226.Chapter 225 Crystal Valley

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  Chapter 225 Crystal Valley

  "Lindsay, what is that yellow thing?"

  "How do I know?" Lindsay also looked confused. "And that color is gold, which is different from yellow!"

  the lizard leader attacked.

  Even if it is just a casual blow in battle, it is not something that an ordinary person can resist.

  At least Lindsay and Hong don't have this ability.

  But in front of Crystal Valley, this terrifying killing blow disappeared inexplicably into the air.

  Anyone faced with this scene would not be able to accept it for the first time.

  Boom! ! !

  The ground began to tremble again, and the battle between the two six-stage powerhouses continued.

  The leader of the lizard dragon had no time to think about anything else after this attack and continued to focus on the deadly fight with the elder of the Eyeless Man.

  At the entrance to Crystal Valley, Lindsay opened the map.

  Due to the battle between two strong men, the underground world is full of signs of escape or battle.

  "But here, except for the two of us, there is no life."


  Lindsay and Hong Mian looked at each other.

  There is no life present - this means that the light that offsets the attack of the lizard dragon leader comes from the thing itself in the Crystal Valley, or even something that no one controls.

  Instinctive resistance can easily wipe out the attack of the six-stage powerhouse.


  "Look, the dragon beast can find an opportunity to advance from the fifth level to the seventh level here, so it makes sense that there are things beyond imagination, right?"

  Lindsay took the initiative to find a reason for this phenomenon.

  Hong was more direct. She stretched out her white fingers and pointed to the depths of the colorful Crystal Valley:

  "Then let's continue walking in?"

  Lindsay shook her head decisively:

  "The more dangerous the place, the more cautious you must be. I'll go to the entrance first to check. ."

  Lindsay still remembers the scene when the lizard dragon's attack was eliminated.

  He placed a crystal near the entrance and used a product template to identify it.

  [Ore: Red Crystal]

  [Red crystal that can be made into decorations. ]

  [A common crystal that can be easily sold in most places and has a moderate value. ]

  "Just ordinary crystals?"

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows and selected several clusters of crystals in different positions and colors.

  The information identified by the product template is completely consistent.

  There was no special power found here, and the golden light that just flashed away did not reappear when Lindsay acted.

  Hong leaned over and asked in a low voice:

  "How is it? Do you have any results?"

  Lindsay shook her head:

  "Let's go in, it seems that there are no clues at the entrance."

  The two of them cautiously went deep into the Crystal Valley. .

  As a result, more than ten meters away, the terrain structure underfoot began to change.

  The earth and rocks in the underground cave were replaced by rocks of different sizes. The cracks in the rocks were filled with mud, making the journey itself difficult.

  "Lindsay, it's starting to get hot in here."

  After a few minutes, Hong spoke again.

  Unlike Lindsay, who has higher resistance, the girl can accurately detect temperature changes in the underground world.

  "The temperature has increased?"

  Lindsay also tried to remove the resistance.

  The surrounding environment is as red reminded, the temperature is rising rhythmically.


  "This situation is not normal."

  For some reason, the advancement of the dragon beast did not interfere with the underground world, and the temperature here does not change with altitude like the surface world.

  So the change in temperature should come from something in the Crystal Valley.

  Phew—— At this moment, a hot wind blew in the Crystal Valley.

  Sensing something strange, Lindsay and Hong stood ready.

  As a result, they stood there with weapons in hand for more than ten seconds, and nothing changed around them.


  "Continue to move forward?"

  "We've already come, we can't turn back now!"

  The two looked at each other, covering each other and continuing to move forward.

  During Lindsay's visit, she also looked at the map. The cave where Crystal Valley is located is a huge area covering several kilometers.

  They groped forward for a while, and their position was only a quarter advanced.

  Danger never struck the two of them.

  However, the surrounding crystals appear more and more frequently.

  Especially at the top of the Crystal Valley, large swaths of crystal clusters emit dazzling glare, making it almost like a room with neon lights on, without even needing torches for lighting.

  Finally, when they reached a third of the way, Lindsay and Hong had to stop.

  In front of them, a huge crystal wall stretched here.

  This is a naturally formed barrier. The colorful crystals complement each other and blend into one, completely covering the center of the Crystal Valley.

  Lindsay took out the meteorite pickaxe without saying a word, and Hong on the side also raised the iron pickaxe.

  The girl's movements were the fastest. Based on her previous experience of digging in the tunnel, she just went up.

  In an instant, the iron pickaxe exploded in Hong's hand.

  Lindsay quickly protected Hong in her arms, and the air shield on her body bounced away the iron pick fragments flying everywhere.

  The two of them had no time to worry about the damaged pickaxe.

  Instead, he immediately jumped away and carefully stared at the crystal wall in front of him.

  Because what caused the iron pick to break just now was not the too hard texture of the crystal wall itself, but the faint golden light that emerged on its surface.

  It is exactly the same as the light that neutralizes the attack of the lizard leader!

  "Hong, watch from behind. If something goes wrong, pull me back."

  This time it was Lindsay who took the initiative.

  The golden light only destroyed the iron pickaxe used for digging, and no one was hurt. There is no danger in proceeding with caution.

  He stepped forward cautiously and tried to identify it using the product template.

  [Natural Building: Crystal Wall]

  [Crystals grow under the guidance of powerful forces, forming a natural wall that is almost impossible to destroy by external forces. ]

  [Difficult to carry, difficult to destroy, extremely valuable but difficult to destroy.

  【"This will achieve complete justice...dominance..."

  "The long-standing things are buried here and cannot be disturbed."]


  Things with extra suffixes!
  Seeing such special entries appear, Lindsay can understand how special this place is.

  However, the product information did not explain the method of breaking through the crystal wall. Apart from understanding the particularity of this thing, the situation in front of me has not fundamentally changed.

  "Lindsay, look here!"

  Just when Lindsay frowned and thought about what to do, Hong's shout came from behind.

  He turned around and looked.

  The girl was standing in front of a cluster of blue crystals, calling his name excitedly.


  Lindsay quickly stepped forward.

  Following Hong's guidance, he also discovered clues.

  Different from the previous ordinary crystals or crystal walls, this crystal has some faint golden lines inside.

  "Lindsay, this seems to be a kind of writing!" Hong pointed at the lines in the crystal and asked, "But it is neither animal language nor common language. Can you understand it?"

  Lindsay looked at the lines on it and was stunned. .

  When Hong bumped his shoulder with her elbow, Lindsay nodded:

  "Ah, that's right."

  "I know this, how could I not recognize it?"

  "This is the word of my hometown!"

  (End of chapter)

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