228.Chapter 227 Virtual Image

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  Chapter 227 Virtual Image
  "My sense of integrity will remain in my heart forever. The future of the world will definitely not be left to you..."

  "The place where you stand is my territory!"

  "This is the time to take on a great responsibility, even if you live or die. Even if there is no separation, this sword will not have the slightest trace..."

  "We are united in the friendship between creatures all over the world!"

  "Killing and revenge cannot bring spiritual satisfaction, but will only bring more sadness..." "Face it

  head-on. Fear, move forward."


  With the crystal wall as a navigation, Lindsay's search was very easy.

  Various words, carried by golden threads, are deeply embedded in these crystals.

  Finding this, Lindsay can basically confirm.

  These things were definitely left here by a righteous person or a knight of the law, and the words and content used by the other party can be used as confirmation.

  "But in this case, there's still no way to get in."

  Lindsay stood up.

  Facing the colorful crystal wall in front of him, he felt a little disappointed.

  Through the words in the crystal, he could guess that this place was once a battlefield.

  Even Hong, whose memory came back to life when he heard the text and was knocked unconscious by him later, is likely to have a deep connection with this place.

  "But... these things are completely useless now!"

  Lindsay was at a loss.

  The collection of this information cannot help him pass through the crystal wall, and the [Mountain Crest] is useless in front of this thing.

  If destructive means are used...

  the iron pickaxe that exploded just now is an example, and aggressive means must be avoided.

  Lindsay's eyes fell on Hong, who was still in a coma, and her thoughts began to wander to inexplicable places:
  "It is known that there must be a connection between Hong and this place."

  "Then we can use her blood as a sacrifice, or drop her blood to identify the owner or something like that." Is it effective?"


  at this time, there was another violent tremor on the ground.

  The mud in the Crystal Valley even began to shake.

  Lindsay stabilized her balance and looked towards the underground world in the distance. Through the light in the Crystal Valley, he seemed to be able to see the two strong men fighting.


  "Not finished yet?"

  Lindsay couldn't help but complain.

  The leader of the lizard dragon has been fighting the elder of the Eyeless Man for long enough, which must be good news for him.

  After all, this would give Lindsay more time to solve the problems at hand.

  But now they have been fighting for nearly half an hour, so there should be some progress!
  Lindsay turned around to continue searching for clues.

  But at this moment, he saw something out of the corner of his eye.

  The ground in Crystal Valley is made of rock, filled with turbid muddy water. But due to the battle between the lizard leader and the eyeless elder, the muddy water shook violently, exposing things that were originally buried in the gaps.

  It was a shard of crystal stuck in a crack in the rock.

  There is a faint hint of gold in it.


  Lindsay's eyes widened, and he quickly stepped forward to dig out the crystal fragment from the muddy water.

  As expected, there are also words written on golden threads on it.

  However, because the fragments were too small, only one byte of 'overlord' was recorded on them.


  Lindsay's eyes lingered on the crystal and the fragments in her hands.

  The crystal fragment itself is blue, and there happens to be a cluster of blue crystals not far away, which contains the words "A sense of integrity will make my heart last forever".

  Lindsay walked over holding the crystal shard.

  He carefully wiped off the muddy water on it, then carefully identified the shape of the gap, and then inserted it into a broken gap. Click -

  the grooves of the break fit perfectly into the pieces.

  It's obvious.

  Before falling into the muddy water, this must be where this crystal fragment originally grew!
  At this moment, Lindsay didn't care about the words above at all.

  Because through the destroyed crystal and the location where the fragments fell, he probably had a guess in his mind.

  "This kind of destruction is from the inside out, so the fragments fly into these muddy water gaps. The perfect fit of the cracks shows that they were broken relatively recently, not as long as thousands of years ago. So what, will Coming out of the crystal wall?"

  Lindsay naturally thought of the dragon beast on the Black Mountain.

  Among the known subjects, that guy is the only individual who has benefited from Crystal Valley.

  The most reasonable inference is that

  a hundred years ago, the dragon beast broke into the crystal wall by chance and benefited greatly from it.

  Then the dragon beast found a way to get out, which caused the crystal to break.

  Lindsay nodded confidently:
  "So the next thing to do is to determine the location!"

  Under the guidance of a clear goal, Lindsay searched among the rock gaps around the Crystal Valley, and indeed found more crystal fragments.

  Some of the crystal fragments don't even have written words on them.

  But relying only on the crystals with golden threads inside, Lindsay marked the locations where they were found one by one, and finally had a rough shape on the map.

  After dozens of minutes, the figure became clearer and clearer. It was an explosive trajectory that exploded in all directions, like flour spraying out after a hole in a flour bag.

  Faced with the results in front of him, Lindsay confidently deduced:

  "So the farthest point where the crystal fell is in a straight line with the center of the explosion, which should be the location where the crystal wall was breached!"

  Lindsay walked over directly and pulled the still unconscious Zhong Hong picked up.

  As he was on his way, he did not forget to thank the two combatants who helped him discover this sign.


  The whisper stopped abruptly.

  Because he had only taken two steps, after breaking away from his engrossed work state, Lindsay suddenly discovered something very important:
  "It seems... there has been no movement for a while?"

  Lindsay was talking about the vibration coming from under his feet.

  The sound of two six-stage strong men fighting, although intermittent, still existed.

  But now, this vibration has stopped abruptly!

  "The best case scenario: they cannot sustain attacks that are too loud, so the scale of the battle is reduced; but the worst case scenario..."

  Lindsay thought of the sight of the Elder without Eyes running out of gas.

  A shiver ran down my back.

  There is a 90% chance that the winner will be the lizard leader.

  Once the battle is over, the lizard dragon leader will probably find them soon.

  Last time, the opponent just launched an attack during the battle, but this time it won't happen again!


  "Can't you fight a little longer!"

  Lindsay didn't dare to delay, and rushed forward with Hong on her back.

  At the central axis of the explosion he drew, a cluster of purple crystals grew here, completely integrated with the surrounding airtight crystal walls.

  Lindsay had no more time to investigate carefully at this time.

  So he immediately took out the meteorite pickaxe, and while running, he also smashed towards the purple crystal.


  Lindsay missed a shot.

  This purple crystal has no entity, it is just a virtual image condensed by the refraction of light!
  It hit the air, and Lindsay couldn't hold her foot back even when she sprinted with all her strength.

  He carried Hong and rushed into the crystal wall.

  (End of chapter)

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