219.Chapter 218 'Freedom' Underground

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  Chapter 218: Underground 'Freedom'

  Can this guy read minds?
  Can powerful hearing eventually evolve the ability to listen to the heart?
  When most people learn that there is someone in front of them who can peer into their own souls, their first reaction will definitely not be much better.

  Lindsay is not immune to this.

  But compared to the secret being revealed, there was only one person he was most nervous about - the dragon beast.

  You must know that almost all the monsters in the Black Mountain world sink and float at the feet of dragon beasts.

  If the sixth-stage blind man in front of him learns that the true purpose of Lindsay's trip is to kill the dragon beast...

  then his current behavior can almost be said to be a self-inflicted trap!

  Even with the opponent's six-stage strength.

  Lindsay couldn't even escape, she could only close her eyes and wait for death!
  Realizing the situation he was in, Lindsay quickly controlled his thoughts. He could also do simple meditation to empty his mind.

  But when communicating with others, keeping your mind empty all the time is definitely not a feasible option.

  And the reality is far worse than Lindsay imagined.

  Just a fleeting thought had been captured by the eyeless man in front of him.

  "Lindsay, I can only hear the activities on the surface of your mind. Dragon beast...Dragon beast? You actually have such an incredible goal?"

  "Friend, the weak always have a chance to defeat the strong, but this is not enough to cause people to seek death. "The reason for the road."

  "What you know is not accurate."

  "Dragon Beast does control most of the creatures in the above-ground world, but it has not taken action against the barren underground world."

  Dragon Beast has not taken action against the underground world?
  Lindsay controlled his thinking as much as possible, but after hearing this sentence, he was still a little surprised:

  "Why did it give up control of the underground?"

  "Since it plunders the source of the entire world in an attempt to advance, then it should be obtained as much as possible All help, this is not in line with common sense!"

  The elder of the Eyeless Man replied:
  "I have thought about this question too."

  "I think it may be related to the rapid development of its strength decades ago."

  Born in Qian The dragon beast in the mountain stone forest;

  there may be things that can make people stronger;
  a certain monster's strength improved by leaps and bounds decades ago.

  When these messages overlap, corresponding speculations naturally emerge.

  There was still no need for Lindsay to speak. The eyeless elder who could listen to other people's superficial thoughts directly confirmed this:

  "Lindsay, you guessed it right."

  "That dragon beast was only a four-stage lizard a few decades ago. It is a dragon, and it is a lone traveler outside the group. But in the nearby Crystal Valley, it did not know what it encountered, and its strength suddenly surged to the fifth stage. Then it continued to strengthen until it left here and went to Montenegro. And rule the whole world!"

  Lindsay thought about the message the Gopher gave him.

  The war between the Eyeless and the Lizard Clan that once took place here.

  The elder of the Eyeless Man answered again:
  "This is our territory itself, and those lizard dragons, as compatriots of the dragon beasts, also know about this incident. Our two groups originally had only minor friction, but in order to keep the secret of increasing strength, we That started the war."

  This statement is somewhat different from the information given by the Gopher clan.

  But the logic is more convincing.

  Speaking of this, the tone of the elder without eyes became more serious.

  "Lindsay, since your goal is to kill the dragon beast, then I think we should cooperate." "

  You might be able to find the secret of its strength in the Crystal Valley."

  We should cooperate...

  Lindsay felt There is something in the words of the eyeless man in front of me.

  You must know that this is helping the enemy challenge the dragon beast!

  Even if the dragon beasts did not extract the source of these underground creatures, they had no reason to help Lindsay resist the dragon beasts.

  On the contrary, this is an outrageous choice that leads to disaster.

  "That's the reason." When Lindsay thought of this, the Eyeless Man Elder stood up, "Just one breath, it took out a lot of water from my body, causing me to be unable to move." The Eyeless

  Man Elder Showing its body. The wrinkles on its skin are not caused by aging, but are the marks left forever on its body by a previous attack.

  Dragonmon has the ability to manipulate hot and cold air currents.

  This ability is already quite dangerous at the fifth stage. When it advances to the seventh stage where the dragon beast is, it can even interfere with the bodies of other monsters and pronounce death only in an instant.

  The elder of the Eyeless Man also relied on his great strength to avoid dying directly.

  But the drastic decline in body functions is almost equivalent to imprisoning it here.

  Having said this, the elder of the Eyeless Man said bitterly:

  "The leader of the lizard dragon is definitely no match for me!"

  "But because of that 'gentle' lesson, I can only be forced to stay here and fight with it. A long period of confrontation."

  By this point in the conversation, Lindsay had basically controlled her thoughts.

  He focused his thoughts on the dragon beast and the eyeless man in front of him, and by not thinking about his secret, he could avoid information leakage.

  So he quickly asked:
  "Why doesn't the dragon beast kill you completely?"

  The elder of the eyeless man really knew:

  "When it took action, I also saw its surface thinking."

  "It wants to maintain the underground world. Some kind of balance, that's why it didn't swallow me whole!"

  Lindsay pointed to the top of the cave above:

  "Where are those lizards?"

  The eyeless man's elder's attitude was extremely disdainful:

  "Those greedy guys , are afraid of the power of dragon beasts, but are extremely eager, and even jealous of their own kind. However, as underground creatures, they will not be extracted by dragon beasts." "The

  final result is that they confront me here . , trying to dig out the secrets buried underground. At the same time, some left here and took the initiative to pledge their allegiance to the dragon beasts!" The

  black-scaled lizard dragon responsible for guarding the glacier elements in the swamp seems to be the latter.

  After hearing this news, Lindsay suddenly understood what she had experienced.

  But at this time, the tone of the eyeless elder suddenly became extremely sad, and the body that had just stood up weakly sat down again:
  "Lindsay, human friend, I beg you."

  "This is a place for my tribe. , has become a hopeless cage. That damn dragon beast has ruined everything. Even if the source of essence is not extracted, we are only left with a futile struggle here..."


  Suddenly, a strange sound came from outside the cave.

  A violent storm blew up in the sunless underground space, making strange roaring noises in the closed environment. The entire cave seemed to have turned into the end of the world in an instant.

  And at the same time, the surrounding temperature began to rise sharply.

  There are even signs of melting in Yanchuan.

  The eyeless man living nearby let out a sharp roar, and an atmosphere of panic and despair enveloped the entire hill.

  Is it an attack from the dragon beast?

  Lindsay instantly judged this change in his mind, but the elder of the eyeless man beside him shook his head in denial:

  "No, it's the six-stage lizard above!"

  At this point, the elder of the eyeless man said Look' to Lindsay.

  It spoke again, with both sorrow and relief in its tone:
  "That guy knows that you may become the variable in everything."

  "Greed makes it uncontrollable!"

  "Humans, I know you have always been very stubborn. Be smart, it's up to you whether you want to seize the opportunity in front of you."

  After saying that, the elder of the eyeless man also burst out with strong source of energy.

  A huge gap opened up in the Salt River itself, and the Eyeless Elder got into it, and the entire mountain peak began to tremble violently.

  A decisive battle between two six-stage powerhouses is just around the corner!
  (End of chapter)

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