224. Chapter 223 Participating in the War

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  Chapter 223 Joining the War
  "Fight these invaders!"


  The tunnel collapsed, but it did not attract the attention of others.

  Two six-stage beings fought, and the entire underground was filled with collapses and collapses. This kind of thing could be seen everywhere, and only the sounds of the battle reached the ears of Lindsay and Hong.


  Lindsay paused and sighed softly.

  Those 'hissing' sounds came from the lizard dragon, and the party fighting it was naturally the owner of the second wave of footsteps heard underground - the Eyeless Man.

  The leaders of the two groups fought to the death.

  These ordinary members cannot stay away from the situation. This is a corner where the battlefield extends.

  After a small change, Hong picked up the pickaxe and prepared to continue digging.

  But she noticed Lindsay's actions and asked with concern:
  "Why, let's not continue?"

  Lindsay nodded and replied:

  "I ran into some trouble underground before, and these blind people took the initiative to help me. ."

  Hong leaned the iron pickaxe to her side, with a smile on her lips:
  "So we won't dig tunnels?"

  Lindsay also put away the meteorite pickaxe, took out the Silent Edge and rubbed it on the iron horn bow:
  "It's definitely not easy for us to interfere in the six-stage battle and the war between two ethnic groups. But in the battle happening in front of us, we should do what we can." "


  Hong only smiled even more on his face.

  Without saying a word, she rushed out holding the wood poison javelin.

  Around the Crystal Valley Cave, lizard dragons and eyeless men were fighting bloody battles. The huge lizard dragons were like chariots, rampaging in the dark cave.

  In contrast, the situation of blind people is quite dangerous.

  These underground residents who were attacked were ill-prepared, and when they rushed to catch up, they could only use earth and stone to form spears to fight these dangerous enemies.

  The only advantage they have is their hearing.

  With their small size and keen perception, they can rely on timely reactions and dexterous movements to deal with these lizards.

  But when the rapid tearing sound of air sounded.

  These sightless people who want to protect the forbidden area will inevitably start to suffer casualties.

  The lizard dragon's talent for controlling airflow can have an excellent killing effect in underground spaces. No matter whether it is hot or cold airflow, it can bring a full threat.

  What restricts them from massacring the eyeless people is the desperate fighting of the eyeless people.

  They are too close to the sauropods.

  In this state, overly powerful attacks can easily injure companions, and the lizard dragon's attacks are therefore less frequent.

  Not long after, another blind man was cornered.

  The lizard dragon's huge body collided directly with him, its green snake eyes filled with killing malice.

  At this moment, a green javelin suddenly shot out.

  The lizard dragon's open-mouthed head was directly penetrated horizontally, and then the huge force caused its body to hit the wall directly.


  This blind man, who was originally in a desperate situation, was stunned.

  It only heard a rapid tearing sound of air, and the lizard in front of it flew out sideways, hitting the wall of the cave directly, and its head made some weird corroding sounds of flesh and blood.

  "The first one!"

  Hong's figure followed closely.

  She pulled out the wood poisonous javelin inserted into the lizard dragon's head, and started looking for the next target with her aggressive eyes.

  Not far away, Lindsay also launched his attack.

  Unlike Hong, who entered the scene instantly like thunder and launched a massive attack.

  Lindsay's approach was calm and nonchalant.

  He first shot a silent arrow with the enchanted iron-horned bow and killed a lizard dragon with one sneak attack, then changed his weapon and continued the fight.

  After the battle with the Eyeless Man, there was no loss of the 14 lizards.

  But when Lindsay and Hong suddenly joined the battle, five of them died in the blink of an eye, and the remaining nine lizards also noticed the change in the scene. "Hiss!"

  "Someone is attacking, kill them all!"

  The next second, wild and violent air flow surged in the cave.

  The air here is still distorted by the high temperature, but the air over there may be so cold that it makes people shiver.

  The lizard dragon's attacks are completely unorganized.

  Each one of them tries its best to attack everything around them, trying hard to make sure there are no enemies around them - not even companions.

  When facing an enemy that threatens your own life.

  These cold-blooded creatures have completely lost their previous 'caution' and just want to make themselves safe.

  The fact is that this kind of defense is also very effective.

  If Lindsay and Red attacked based on the risk of injury to themselves, they would definitely be able to kill one or two lizards.

  But this price is not something they can accept.

  Hong tried to throw the wood poison javelin, but the crazy airflow in the air would affect the accuracy of the shot, not to mention the lizard dragon's hard body.

  The girl turned to look at Lindsay:

  "I'll go in and play with them, and you can watch them for me."

  "Don't worry!" Of course, Lindsay couldn't let Hong go to get injured. "Let me think about it..."

  Just at this moment.

  The Eyeless Man who had just been suppressed interrupted Lindsay's train of thought.

  When they saw the two people initiating assistance, they immediately understood that this was a turning point in the battle before them. These warriors who dared to take the initiative to face the crisis during the war began to act without any hesitation.

  "He's the elder's guest!"

  "Help, fight them!"

  followed by shouts.

  In the blink of an eye, an eyeless man rushed towards the lizard dragon's defense circle.

  Although their strength is not as good as these lizards, their responsibility and courage make them fearless of life and death.

  Bang - boom!

  An eyeless man rushed forward, his body immediately tightening in the hot air. It endured the pain before death and pushed the surrounding earth and stone with the talent of source material.


  A mournful cry sounded.

  It used its body and earth and rocks to create a gap in the dense air flow.

  This is also the window for attack!

  The same scene happened one after another in different places.

  Either they were roasted directly by the hot air, or they were frozen into corpses by the cold air.

  At the cost of life.

  These eyeless people open attack windows in each defensive circle.


  Seeing this scene, Lindsay was shocked.

  The source of talent of these eyeless people is certainly not as good as that of the sixth-stage elder who shook the earth. They can only control the earth and rocks around their bodies.

  But it depends on this determination and desperate choice.

  They give the attacking invaders their final color in return!


  Lindsay took a deep breath to calm down her emotions.

  He knew very well that the gaps in the airflow in front of him were opportunities that the blind people had bought with their lives.

  Even if you can't bear it, you can't hesitate at this time anyway!
  Lindsay immediately replaced the iron-horned bow. While shooting, all the unspeakable emotions turned into a cry:
  "Red, do it!"

  (End of this chapter)

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