218.Chapter 217 Yanchuan

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  Chapter 217 Yanchuan
  Crystal? Silica beryllium? Celestite?

  The underground cave is very large, and Lindsay cannot peek into the full picture and details of this underground mountain with only the torch in his hand.

  "The elder is right there."

  At the same time, the eyeless man responsible for leading the way spoke.

  It pointed at the top of the underground mountain and introduced at the same time:

  "There are many tunnels we have made on Liufeng. You should pay attention to safety when you go up. If any of my compatriots say hello to you, well... you'd better not Things related to the lizard."

  As soon as he finished speaking, the eyeless man who had brought Lindsay all the way here left with his spear in hand, and his figure quickly disappeared into the darkness.

  Lindsay watched the other party leave:
  "Let me go by myself? Do you trust me so much?"

  Lindsay shook her head slightly and took the initiative to walk towards the crystal mountain.

  Bringing an outsider to the camp of his own species, and then letting him act alone so carelessly.

  For this exaggerated decision, Lindsay thought of two possibilities.

  The first is that the other party has such customs, so they have this choice.

  As for the second possibility...

  "That's because I have confidence in my own strength, so I feel confident."

  Lindsay thought of her speculation again.

  The behavior of the blind man at this moment also greatly strengthens this possibility.

  "Among the group of eyeless people, I'm afraid there are six-stage strong men sitting

  here." Having reached this point, Lindsay had no intention of turning around and running away.

  He opened the map and looked at the mountains in front of him.

  There are a large number of yellow neutral signs on it, and there are also some scattered green friendly signs, but there is no red symbolizing hostility.

  "Then just go up and have a look."

  Lindsay made a decision and immediately stepped onto this underground mountain.

  The crystal clear mountain looks very transparent, and its hard texture also feels like a rock. But after walking a short distance, Lindsay smelled a salty smell in the air.

  His gaze naturally fell on the surface of the mountain below.

  The peculiar terrain here was quite eye-catching, and coupled with the smell in the air, Lindsay immediately had an idea, and at the same time used her own product template to confirm it.

  [Mineral: Rock Salt]

  [A mineral that can be used to make salt and is easily soluble in water. Because it bears different buoyancy than rocks, it has a certain degree of fluidity. ]

  [A relatively common mineral with low value. ]

  "So... this is a salt mountain?"

  Lindsay also knew about rock salt in her previous life, and even bought Himalayan rose salt to try.

  "But it's just right."

  Lindsay picked up two pieces and stuffed them into her bag as a reserve of salt before continuing to climb to the top of the hill.

  Sure enough, he met other eyeless people on the way.

  Some of them are digging holes in the salt mountains, while others are going about their daily routine. Everything Lindsay saw revealed the sense of life in primitive society, and the blind people seemed to regard this place as their home.

  As for the sightless people I met on the road.

  Through their keen vocal and receiving organs, they can also tell that Lindsay is not of the same species.

  But at most they only come up to ask a few questions.

  Knowing that Lindsay was going to meet the elders living on the top of the hill, they basically let him go without any obstruction on the way.

  A quarter of an hour later, Lindsay reached the top of the hill.

  There is no wind or rain in the underground world, and the houses where the eyeless people live are just holes drilled into the salt mountains.

  The so-called elder's residence is just larger than other people's.

  Only at the top of the hill is there a square, which may be used to hold citizens' meetings and other matters.

  "Human, you are here."

  A deep voice came from the pit in front. Lindsay's vision swept around, and there was only a large cave in front of him on the top of the hill. Only elders seemed to be qualified to live here.

  He stepped forward in response, but his mouth just opened before he could say anything.

  The beings in the cave below seemed to be aware of Lindsay's movements.

  So the voice came out again:
  "Come in, there is no need to be formal here, we can have a good talk."


  Lindsay raised her eyebrows and walked in generously.

  Just as he expected, there was an old, eyeless man sitting in the cave at the top of the salt mountain.

  But unlike his younger compatriots.

  This old, eyeless man had many wrinkles on his skin, and there were some flame-like red lines all over it.

  Just by comparing the shapes, you can understand the specialness of the individual in front of you.

  This may be the sixth stage leader of the Eyeless Man.

  Lindsay made an inference in her mind and took the initiative to introduce herself:

  "Hello, I'm Lindsay."

  "Everyone calls me Shazank." The old blind man also introduced himself, "This is me. The elder of the tribe."

  "Lindsay, I heard everything you said on the way here." "

  We have a common enemy. At this time, joining forces to fight against the enemy is the best option. Smart species like you should also understand."

  Did you hear all the conversations on the road?
  Lindsay had a stern expression.

  The distance from where he fell to the top of the salt mountain was absolutely enormous.

  Although the sightless people have lost their sight and strengthened their hearing, it is still impossible to hear the conversation directly from such a distance.

  There can only be one conclusion.

  The old, eyeless man with fiery red skin in front of him has also awakened corresponding special abilities due to his leap in strength, and this superpower-like hearing is one of them!

  Faced with such a strong man, Lindsay also got straight to the point:
  "I understand the general situation, and I do have the idea of ​​dealing with these lizards." "

  But before I act, I have a question."

  Lindsay was about to ask what he cared about. things.

  But before he could ask a specific question, the old blind man in front of him spoke first:
  "I am indeed very powerful, but that place is equally dangerous to me. Under such circumstances, let alone letting other monsters explore the crystal on our behalf. Damn it."

  Lindsay was in a daze for a moment.

  The question he wanted to ask was, 'Why don't you drive other monsters, or do it yourself? '

  Who knew that the blind man in front of him would be able to answer first.

  Being able to hear such distant conversations in advance.

  At this moment, he was able to make reasonable inferences based on the content of the conversation, and even guessed the questions he wanted to ask...

  Lindsay was under a lot of pressure.

  The difficulty of communicating with a strong and intelligent being is self-evident.

  Next he wanted to ask: 'Since Warcraft and a strong person like you can't do it, why should I try? '

  As soon as Lindsay opened her mouth, the Eyeless Man interrupted again in advance:

  "Because there are some traces in the Crystal Valley, and I happen to know that they are your human words."

  This time Lindsay's expression became serious.

  The first answer can also be explained as the other party has strong reasoning ability, but for the second question, the probability of success in continuing to guess is almost extremely small, and the other party has no reason to give such an accurate answer.

  A dangerous idea came to mind like this:

  "Are you reading my mind?"

  The elder of the eyeless man nodded frankly:

  "That's right."

  (End of this chapter)

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