227.Chapter 226 Broken Text

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  Chapter 226 Broken Text

  "Text from your hometown?"

  "That's right."

  Holding Hong's question, Lindsay's eyes were filled with mixed emotions.

  The hometown he mentioned was not the earth, but the hometown of this life - Anvil Village.

  in this universe.

  The lingua franca is the language practiced by humans in countless worlds.

  But underneath this most widely spoken language, some worlds also preserve older traditions, including languages ​​from long ago.

  Anweil ​​Village is an agricultural village under the rule of the Capital of Law.

  Just have this heritage.

  Although it is used less and less in daily life, this language is still occasionally used during major festivals such as Harvest Day, or when telling some ancient epics.

  Lindsay had been a child and didn't know much about the language.

  But with the addition of attribute panels and experience points, this language has reached a level where it can be communicated without hindrance.

  Looking at the words in the crystal, Lindsay read slowly:
  "Crunt against evil enemies, destroy evil and show righteousness. The sword of the righteous..."

  Lindsay's chanting stopped suddenly, and Hong Ze on the side immediately urged:

  " What about the back? Keep reading!"

  Lindsay turned her head suddenly, her expression as anxious as Hong's:
  "The back is gone!"

  "This crystal is only so big, and the text breaks when it is written here."

  The crystal The secret of the dragon beast's advancement is hidden in the valley.

  But when Lindsay came here, she encountered the words of her hometown, which also recorded the words "Those who practice righteousness".

  The information suddenly placed in front of him made his brain a little confused.

  According to the records in the Hidden Frontier Book Collection, the expedition team was the first group of humans to arrive here in hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years. Lindsay also remembered the names and professions of the strong men in the expedition team.

  In the original expedition team, there were indeed law knights, such existences from the capital of law.

  But there is absolutely no record of any righteous person appearing!

  "Could it be that when they passed by here, the law knights in the team came underground and created such a crystal valley?"

  After thinking of this, Lindsay shook her head and rejected it.

  The expedition's long-term goal is to expand the boundaries of the known world. Although there will be simple exploration and investigation of the world on the way, it will never go so deep underground.

  "Then the expedition team is impossible..."

  Lindsay's thinking began to advance to the more distant past.

  Hong on the side suddenly became thoughtful.

  The girl had an inexplicable feeling about this word, and then asked curiously:

  "Lindsay, what is a righteous person?"

  Lindsay immediately replied:
  "It is an awakened person who relies on will to drive ability, and the ability is very powerful. ."

  Hong continued to ask:
  "How strong is it?"

  Lindsay thought about the legendary dragon slaying story:
  "A powerful righteous person can probably kill the dragon beast on the Black Mountain with one sword?"


  " It doesn't sound like it."

  Hong followed his intuition to express his feelings, and then transferred the question to reality:

  "So what should we do now?"

  Lindsay did not answer immediately.

  He turned his eyes to the blue crystal in front of him. The text composed of golden threads did not end here, but the crystal carrying it broke for some reason, which caused the content behind it to disappear.

  "Hong, the text here is not over, but the crystal is broken."

  "Let's search around, maybe we can find something."

  Hong nodded slightly, turned around and started searching around.

  Lindsay was also prepared to act together, but before leaving, he did not forget to throw a product appraisal on the crystal.

  [Ore: Blue Crystal]

  [Blue crystal that can be made into decorations. ]

  [A common crystal that can be easily sold in most places and has a moderate value.

  If this is an ordinary ore, there is certainly no problem with such information appearing. But there are words composed of golden lines on it.

  Lindsay is recalling everything that happened on that harvest night four years ago. The Law Knight's ability to restrict Arvette will also shine with golden light.

  And just a few minutes ago, the light that eliminated the lizard leader's attack was also golden.

  "I'm afraid this is not a coincidence..."

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows slightly.

  He didn't think the words in front of him were anything ordinary.

  But the properties of the crystal that holds it are clearly ordinary ores, with no signs of even source fusion.

  Lindsay had the urge to wield a meteorite pickaxe and dig out the crystal.

  But considering the situation so far and the iron pickaxe that instantly exploded in Hong's hand, he gave up this rash idea.

  "Anyway, let's look for possible fragments first."


  It's better not to look for crystal fragments.

  As soon as the search started, Lindsay and Hong discovered more similar things.

  Surrounding the natural curvature of the crystal wall.

  Everywhere around, there is this kind of golden text embedded in an ordinary crystal. They are also in a broken and incomplete state, but more information is gradually emerging in this way.

  "Disrupt the world and blaspheme the dead. This sword should be buried in the abyss..."

  "The seven-pointed star, the alliance; the crown, the divine court. The skill of all things governs all kinds..."

  "Lian Alma..."

  The words in the crystal or Long or short, some even have a name.

  Lindsay and Hong ran back and forth, and pieces of information were collected in their hands.

  Then on a red crystal, Lindsay once again interpreted a piece of text.

  "Exterminator, this is where you will be buried!"

  Lindsay had just finished reading and was ready to continue searching for crystals and words around her as before.

  But at this moment, Hong beside him suddenly fell to his knees.

  The girl covered her heart with one hand, as if something was attacking her.

  "Hong, what's wrong with you?"

  Lindsay immediately stepped forward to check.

  The girl's face was pale and her hands were clenched.

  At such a close distance, Lindsay could feel that the essence in the opponent's body was also surging wildly, as if he was fighting against something buried deep in his soul.

  Hong looked at Lindsay and said with difficulty:


  "I remember... someone stabbed here with a sword..." "


  In just these two sentences, Hong's hand was crushed. The clothes on my chest. The uncontrollable pain was attacking her mind like a tsunami, causing her consciousness to gradually fall into madness.

  At this time, Lindsay could already feel Hong's heart beating rapidly and her body temperature rising simultaneously.

  Even an awakened person cannot withstand such a huge physical change!

  "You'd better take a rest first."

  Lindsay didn't dare to hesitate and knocked Hong unconscious with a palm.

  The recovery of memory was suddenly interrupted, and the girl's tense body relaxed.

  Lindsay slowly laid Hong's body flat on her lap. The other person was sleeping quietly. Her quiet and soft beautiful face was like an existence in a fairy tale. Lindsay could even feel the girl's moist breath blowing on her hands.

  But he had no time to admire this beauty at this time.

  "Alas -"

  "Let me help you this time."

  Lindsay sighed slightly.

  Just like when he was bewitched by the fairy girl, Kurenai rescued him in time.

  Lindsay also stood up and continued to search for the words in the crystal alone, looking for clues to solve the predicament at hand.

  (End of chapter)

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