234. Chapter 233 [Decryption Game]

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  Chapter 233 [Decryption Game]

  Bang! boom! boom!
  A closed, stuffy underground space.

  Under the only torch light, Lindsay and Hong dug forward to dig their tunnel, advancing their evacuation plan bit by bit.

  And above the two of them.

  After the Eyeless Elder, the lizard leader once again fell into a tough battle.

  Thick and powerful vines flew all over the sky, and the scorching air almost turned the Crystal Valley into a furnace.

  Before sealing off the entrance on the rock.

  The [Piranha Spores] thrown by Lindsay were extremely effective.

  He actually thought about it quite clearly.

  Those resurrected corpses that have not yet reached the sixth stage of strength may not be able to resist the sixth stage lizard leader alone. If the other party is careful enough, they may still find them escaping underground.

  Therefore, [Piranha Spores] became the best choice to deal with this situation.

  And that's exactly what happened.

  This terrifying plant crazily preyed on the surrounding corpses, devouring and absorbing the power from each corpse, turning it into nutrients for its own growth. It even awakened new abilities during the battle and began to spray out clusters of poisonous spores from its buds!

  The piranha itself has the potential to threaten the six-stage powerhouses.

  As it continues to hunt and devour, its strength is also increasing!

  On the other hand, look at the leader of the lizard dragon.

  As a true sixth-stage powerhouse.

  Its strength is definitely more powerful than this terrifying plant.

  However, the leader of the lizard dragon had just experienced a battle with the Elder of the Eyeless Man and forcibly killed a being at the same stage. This made it unable to face this piranha full of greed and desire to kill in a completely safe manner.


  there was another loud noise, and a cloud of dust fell in the tunnel.

  "They're really fighting endlessly!"

  "But just be satisfied that we can get out of here safely."


  Lindsay and Red were chatting while they were digging.

  As a result, the next time the pickaxe went down, there was a different movement in front of him.

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows and swung the meteorite pickaxe several times in succession, and a piece of dark purple crystal fell into her hand.

  [Ore/Material: Large Purple Crystal Cluster]

  [Special amethyst complex fused with source matter. Hold it in your hand to increase dizziness resistance, improve psychic resistance, and gain the status blessing of (not drunk after a thousand cups); it can also be used as a material , make other props.

  A Thousand Cups Will Not Get Drunk: A person with this status will find it difficult to get drunk. ]

  [Natural crystals are rarely integrated into the source material, and complexes are even rarer. Such items are extremely valuable!

  Only then did Lindsay understand what was in front of her.

  After this period of hard work, they have dug to the location of the crystal wall.

  The amethyst in front of you, because it has been in a special state for many years, has gone a step further and become an even rarer complex on the basis of being integrated into the source of matter!
  Following the location of the crystal wall, Lindsay quickly dug out a few more crystals.

  It's a pity that the surrounding crystals are just ordinary goods. This [large purple crystal cluster] completely matches the description in the introduction and is quite rare!


  Lindsay sighed softly.

  If no one disturbed him in the Crystal Valley, he would definitely take time to dig carefully, but now that there was a battlefield above his head, this dangerous idea could only be shelved.

  Hong saw Lindsay's actions and came over:

  "Are you going to get something new?"

  Lindsay nodded:

  "Yes, the crystal just now is also a good material."

  He stretched out his hand on the workbench. See the synthesis formula above.

  [1 large purple crystal cluster + 1/1/2 special metal + 1 high-grade gemstone = purple gemstone ring/earring/necklace]

  [1 large purple crystal cluster + 3 high-grade metals + 1 high-grade gemstone = ghost scepter]

  [1 large purple crystal cluster Purple crystal cluster + 3 special metals + 2 high-grade gems + 15 magnets = purple lightsaber (2)]

  "Level 2 lightsaber..."

  Lindsay's eyes revealed a strong desire. If this second-level lightsaber can be synthesized, he can fight with two lightsabers of different colors at the same time. Thinking about it, the scene will make people feel very invincible.

  But now I can only think about this kind of thing.

  There is no Force in this world to match the power of the lightsaber, so it can only be operated by the source of matter. With Lindsay's ability, the level 1 blue lightsaber has been greatly depleted. This level 2 lightsaber, which is definitely more powerful, will only consume more!
  Besides, even if he wanted to use it now, he didn't have enough synthetic materials to make a second-level lightsaber!
  Hong was still asking from the side:
  "How is it? What weird things can you make?"

  Lindsay shook her head:

  "No, making the corresponding equipment requires a lot of materials, which I don't have on hand."

  Hong behaved quite Generous:

  "Then tell me, I'll help you with it later!"

  Lindsay replied with a wry smile:

  "Then I'll thank you in advance."

  "To synthesize this thing, I need two more high-grade gems...ah, You probably don't know what a gem is, it's something similar to a crystal..."

  While imparting knowledge to Hong, the two of them continued to dig forward.

  Half an hour later.

  Lindsey's sefirot was restored to a level where the quantity was low but the ability to function normally was maintained.

  At this time, he opened his properties panel.

  [Mystery of Life Experience]

  [The evil dragon was born in the stone forest of thousands of mountains and grew stronger. There is also a secret it wants to hide here, dig it out! ]

  [Task reward: unlock puzzle game module, attribute/skill experience points.

  After the encounter between the Eyeless Man and the Crystal Valley, Lindsay has completed the requirements of this task, and now it is time to receive the reward.


  [Game player open module: Puzzle game]

  [Puzzle game level: 1]

  [Puzzle game ability: Clues collection]

  [Clues collection: Players gain the ability to identify clues.

  Note: A footprint, a pinch of dust, a gap. In the eyes of the puzzle solver, any clue that can bring the answer is invisible! ]


  Lindsay immediately wanted to satisfy her curiosity, switch modules, and then use this new ability to observe her surroundings.

  But he held back.

  Now the two of them are in the newly excavated tunnel.

  There is absolutely nothing worth noting around, so there is no need to waste the little bit of energy that was finally recovered on switching modules.

  "Let's wait until the state recovers before trying again."

  Lindsay made a decision and turned her attention to the [Hunting Notes].

  Because you may encounter danger at any time, the hunting simulation is currently active, and you can immediately check the updated content on the notes.

  as expected.

  Although [Cannibal Spore] has violent aggression that makes no distinction between friend and foe, it is essentially an item used by Lindsay, and the enemies it kills will naturally be counted on Lindsay's head.

  At this moment, a new entry was updated in the hunting notebook.


  [Resurrected Corpse—Awakening Level 1~Awakening? Level]

  [Shape:? ? ?

  【weight:? ? ?

  【speed? ? ? ]

  [The corpse of the deceased was affected by the law of distortion and then revived.

  【Resuscitators are twisted forms transformed from corpses, full of desire to kill. Strength is affected by many aspects such as species, strength, and degree of decay of the body during life, and individual attributes are difficult to generalize; resuscitators who have been active for a long time will enter a state of distortion, with the possibility of restoring their abilities and memories during life; the killing of the living will be accelerated their distortion speed. ]

  [Weakness: Death/Life Essence]

  [Kill Achievement: 73/150]

  (End of this chapter)

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