233.Chapter 232 Underground Blessing

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  Chapter 232: The underground blessing

  Outside the crystal wall, a huge lizard dragon was crawling in front.

  Its more than ten meters long body is motionless, like a huge statue carved from rock.

  More than ten lizard dragons, large and small, followed their leader and guarded the passage at the entrance of Crystal Valley.


  At the same time, accompanied by the rapid sound of wind, the airflow in the Crystal Valley was chaotic. Under the control of the lizard leader, the scorching gas formed a spiral impact, hitting the crystal wall in front of him like a battering ram.

  On the colorful crystal surface, golden arcs flashed again and again, blocking all attacks caused by the lizard dragon.

  But inevitably, the golden light is gradually dimming.

  As the body of the Righteous One dies, the power supporting the crystal wall is also rapidly fading, until it is now insignificant.


  The leader of the lizard dragon made a satisfied sound.

  For more than a hundred years, it has always been the supreme ruler of the lizard dragon clan.

  But the lone wanderer who left the group surpassed its power and eventually grew into a dragon beast that ruled the world.

  This is unacceptable to the lizard leader!
  Now, it kills the elder of the eyeless man and opens the 'treasure house' he guards.

  By then its capabilities.

  The leader of the lizard dragon is confident that he will become stronger than the dragon beast!

  At that time, the entire Black Mountain world will also fall under the rule of the lizard dragon clan, instead of being occupied by the traitorous lone traveler!

  In addition to excitement and excitement.

  At this moment, another hint of coldness flashed in the green snake eyes of the lizard dragon leader.

  Just now, while it was fighting the Eyeless Elder, two more despicable thieves slipped in here.

  The other party should be inside this crystal wall.

  When it breaks through the defense, this shameless guy must be allowed to taste the consequences of stealing the fruits of victory!

  As for why the Eyeless Elder didn't explore the Crystal Valley by himself.

  The golden light that could easily wipe out its attack just now disappeared so quickly.

  They are no longer considered by this giant beast.

  A hundred years of lurking made it full of expectations for what was about to happen, and therefore it lost due caution and thinking.

  At this moment, another strong stream of air hit the crystal wall in front of him.

  But this time, the golden arc did not appear.

  The crystal wall that lost the blessing of extraordinary skills instantly made an overwhelmed sound, and a huge crack began to swim on its surface.


  Upon seeing this, the lizard leader became even more excited.

  It increases its control over the airflow, causing the air around the cave to twist and deform, and the light of the crystal becomes blurry and dreamy.

  Click - click -

  under the bizarre screen.

  What remains clear and unchangeable is the sound of the crystal breaking.

  However, what greets the lizard dragon is not the secret treasure that enhances its strength as it imagined, nor are it the two human thieves it wants to kill.

  The moment the crystal wall shattered, a strong aura of death instantly emerged.

  The lizard dragon's developed scent perception allowed it to smell tiny rock particles in the air, and what came into view were pale figures.

  Within the crystal wall, countless skeletons are fighting hard.

  They surrounded the center of the ruins ahead, and the sound of continuous collisions was heard on this battlefield.


  The lizard leader was completely confused by the scene in front of him.

  It crawled along a piece of intact crystal, its huge body hovering next to the gap that had just been opened.

  The other saurosaurs behind it followed suit.

  From a higher position, the leader of the lizard dragon has a more comprehensive view.

  In the center of the rocky ruins surrounded by crystal walls, countless thick vines extended to the surroundings, constantly beating and killing a steady stream of corpses. And among these vines, a pink bud is opening.

  But it’s not sweet nectar or gorgeous stamens.

  There is a bloody mouth there!
  After the vines swept up the surrounding corpses, they threw them directly into the mouth of the piranha. It clicked a few times, and immediately bit the hard corpse into pieces, and then turned it into its own nourishment.

  As a six-stage powerhouse, the leader of the lizard dragon has a very good sense of the essence.

  It can sense that every time this terrifying plant devours a skeleton, its own power will become stronger!

  "Hiss, hiss -"

  This thing is the secret of the dragon beast becoming stronger?
  The leader of the lizard dragon didn't know everything that happened inside the crystal wall.

  Following the original idea, it rightly regarded the piranha in the center of the Crystal Valley as the most valuable existence here.

  Suddenly, a vine as thick as a tree root stretched out.

  The piranha that was hunting crazily also noticed the movement on the crystal wall.

  After the lizard dragon appeared, a higher-quality prey than corpses, it quietly stretched out a vine and immediately captured more nutritious prey!

  The lizard leader reacted very quickly.

  Noticing the approaching vine, it swung its strong tail forward and smashed the vine away.

  But its men suffered.

  The piranha vines were pushed back but did not break.

  It swept out along the gap in the crystal wall, and several ordinary lizards crawling around were immediately caught up, and in the blink of an eye they were dragged towards the mouth of the piranha in the center of the ruins!

  The leader of the lizard dragon made an angry voice.

  It came to seize the treasure, but it had no intention of letting the treasure massacre its men!
  Powerful source of energy surges in this dangerous beast.

  Two scorching air currents appeared instantly and broke the piranha vines. The lizard dragon that was lucky enough to escape quickly broke away from the vines and tried to escape to its leader.

  But at this time, a more desperate environment is still surrounding them.

  Although the time was short, the vines had already pulled them into the battlefield.

  The resurrected corpses have no attachment to the enemy, they only have the intention to kill the living!
  The skeleton that was still fighting against the piranha just a second ago.

  Several people who were closer to the lizard dragon suddenly turned around and started to kill these guys who had narrowly escaped death!


  In the cave of Crystal Valley, a three-party war is intensifying.

  But at the same time.

  Deeper underground, there is a completely different scene.

  In the space that could only accommodate two people for digging, Lindsay and Hong carefully listened to the movement above.

  They even made the sound of swinging their pickaxes as carefully as possible.

  Until the lizard leader and the piranha started fighting, waves of huge shocks spread to the ground.

  Hongcai asked:
  "Lindsay, how is the situation above?"

  Lindsay mobilized the essence she had recovered during this period to briefly expand the range of map skills.

  Just for a moment.

  He saw the chaotic battlefield above and quickly stopped his skills:
  "No problem, they're fighting!"

  "We're not going to dig down anymore. Let's start digging sideways and get away from here as soon as possible!"

  Hong asked curiously. Said:

  "Don't you want to fish in troubled waters and use those weird abilities to get something?"

  Lindsay didn't even have the energy to open the [Hunting Notes] at this moment.

  Reason and danger both reminded him of how he should act now.

  So Lindsay just patted the meteorite pickaxe in his hand and pointed to the dark underground soil ahead:

  "Let's continue digging tunnels. As for the above matter..."

  "Haha, I wish them a happy fight!"

  (End of Chapter)

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