225.Chapter 224 Total Destruction

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  Chapter 224: Destroy
  all the remaining nine lizard dragons.

  The number quickly dwindled to the last two.

  As a price, none of the dozen or so blind men who pursued him were spared, and they all fell on the path of the auxiliary attack.

  Don't talk about Lindsay in this kind of scene.

  Even Hong, who has always been impulsive and aggressive, was inevitably shocked.

  But they had no time to grieve for these sightless people.

  Because right in front of them, the last two remaining lizards were looking at the two of them with their dangerous snake eyes.

  The reason why the last two lizards survived was not because no one tried to break through their defenses after the Eyeless Men were dead.

  But their own strength is in the fifth stage.

  The air flow summoned by this is so strong that it is impossible to create an opportunity to attack.


  Two humans and two lizards.

  The two sides looked at each other in the dark cave, and the faint light coming from the crystal valley on the side provided them with the only battlefield lighting.

  "Hiss, hiss -"

  The battle is about to break out.

  After roughly understanding the strength of Lindsay and Hong, and confirming that there were no other unexpected enemies, the fighting attitude of these two stage five lizards began to change.

  They switch from a defensive posture to an attack.

  The violent airflow expanded instantly, and one hot and cold air flowed into a spiral airflow and rushed towards Lindsay and the others.


  Facing the attack, Hong snorted coldly.

  The girl did not retreat but advanced. She rushed forward to face the attack, and her figure cut through the corners like lightning, perfectly avoiding the attack of the spiral airflow.

  In the blink of an eye, Red came to the two lizards.

  The wood poisonous javelin in his hand was immediately raised, and the life-slaying source of power also wrapped around it, turning into an ominous gray-black mist.


  The wood poisonous javelin was thrown out instantly.

  The two lizard dragons shifted the airflow they controlled from defense to attack, and the interference around them was naturally greatly reduced.

  This time the javelin's flight trajectory was completely accurate.

  After breaking through the two defensive air currents in an instant, the sharp spear stabbed the lizard dragon's body.


  The lizard dragon that was shot by a gun suddenly screamed.

  The spear only caused a simple penetrating wound, but the killing power contained in it immediately penetrated the body and completely blocked the life in the entire torso.

  Just... dead?
  The other lizard didn't expect such a turn of events at all.

  Even among the fifth-stage monsters, they are still an extremely powerful group, only slightly behind elite individuals like the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon.

  How could it be expected, when facing two enemies that were definitely not six stages.

  The moment the defensive air flow is turned into attack, it is equal to death!
  Almost at the same time.

  Accompanied by the thunder of the iron-horned bow, Lindsay's arrow suddenly arrived.

  The last lizard dragon was about to change back to a defensive posture, but the arrow was too late to react!

  In order not to give the enemy a chance, Lindsay specially changed into the extremely fast [Black Feather Arrow].

  The barbed arrow sank into the body instantly.

  Although it was not as powerful as Hong's source of energy that directly corroded life, the power of ice and fire still made this lizard dragon immediately lose its ability to move.


  The lizard dragon lying on the ground still wanted to do something with the source matter.

  However, before it could succeed, Lindsay shot out another arrow, directly penetrating its brain.

  Kill the last enemy in this battle completely.


  Lindsay sighed. He felt absolutely no sense of accomplishment in this 'no loss' battle.

  Looking at the corpses left by the eyeless people around him, he walked silently to the lizard dragon corpse and began to collect materials for this battle.

  Hong also rarely said anything.

  She put away the wood poison javelin and stood quietly beside Lindsay. Her eyes lingered on the many corpses on the ground, and she seemed to be thinking about something.

  [Lizard Scales], [Compressed Air Bag]...

  Rumble -

  Just as Lindsay was collecting materials, the ground began to tremble again.

  The battle between the lizard leader and the elder of the eyeless man continued, and this violent tremor seemed to become a fixed background underground.

  But this time, things are a little different.

  The vibrations in the surrounding soil did not stop immediately, but intensified rapidly!


  "The attack is aimed at us!"

  Lindsay and Hong looked at each other and immediately realized the current situation.

  They succeeded in killing these lizard dragons, but the price was that the leader of the lizard dragons in the battle also noticed this situation.

  So in the battle with the eyeless elder.

  It released a stream of hot air and rushed towards the two of them along the complex underground passage. It only takes two or three breaths to instantly drown Lindsay and Red in death.

  Lindsay thought of many thoughts at once.

  'You can escape by hiding, but you can only run away by yourself. Hong who stays here will definitely die. ''The tunnel in the distance is too far away. It would be too late to get in and block it again. ''Now dig a hole in the ground and hide in it. Time is also tight. '

  A critical moment.

  Lindsay's eyes naturally fell on the only shining place in the cave.

  When he was digging underground just now, he only knew the existence of Crystal Valley on the surface.

  But now, there are clusters surrounding it.

  Deeper in the cave, the number of crystals increased significantly, and a certain aura from the source even lingered in the air.

  Lindsay remembered the content of her exchange with the elder of the Eyeless Man.

  These crystals are the origin of the name of the Crystal Valley, and they are also a forbidden area of ​​life for the monsters. Even existences of the sixth stage do not dare to enter by force!

  "Red, let's go!"

  The decision was made in an instant.

  Lindsay shouted, threw away the body in his hands, grabbed Hong and rushed towards Crystal Valley.


  The surging hot air also appeared at the entrance of the cave beside him.

  This attack was specifically for Lindsay and Hong, and the airflow did not lower the temperature as the flow distance increased. The moment they rushed into the Crystal Valley Cave, the temperature rose again.

  At the edges, such as cave walls, the soil even begins to show signs of melting!
  Such an attack will kill you immediately!
  At the same time, Lindsay and Hong had already rushed into the area surrounded by crystals. They didn't even dare to waste time and look back.

  After a blink of an eye, a loud noise came from the position of the airflow, and the original violent roar disappeared.

  Lindsay and Hong in front seemed to sense something.

  They stopped and turned around to see an astonishing scene.

  This hot air flow was about to cross the crystal and rush into the cave to continue chasing the two people, but a golden light flashed in the surrounding crystal.

  The sharp flash illuminated the entire cave in an instant, and the surrounding crystals also reflected the glory of this moment.

  Immediately, the lizard leader's attack hit the light.

  The air flow instantly lost its power and exploded into a ball of scattered air flow, gradually dissipating in the air.

  The aggressive attack just now did not stir up even a speck of dust at this moment.

  Lindsay was looking forward to this scene.

  But when the attack of the leader of the six-stage lizard dragon dissipated in this way, he still felt that the scene in front of him was a bit dreamy:
  "This...is gone?"

  (End of Chapter)

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