show his invincibility as the absolute king of this land!

  at the same time.

  Just when Lindsay realized that the battle was over, the voice of the Eyeless Man also came from behind.

  "Human, you don't understand us."

  "We have no other choice after losing our territory and elders."

  "Rather than surrender to that hateful dragon beast, we would rather die with the enemy!"


  This team of eyeless people The two of them passed by Lindsay.

  Just like this final declaration of war, their figures quickly disappeared into the darkness.

  Hong made a very direct judgment:

  "Lindsay, they are going to die." If they

  continue to stay in the territory, these eyeless people will undoubtedly be slaughtered by the lizards.

  Migrating outwards, the surrounding world is again controlled by dragon beasts.

  These eyeless people, at least the ones who just passed by Lindsay, do not want to be oppressed and restrained in this way.

  They would rather use their lives to make a last stand against the enemies that invade their hometown.

  Even if it means dying.

  Lindsay nodded heavily to these departing figures.

  He held Hong's hand and continued to walk away from the underground:
  "Going to Montenegro may be risking death, but there are some things that must be done."

  (End of Chapter)

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