222. Chapter 221 Authentic!

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  Chapter 221 Authentic!
  "Okay, you dare to come, right?"

  The moment she heard the voice, Hong had already raised the [Wood Poison Javelin] in her hand.

  She followed the bat from the surface to the underground, killing many monsters along the way, the most common of which was the lizard dragon.

  Now that I hear the voices of these guys, taking action is definitely the first option.

  Almost at the same time, Lindsay on the side shuddered.

  The distance between the two was very close, and he could clearly feel that the power of apoptosis on Hong's body had strengthened again, and there was a strong aura of killing in it.

  A bloody battle all the way from the surface to the underground.

  After experiencing such a high-intensity battle, the essence and spirit in Hong's body were in an extremely excited state!
  "Wait a minute!"

  Lindsay grabbed Hong's wrist and took out the meteorite pickaxe from his bag again.

  The girl raised her eyebrows and said,
  "What, what are your plans again?"

  Lindsay took the time to dig a big hole under her feet.

  Hong didn't resist. After being dragged down by Lindsay, Hong watched the other party fill the top with soil, completely sealing the underground space.

  Only then did she ask:

  "Lindsay, are you afraid of fighting those guys?"

  "How is that possible?" Lindsay rolled her eyes in the dark, "Red, just think about the purpose of these lizards." What?"

  Hong replied without thinking:
  "Defeat the Eyeless Man and seize the Crystal Valley that can improve your strength."

  Lindsay asked back:
  "Then what do you think these lizards are going to do now?"


  The dark underground The space fell into silence, Lindsay and Hong's breaths intertwined, listening to the rhythm of each other's heartbeats.

  Soon, the heavy footsteps of the lizard were heard from above.

  These steps were rapid, chaotic, and numerous in number, making it difficult to judge the details by hearing alone.

  Lindsay opened the map and carefully counted the number of red marks, only to confirm that 14 lizards were passing above!

  Hong noticed this movement:

  "Lindsay, how many have passed by?"

  Lindsay replied:
  "There are 14..."

  Suddenly, Hong reached out and covered Lindsay's mouth.

  The girl's ruby-like pupils seemed to be shining with light as she stared at Lindsay in the dark underground, then shook her head.

  Immediately afterwards, there were some light steps.

  They passed through here quickly and were almost stuck outside the detection range of the group of lizard dragons in front.

  After the sound of footsteps disappeared, Hong took her hand away from Lindsay's mouth:

  "So what you mean by hiding here is to let them lead the way?"

  Lindsay nodded and affirmed:
  "Yes, after all we I don’t know the specific location of Crystal Valley.”

  “If you want to quickly confirm the location, finding someone who is familiar with the terrain to lead the way is definitely the fastest way.”

  The map skill clearly shows the underground structure.

  Lindsay increases the detection distance, and the accuracy will not be lost too much.

  But the problem is that the underground structure in the nearby area is too complex, with countless large and small caves.

  The map does not indicate what this cave is called or what the name of that cave is.

  To find the location of Crystal Valley, you will inevitably have to check them one by one, which will inevitably waste a lot of time.

  But the lizard dragon family is different.

  They have been confronting the Eyeless Man here for many years, and they must know what is going on underground.

  Especially when the leaders of both sides are fighting for their lives, these lizard dragons have no other reason than to go to the Crystal Valley to seize the opportunity.

  At the same time, for Lindsay, this is also the most suitable guide to 'trust'.

  While communicating with Hong, Lindsay also wielded the meteorite pickaxe to dig open the top of his head again, and the two followed the 'tour guide' ahead and started moving forward.

  With markers on the map as guideposts, they didn't even have the risk of losing track.


  The tunnels of the underworld wind and twist.

  Lindsay and Hong quietly followed the two groups in front of them, passing through tunnels and hidden underground caves one after another.

  The battle between the two six-stage beings was so fierce that it caused constant tremors in the ground.

  Tunnels that suddenly collapsed and caves that were completely blocked abound. Even if the advancing lizard knows the terrain, it has to change its route frequently in order to continue on its way.

  It went on like this for half an hour.

  Finally, in front of a very large cave, these lizards stopped.

  Lindsay stopped almost at the same time:

  "Red, we're here!"

  The girl next to him immediately asked,
  "What do you mean, let's just kill him?"

  Lindsay took out a meteorite pickaxe and knocked out a meteorite on the ground a few times. Dakeng also handed the iron pickaxe he used to Hong:

  "No, let's continue digging the tunnel."

  Hong took the iron pickaxe, his movements were a little angry.

  After she waved the hoe fiercely and knocked away a whole row of soil, she couldn't help but ask Lindsay:

  "Lindsay, we are all here, why don't we do something?"

  "We are not on a friendly trip. Yes, there is no need to avoid fighting all the time, right?"

  Lindsay pointed to the top of her head:

  "It's not that I'm kind-hearted."

  "What if we take action and attract those six-stage guys over, the situation can't be solved Yes."

  Boom -

  an almost perfect response to Lindsay's concerns.

  The ground shook violently, and a pile of gravel and soil fell from the tunnel where the two were.

  The aftermath of the battle never stops.

  The two six-stage beings are determined to kill each other. Obviously, this battle will not gradually weaken, but will only end completely after an explosion.

  Such obvious facts support Lindsay.

  Hong couldn't refute, so

  she could only curl her lips in dissatisfaction: "They've been hunting for half an hour."

  "Even if I was hunting on the cliff, I couldn't waste such a long time."

  Lindsay shrugged. :

  "This kind of thing only means that we have less and less time."

  "Save your energy and dig a tunnel quickly. This is the serious thing."

  There was another roar all around.

  Lindsay and Hong both shut up and began to work hard to dig the tunnel, making their own judgments about the current situation in their hearts.

  Vibrations with increasing frequency.

  It shows that the mentality of both warring parties is becoming more and more impatient, so they frequently engage in high-intensity attacks and collisions.

  At that time, they will only be forced to flee.

  Or go all out and try to defeat the powerful enemy here?
  Luck seemed to be on Lindsay's side.

  They dug tunnels alternately, moving at the same speed as ordinary people walking.

  In less than five minutes, their mark on the map had already overlapped with the lizard above.

  But it’s just like what the elder of the Eyeless Man said.

  There seemed to be some danger in the Crystal Valley. These lizards did not dare to enter immediately. Instead, they spread out and surrounded the entire cave.

  Lindsay and Lindsay exchanged opinions in a low voice:

  "They don't dare to go in? If they are so timid, why come in such a hurry?"

  "Maybe they want to ensure that the fruits of victory are not accidentally stolen by others; or they may be reconnaissance. ; Or try to solve the danger in Crystal Valley."

  Click -

  at this moment, a different sound and touch came from the meteorite pickaxe that Lindsay was wielding.

  He turned around and looked.

  What comes into view is no longer the pitch-black underground soil.

  A cluster of glowing blue crystals bloomed just below the meteorite pickaxe.

  (End of chapter)

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