220.Chapter 219 Landslide and Earth Fissure

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  Chapter 219: Landslide and Earth Fissure
  The development of events swept across like a storm, and everything changed dramatically in an instant.

  Lindsay had a feeling.

  It was like pushing the first domino by myself.

  Entering the underground world, he encounters a lizard, and is abducted by an eyeless man to Yanchuan. When he realizes that things have changed, the two sides start a war.

  The changes come one after another.

  The eyeless man and the lizard dragon, who had maintained a fragile balance, also started a new war.


  Soon, the salt river beneath Lindsay’s feet began to crumble.

  The elder of the eyeless man who jumped into it used his unique ability to control the earth, stone and earth, and collided head-on with the strong wind that was raging here.

  The originally dark world was completely overwhelmed by the loud noise of the impact and the surge of things.

  Wave after wave of shocks swept over like an endless tsunami, making it difficult for ordinary people to even stand firm here!


  "Who should I talk to about cooperation?"

  Lindsay on Yanchuan River was speechless.

  He spread his legs, bent his knees slightly, and used his hands to adjust his balance.

  Although the entire ground was shaking and shaking, he still stood firmly on the salt river, just like a surfer riding a surfboard.

  Lindsay's vision swept around.

  The salt river burst, and the eyeless people who originally lived here howled.

  With their developed hearing and physical strength, some people were able to escape from the vicinity, but more eyeless people died in the aftermath of the war.

  As for the battle situation between these two six-stage experts...

  "Unless the winner can be decided with one blow."

  Lindsay immediately made a judgment.

  The elder of the Eyeless Man is stronger than the leader of the lizard dragon. It can control the deep earth and rocks and can completely resist the strong wind of the leader of the lizard dragon.

  But this is just an appearance.

  Lindsay had just seen the injuries of the Eyeless Man Elder with her own eyes.

  That was the check and balance left by the dragon beast, which also caused the elder of the Eyeless Man to be in extremely poor condition, and could even be said to be at the end of his strength.

  "If the consumption lasts for a long time, the lizard dragon will definitely win!"

  And once the Eyeless Elder is defeated...

  Lindsay's head suddenly swelled when he thought of the reason why he appeared here.

  "Perhaps these lizards will let me go because they are happy about winning the war?"

  Even Lindsay herself found this possibility ridiculous.

  He shook his head and began to jump down from the Yanchuan River. After a few ups and downs, his figure was already close to the ground.

  Open the map again.

  Lindsay took a quick look and found a tunnel away from the scene of the battle.

  After that, relying on his ability, escaping from the dangerous underground cave will definitely not be a problem.

  He quickly took two steps, but his pace soon slowed down.

  This stop was not because the ground during the battle was shaking too violently, making it impossible to move forward.

  But there is something very important that Lindsay has not yet confirmed.

  "That Crystal Valley, I haven't asked where it is yet!"

  The Crystal Valley that the elder of the Eyeless Man just revealed may involve the dragon beast suddenly becoming stronger, which also means a better understanding of the enemy and even a chance to defeat it. .

  Lindsay came with the purpose of killing the dragon beast.

  There is absolutely no reason to miss such an opportunity!

  Three or two times after jumping out of Yanchuan, Lindsay quickly scanned the map and quickly identified a friendly person marked in green.

  Lindsay rushed over without saying a word.

  He asked the panicked eyeless man:
  "Your elders just commissioned me to go to Crystal Valley to investigate. Do you know where it is?" The

  eyeless man shook his head in panic:

  "Crystal Valley? That's a forbidden area. It's very dangerous. It's dangerous, you'll die if you go there!"

  Lindsay emphasized:

  "That's why you elders entrusted me to do it!"

  "Tell me the location of Crystal Valley and run away quickly, it's too dangerous here!" Facts have proved that Lindsay Picking a green-marked person to ask is the right choice.

  The eyeless man replied without any doubt:

  "It's deeper underground to the north. I've never been there before!"

  After getting the answer he wanted, Lindsay let go of the eyeless man, and the other party turned around as he reminded him. Just run.

  Lindsay, who gained the target position, naturally...

  At this moment, a violent sound exploded from above the head again.

  This sound was different from the confrontation between the strong wind and earth and rocks just now, but the direct collision of some real objects.

  Lindsay looked up.

  Although the light in the cave was very dark, the movement of the huge shadow still allowed him to see the clues.

  From the position of Yanchuan, the earth and stone condensed into a spiral spearhead, which pierced diagonally toward the top of the cave above.

  The ground made a loud noise during the impact.

  Countless rocks and clods of earth fell from above, and then shattered into countless ash, completely blocking the perspective of all living creatures.

  "Is this an attack by the Eyeless Elder?"

  Lindsay quickly thought of more possibilities.

  "Eyeless people have well-developed hearing, but lizard dragons still rely on their eyes to distinguish things. The environment is undoubtedly favorable to the eyeless people."

  This blow may be an attack by the elder of the eyeless people on the leader of the lizard dragon.

  But there is another possibility.

  It has already admitted its failure in its heart, so this blow is not just a final resistance.

  At the same time, we are also fighting for the opportunity for other eyeless people to escape in the future!


  A second ago, he was participating in a grand event with himself, planning to defeat the six-stage existence of the dragon beast.

  It turned into this situation in the blink of an eye.

  Lindsay naturally had many emotions in her heart.

  But while hiding on the border, he learned one very important thing - he must take action at critical moments!

  Lindsay turned around and rushed north.

  He just knew the general direction of Crystal Valley, but the specific distance and depth were not yet known.

  We can only use the map to explore and find a suitable way forward.


  At this moment, there was new movement at the top of the cave.

  As the eyeless elders continued to control the earth, they launched collisions.

  A huge rock buried in the earth finally became overwhelmed and broke from the center.

  What followed was a violent collapse.

  The rock split in two and fell, leaving a huge hole in the entire roof of the cave.

  There are connections to other caves and several tunnels above.

  At this moment, it suddenly collapsed, and even several lizards fell out of it ignorantly and dazedly.


  A roar came from above.

  Immediately afterwards, the strong air flow pressed downwards like an iron hammer, causing the entire dark underground space to sink.

  This is the counterattack of the lizard leader!
  Lindsay immediately prepared the [Molten Emblem] and [Mountain Emblem] in his hands.

  The fight between these two six-stage existences is like a landslide in a real sense. One controls earth and rock, and the other controls high-temperature airflow.

  While Lindsay was on her way, she was always prepared.


  But at this moment, Lindsay paused and looked up at the huge dark cave above her head.

  It wasn't that he was afraid of the intensifying battle.

  Just in Lindsay's perception.

  The bats that were summoned with the staff on the surface actually flew out of the cracked hole!

  (End of chapter)

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