232. Chapter 231 Dead bodies on the battlefield

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  Chapter 231 Dead Corpses on the Battlefield Corpses
  from the long past are resurrecting on the earth.

  Almost every rock beneath Lindsay and Hong's feet buries a life.

  The disappearance of the bodies of the righteous ones opened the curtain on the suppression of the dead. These strange sounds were the cracks in the rock.

  Hong immediately turned to look at Lindsay:

  Lindsay took out the ore and wood directly from the bag, synthesized an iron pickaxe, and then used skills to resource it.

  "Uh huh..."

  The almost bottomed out source of energy brought a strong emptiness in Lindsay's body.

  [Story Performance] has greatly depleted his Essence, and now that he has synthesized such an iron pickaxe and used it as a resource, Lindsay is currently unable to use any Essence for fighting.

  He can no longer even support the consumption of other skills.

  He immediately threw the brand new iron pickaxe in his hand to the girl next to him, and the next second he waved the meteorite pickaxe to dig downwards:
  "I am in a very bad state now."

  "Take this, let's go down!"

  The ominous breath of death, are emerging from the surrounding rocks.

  In some obvious locations, the cracks in the rock expanded rapidly, and white bones clung to the edges of the cracks and struggled outwards.

  Normally, Lindsay would definitely follow the teachings of the Death School and let these restless dead return to eternal sleep.

  But there is really no such condition right now.

  There is a lizard leader outside the crystal wall who continues to attack, and is about to attack. It is almost an unsolvable problem for the strong men in the sixth stage.

  Even taking a step back, these resurrected dead themselves may not be easy to deal with.

  The righteous man whose body had just dissipated was obviously in the middle of a battle during his lifetime, and this space within the crystal wall was his last battlefield.

  Those who are buried together in the burial place of such a strong person are most likely not simple things.

  The living corpses that were resurrected were certainly not easy to deal with.

  In this situation with pursuers outside and evil corpses inside, Lindsay, who could no longer squeeze out a drop of essence, chose to dig deeper.

  If they survive the most dangerous moment.

  When the outside lizard leader breaks through the crystal wall, a conflict will immediately break out with these living corpses.

  Once a fight breaks out between the two sides.

  The two Lindsays who are underground will also have a chance to escape.

  "Okay, just do what you want!"

  Hong took the pickaxe and followed Lindsay to start digging into the tunnel.

  Although the rocks here are hard, they are not protected by special forces and are essentially objects that can be mined.

  Although the pickaxe is wielded more often.

  But a few seconds later, the rock in front of Lindsay and Hong was dug into an entrance that could accommodate the two of them to move side by side.

  Gada -

  At this moment,

  a skeleton with a structure similar to that of a human but several times larger was heard from behind the two of them. It had crawled out of the rock.

  The resurrected corpse smelled the scent of two living people.

  Without any hesitation, it immediately pounced on the two of them, launching a swift attack.

  "Lindsay, be careful!"

  Hong picked up the wood poison javelin.

  The girl also knew that Lindsay had no extra strength now, so she took a step back and stood between the skeleton and Lindsay.

  The javelin and the bones made a muffled sound.

  Just as Lindsay had just expected, the corpses buried here were not ordinary.

  Even if one loses the ability to control the skills he controlled during his lifetime, the influence of the essence on the body still remains on the corpse.

  Red couldn't even repel the skeleton that attacked the two of them in the first place!


  "Get out of my way!"

  Hong shouted, a fierce light flashing in his eyes.

  She instantly increased her strength, and the source matter in her body was transformed into the power to kill living creatures.


  The leg bones of the corpse standing on the ground were instantly broken by red pressure.

  Then the girl turned her arms, twisting away the power of fighting against the enemy. The huge skeleton immediately fell backwards and made a dent in the rock.

  "Quack, quack, quack—"

  The pale skeleton had no vocal cords and could only make some sounds of bone collision.

  Just don't wait for it to really stand up and resist. Hong stepped on it and aimed the wood poisonous javelin in his hand at the bones below.


  With a crisp sound, the pale skull was smashed into pieces.

  The all-killing source of power immediately attached itself, killing all the resurrected power in the bones.

  in a blink.

  The enemy who was still able to attack just now turned into a pile of powder on the rock.


  Hong successfully killed the enemy, but frowned.

  She had just killed an enemy, but not far away, another rock completely cracked. Although the body shape and appearance were different from the previous one, the new skeleton still rushed towards them at a very dangerous speed!
  "It's endless!"

  An afterimage appeared in Hong's hand.

  The wood poisonous javelin instantly transformed into a clone and pinned the enemy who was about to pounce on a rock.

  Take advantage of the other party's inability to resist.

  The girl also crushed his head, thus ending the movement of the skeleton.


  Hong's gaze spread to the surroundings.

  With the number of rocks in Crystal Valley, the size of the enemy is far from over.

  This is a battle with no end in sight!
  Even if she could kill one, two or even a dozen resurrected skeletons, it would be of no use in the face of such a large number. Sooner or later, they would be drowned by the tide of corpses.


  Hong realized the crisis and turned around.

  When she was dealing with these enemies, Lindsay also understood her responsibilities, so she was never idle for a moment.

  He keeps swinging the meteorite pickaxe.

  The groove that was just dug has turned into a large enough cave in the rock!
  Hong, who had just fought against the enemy, was not very optimistic about this method of self-protection. She immediately expressed her feelings:
  "Lindsay, these bones are very fast and strong enough!"

  "Even if we go in, they will chase us in." Yes, this is just a dead end!"

  "It's okay, I've been prepared." Lindsay waved to Hong and invited him in, "You come in first."

  Hong nodded and walked over doubtfully.

  The tacit understanding along the way made her choose to believe in Lindsay.

  Immediately, Lindsay took out the stone from his bag and stuffed it into the gap in the rock in front of him.

  Just listen to the sound of 'bang'.

  There is an extra piece of broken rock, and it looks integrated, as if this place has always looked like this.

  It stands to reason that now Lindsay has no extra source of matter and can deresource any objects.

  The newly excavated rocks are not strong enough to be piled at the entrance.

  But Lindsay has always had a habit.

  During the year since he left the hidden frontier, he had been using excess source matter to resource the items and store them.

  This habit has a huge effect at this time, and the newly excavated rocks begin to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye!
  Only then did Hong realize:
  "This...is this what you left behind when you cleaned up the camp before?"

  Lindsay nodded:

  "If you make more preparations, it will come in handy."

  Hong couldn't help but sigh:

  " That's okay..."

  Although these resurrected corpses are dangerous.

  But if the two of them hide deep enough underground and completely block the tunnel they excavate, these guys will probably not find them.

  This is indeed the most suitable escape route right now!

  After a few stones were dropped, the cave in front of him was already completely blocked.

  But before completely sealing the big hole in the rock, Lindsay thought about the current situation.

  "Hong, you inject the essence into this seed to activate it."

  "What do you want to do?"

  "Add some trouble to the guys outside. After activation, just throw it out of this hole."

  Pat— —A

  seed was thrown out like this.

  The last gap in the rock was completely sealed at this moment.

  (End of chapter)

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