223.Chapter 222 Crystal Mining

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  Chapter 222 Crystal Mining

  "What is this? It's shiny and pretty?"

  Lindsay paused, and Hong next to her reached out and touched it.

  Although the girl with only half a year of skills knew the name of Crystal Valley, she had never come into contact with crystals in real life, so naturally she could not recognize what she saw in front of her.

  Click -

  the crystal cluster that had been cracked by the meteorite pickaxe was immediately torn off by her.

  Red held the blue crystal up to her eyes.

  The flame-like eyes and the color of the crystal complement each other, and the brilliance in them seems to be swaying.

  "Lindsay, is this the crystal?"

  Hong reacted quickly and immediately guessed what the thing in his hand was.

  "That's right."

  Lindsay nodded slightly and continued digging forward.

  The meteorite pickaxe hit it a few times, and the blue crystal cluster in front of him immediately shattered. He picked up a piece and checked the product information.

  [Ore: Blue Crystal]

  [Blue crystal that can be made into decorations. ]

  [A common crystal that can be easily sold in most places and has a moderate value.

  Lindsay tried to put the blue crystal on the workbench again.

  "Items that cannot be synthesized..."

  Lindsay pouted. Ordinary blue crystals can only make some furniture such as crystal lamps, and there is no synthesis formula for special items.

  Click, click, click!
  The two men, one behind the other, continued their excavation.

  After digging out a few pieces of blue crystal, the content behind it turned back into dirt, but within a few meters new amethyst crystals appeared.

  There are many types of crystals produced in Crystal Valley.

  Just what Lindsay and Hong dug straight ahead already included the four colors of blue, purple, red, and green.


  suddenly, their pickaxes made a special sound.

  What appeared in front of you was another piece of blue crystal cluster, but it itself exuded an extremely dazzling light and was not as hard as ordinary crystal. It fell directly to the ground after being knocked three or two times.

  "Is this... the feeling of sesame?"

  "This crystal is fused with sesame!"

  Lindsay and Hong looked at each other. They were both awakened, and they immediately realized that what appeared in front of them was a precious mineral.

  The two immediately speeded up and knocked off a piece with the pickaxe.

  [Ore/Material: Blue Crystal Cluster]

  [Special blue crystal fused with source material, which can enhance perception when held in the hand; it can also be used as a material to make other props. ]

  [Natural crystals are rarely incorporated into source matter, and such items are of higher value. ]

  Lindsay was the first to hold the [Blue Crystal Cluster] in her hands.

  This piece of material seems to have only simple functions.

  But for items marked with material, their production formulas are often the most valuable!

  [1 Blue Crystal Cluster + 1/1/2 Gold = Sapphire Ring/Earrings/Necklace]

  [1 Blue Crystal Cluster + 3 Glass + 1 Metal = Sapphire Glasses]

  [1 Blue Crystal Cluster + 1 Special Metal + 1 Advanced Gem powder + 2 magnets = blue lightsaber (1)]


  "Some accessories, a pair of glasses, a lightsaber... lightsaber!!!"

  Lindsay's heart beat hard in her chest. .

  His head was a little dizzy, so he opened his bag and confirmed it in disbelief.

  In the judgment of the workbench, titanium alloy is a special metal. Magnets have been collected in the mines for a long time. As for high-grade gem powder, Lindsay also has [Azure Sea Powder] on hand!
  He originally got five copies from the artist.

  In addition to using one when making [Brilliant Bomb], I still have four copies on hand.

  "So - blue crystal clusters, special metals, gemstone powders... are all here!"

  Lindsay, who suddenly became excited, startled Hong on the side.

  She even thought that there was something dangerous in Crystal Valley, and launched an attack on Lindsay without being aware of it. "Lindsay, you..."

  Buzz-buzz -

  before the red words were finished, the dim underground passage was illuminated by blue light.

  Suddenly, a blue cylinder appeared in Lindsay's hand. After he held it in his hand, blue light suddenly emitted from one end of the cylinder.

  Along with the unique buzzing sound of the lightsaber, the temperature in the air even began to rise.

  "Is this...your weird abilities again?"

  Lindsay tried waving the lightsaber, and he raised the lightsaber in front of Hong's face, as happy as a child:

  "Hong, do you want to try it too? "

  If you want, give me one. I still have the materials!"

  "Forget it." Hong shook his head decisively and refused, "I still like weapons like guns and spears." "...


  "You really don't even have the most basic aesthetic ability!"

  [Weapon: Blue lightsaber (1)]

  [Lightsaber made of special crystal. After being excited with the source material, high-temperature ions will be ejected from one end, and the magnetic field constraining the plasma will make a buzzing sound in the air. ]

  [A very terrifying and rare weapon with high value.

  Lindsay tried to draw the lightsaber on the wall, and a scorch mark was immediately left in front of her.

  Then... he had to stop stimulating.

  The power of a lightsaber is visible to the naked eye, but the amount of energy it consumes is also exaggerated.

  Take Lindsay's current reserves of two source pools.

  On the premise of ensuring your own safety, it should be able to activate for about ten seconds.

  Under other circumstances, Lindsay might have to play for a while longer, but now that they are in crisis, saving the essence is still very important.

  Ding! when! Ding! when!
  The sound of the pickaxe continued.

  This piece of blue crystal fused with source matter is pretty good in size.

  After Lindsay dug it out completely, he finally got 4 pieces of material. Since there was no gold, he had to make [sapphire glasses] first.

  [Equipment: Sapphire Glasses]

  [After equipped, the perception ability is enhanced, and activated by inputting source material, the wearer can see the emotional changes of others. ]

  [Glasses with special functions are of high value.

  "Seeing the emotional changes of others..."

  This is a pair of glasses with a light and simple shape. The lenses are composed of a gemstone layer and a glass layer, and the frame is engraved with slender textures.

  Lindsay naturally put it on and looked at the girl next to her first.

  With the activation of the [Sapphire Glasses] function, the red figure was suddenly surrounded by a blue halo in Lindsay's eyes.

  Hong is now mentally stable.

  Therefore, the blue halo that symbolizes her emotions has not changed.


  At this moment, the ground beneath the two men trembled again.

  The battle between the two six-stage experts continued, and the ground shook as expected.

  But this time, Lindsay and Hong encountered a small change.

  Behind them, a section of crystal buried in the soil broke due to the vibration, causing the earth and rock to collapse.

  With a roar, the tunnel they dug collapsed at the back.


  Almost at the same time, Lindsay also confirmed the function of [Sapphire Glasses].

  Because of this roar, the halo on the girl in front of him became a lot heavier.

  And more importantly.

  Following the gap where the tunnel had just collapsed, the two heard sounds coming from outside.

  It was the roar of the lizard and the desperate cry of the eyeless man.

  (End of chapter)

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