221. Chapter 220 Falling Objects from High Altitude

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  Chapter 220 Falling Object

  Lindsay immediately realized what the bat meant.

  When he was chasing the lizard on the ground, he sent the signal to the red hair as agreed.

  And the subsequent events triggered by this action are.

  The bat entered the ground along the broken passage, and then tracked the location of his master all the way. Finally, at this critical moment, he appeared in the broken passage above his head.

  And Hong, who had made a promise...

  Lindsay was shocked and changed his observation point on the map according to the flying position of the bat.

  It was densely packed with red.

  Each mark corresponds to a lizard ready to attack.

  However, there is an unusually conspicuous green dot among them.

  She rushed from one end of the tunnel, and the red marks along the path went out one by one like traffic lights.

  Hong chased the bat's trajectory and actually fought his way all the way here, before jumping down into the cave.


  Lindsay was dumbfounded, with a lot of messy thoughts popping up in her mind.

  Will a person die if he falls hundreds of meters in the air?
  Because there is resistance in the air, free fall will definitely not accelerate forever, and there is an upper limit.

  But even so, can a human body withstand this kind of impact?

  And can this kind of physical law control other worlds?


  "Jump down from such a high place...you can still fly!"

  Lindsay cursed.

  At the same time, countless thoughts were integrated into one idea - saving people.

  Lindsay rushed over immediately. Fortunately, he was fast enough and saw a black dot falling straight in the sky in time.

  Sure enough, Hong still can't fly.

  Under free fall, the distance between the two sides quickly approached.

  Soon, the dark underground space could not hinder the observation of the field of vision.

  Lindsay saw the other party first. The girl was holding the [Wood Poison Javelin] in her hand, covered in the blood of the lizard. Her fiery red eyes were particularly shining in the dark, and she immediately saw Lindsay.

  The next second -

  "Lindsay, it's so high!"

  Hong opened his arms in the air:

  "Your bat was leading the way well before, why did you suddenly jump off the cliff facing me?"

  So you blame me?
  Lindsay curled his lips, but the situation was urgent now, and he didn't even have time to scold this guy.

  He quickly dug a hole in the ground and put in water.

  Immediately after the [Ancient Tree Crest] was activated, a tall tree man appeared in the dark underground.

  Filling the ground with clear water is just an additional step.

  If you want to save a target falling from a high altitude, the key point is to buffer.

  Otherwise, as long as the height is high enough, even if it falls on the water, it will be no different from hitting the solid ground.

  Lindsay’s chosen method of buffering is the branches of his tree-man.

  He stretched his lush crown forward and placed it directly under Hong Luo.

  Snapped! ——Crack, click, click! Crack!
  A series of sounds sounded in front of me.

  Lindsay felt like she was missing a lot of hair on the top of her head, or should it be called twigs now.

  Fortunately, the tree man's state of recovery is very strong, and he grew back immediately.

  At the same time, Hong, who broke a bunch of branches and finally fell into the water, crawled out wet.

  She wiped the wet muddy water from her face.

  Then with an expression of surprise, he looked at Lindsay, who had just transformed from a tree state back to a human:

  "Lindsay, what on earth is going on?"

  "I followed the bat here as promised, but I met a lot of lizards along the way. !" Lindsay looked at Hong closely.

  Hong 100% abided by the agreement they made before they separated.

  But the price is that the girl who broke into the underground alone was injured everywhere. If she didn't have the physique of an awakened person, it would be very difficult to even move her body.

  "Next time you encounter such a dangerous situation, try to avoid it."

  Lindsay shook her head slightly, and immediately took out the plaster from her bag and applied it to the other party.

  "And the fighting here is earth-shaking."

  "Even if you want to come down, you can't jump down so recklessly, right?"

  Hong Ze smiled nonchalantly:

  "If I come here slowly, I won't meet you here. Isn't it troublesome if it's dangerous?"

  After telling the reason for her actions, the girl looked at the still churning soil and rocks, and gently changed the subject:
  "What's going on here with Lindsay?"

  Lindsay grabbed a hold of it. Holding Hong's hand, he ran to the north first:

  "Leave with me, let's talk as we walk."


  The battle between the lizard dragon leader and the elder of the eyeless man continued.

  On the way away from the battlefield, Lindsay also informed Hong of the news of his harvest.

  Red made no secret of her desire.

  Hearing the secret of the rapid advancement of dragon beasts in the Crystal Valley, the girl said excitedly:

  "Something that can quickly advance people to the sixth or even seventh stage!"

  "Lindsay, if we get it..."

  "I advise You'd better not think that way." Lindsay directly poured cold water on Hong, "Unless it's a constant existence that cannot move, there is a high probability that we will not get the same benefits if the dragon beast has already enjoyed it." In the

  past Hong, if faced with such a blow, would probably have fallen into a depression.

  But her current thinking mode began to be closer to that of Lindsay, so she immediately thought of another idea:
  "Even if we can't become stronger, it can help us understand the enemy better!"

  Lindsay did not deny this:

  "I do agree with this. I don’t think there’s any problem.”

  As the two communicated, the ground beneath their feet shook violently.

  The two six-stage strong men near Yanchuan are still fighting. Even if they run far away, they can still feel the movements there.

  Hong immediately frowned and said with emotion:
  "Lindsay, is the gap between stage six and stage five so big?"

  She and Lindsay were in a similar situation.

  Although I have encountered the tree mother of the Forest of Stars, she was in a special situation.

  At this moment, the unscrupulous elder of the Eyeless Man and the leader of the lizard dragon are fighting. This display of strength from a high-ranking being makes people truly feel the desperate gap.

  Lindsay sorted out the language:

  "One of my teachers once told me that after reaching the fifth stage, the awakened person began to enjoy the title of promoted person." "

  I didn't feel very clear about this change at the time. ."

  "But now it seems that this so-called upgrade is probably the most appropriate description." "

  Every advancement from the five stages means changes that were unimaginable in the past."

  While describing his views, Lindsay felt in his heart I am also filled with emotions.

  For the existence of the sixth stage, a real fight would be like a scene of landslides and earth-shattering.

  And dragon beasts like the seventh stage can even affect the entire world through advanced methods!

  So what is the eighth stage?
  In Narkobondek, the main city of the War School, what level of power does the undefeated king in the ninth stage possess?

  Lindsay also wanted to exchange some ideas with Hong.

  Before he could say anything more, a small voice sounded from the tunnel behind the two of them:

  "Hiss, hiss -"

  (End of Chapter)

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