212. Chapter 211 Important Speculations

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  Chapter 211 Important Speculations
  "Lindsay, what do you think the so-called eyeless people are like?" "

  A creature that lives underground. Because it has been in a dark environment for many years, its eyes have degenerated and disappeared." "

  Even in life It’s not like you’ll lose your eyes if you’re underground, right?”

  “Use it or lose it, and look at it on a longer time scale. This is a normal situation.”

  After leaving Sanzhu Lake, Lindsay and Hong continued on the road. .

  They ate the lizard meat they had roasted that morning while discussing the information they had gleaned from the gophers.

  According to the native species of this Qianshan Stone Forest.

  Many years ago, a war broke out between the Eyeless People and the Lizard Dragon Clan, and the structure of the underground world was extensively destroyed, which led to the collapse of the surface.

  Lindsay remembered something very important:
  "Hong, do you remember the story I told you?"

  "The monster responsible for guarding you is a fifth-stage monster called the Black Scale Lizard."

  Hong's attention turned out to be true. Moved from the Eyeless Man to the Saurus.

  She had a very subtle expectation in her heart for the person responsible for guarding her:

  "Lindsay, I remember you said that thing is very strong?"

  Lindsay immediately nodded and confirmed:

  "It's very powerful."

  As a target of daily training, Hong Knowing that Lindsay's strength has been increasing:

  "What if it were you now?"

  "I encounter now..." Lindsay thought seriously, "With the ability of that lizard, I'm afraid it will still be very dangerous."

  Lindsay was not being modest or joking in any way.

  He can indeed deal with some ordinary stage five monsters now.

  But the black-scaled lizard dragon is not among them.

  That guy has comprehensive abilities and a strong body. Lindsay may be able to fight the Black Scale Lizard head-on without relying on strategies and traps, but he can't say that he can win 100% of the time.

  Hong also nodded thoughtfully:

  "Dragon Beast's cronies are really strong."

  Lindsay continued following the words:
  "Yes, the Black Scale Lizard Dragon is the Dragon Beast's die-hard loyalist, and in front of him and Wu Yan The race that caused the collapse of the earth when humans started a war is called a lizard."

  Hong's expression became serious:

  "Do you think this race is related to dragon beasts?"

  Lindsay was noncommittal:

  "At least before the death of the Black Eagle King, it was clear It expresses that the dragon beast was born in the stone forest of thousands of mountains."

  A smile appeared on the girl's face:

  "Are we going to fight all the way to its hometown?"

  Lindsay affirmed:
  "Maybe that's it."

  At this point, Lindsay's tone suddenly changed.

  He had been thinking about a problem in the past few months, and now that he had experienced the experience of Sanzhu Lake, he finally had a vague idea:

  "Hong, have you ever thought about something?"

  Hong noticed that Lindsay's Serious:
  "What is it?"

  Lindsay said solemnly:
  "Those three stone pillars in Sanzhu Lake that can enhance strength. Do you think that with the ability of the dragon beast, the existence of such things will be ignored?"

  Hong thought briefly. , he came to a conclusion in his mind:
  "Maybe I'm not sure about the specific situation, but at least I'll be aware of it." "

  But the fact is that the dragon beast is completely unmoved." Lindsay agreed with this conclusion, and then asked another question, " So Hong, do you think the tree mother is important to the dragon beast?"

  A powerful existence in the sixth stage.

  Even envoys were sent to guard it, which was of course very important.

  Hong nodded without hesitation:

  "I'm not blind, of course it values ​​the tree mother very much!"

  Lindsay's expression became more serious:
  "Then do you still remember the swamp where you were imprisoned, and what happened when we left there? Everything?" Hearing that things are related to him.

  Hong crossed her arms and slowed down to walk side by side with Lindsay. She realized that the focus of the topic was herself.

  "Lindsay, what do you mean?"

  Lindsay said frankly:
  "The dragon beast does not interfere with the stone pillar that can increase its strength; the six-stage monster that surrendered to it and the trusted followers it sent died, but it still didn't react at all; but... When I killed the black-scaled lizard dragon and rescued you, the dragon beast was furious and even caused a small earthquake." "

  If you have to find one difference..."

  After saying this, Lin Sai directly stretched out his hand and pointed at the girl in front of him:
  "Then it can only be you."

  Hong opened his eyes wide and said:

  "Huh? Me?"

  The girl's expression was completely unbelievable, and there was even self-deprecation in her eyes:
  "A hairless A prisoner without freedom, a loser who has lost all abilities and memories? He actually attracts more attention and anger from dragon beasts than those things?"

  Lindsay bypassed Hong's self-mockery and continued to point out the doubts in his eyes:
  "Red, don't look away. Just focus on failure."

  "Think about it from another angle."

  "After the death of the black-scaled lizard dragon, it shouldn't be a problem to carry out a more concentrated strike with the dragon beast's ability to cause earthquakes. But the fact is that it only caused caused an earthquake."

  "Even a six-stage tree mother can cause landslides and cracks in the ground."

  "If it were the dragon beast that was connected to the world and in advanced stage seven, a short earthquake would definitely not be its fault. The upper limit of your ability!"

  Hong could not refute Lindsay's analysis and began to think about herself.

  Lindsay continued:
  "So I feel that the small-scale earthquake that occurred in the swamp was not simply the dragon beast's anger." "

  Its real purpose was to change the structure of the cavity under the swamp and let the magma emerge. Submerge everything. At the same time, it will also bury you deep under the ground, never to see the light of day!" "


  Hong never thought about this at all in the past.

  So when Lindsay proposed this hypothesis, her first reaction was not to believe it.

  "How is that possible? I just..."

  Lindsay shook her head and interrupted Hong's retort:

  ​​"Hong, I didn't say anything either. This is the absolutely correct truth. It's just a guess at the moment."

  "After all, we have to be strict. Three Pillars Lake may not necessarily attract the attention of dragon beasts. Only by obtaining more reference objects can we confirm whether this assumption is correct or not."

  Hong shrugged.

  She immediately understood the meaning of Lindsay's words.

  More reference objects must refer to targets that can attract the attention of dragon beasts.

  What else could it be?

  The underground world ahead may be the hometown of Dragon Beast!
  If there is a secret for the other party to become stronger, it will definitely be strictly monitored.


  At this moment, Lindsay raised her eyebrows.

  When he was on the road, he habitually zoomed in on the map to examine the road conditions ahead, and at this moment he discovered the steep slope of the terrain.

  "Hong, we're almost there."

  Lindsay greeted, speeding forward with the girl beside him.

  Walk around a rugged mountain road ahead for half an hour.

  As a hot and cold west wind blew from behind the two of them, the scene in front of them suddenly changed.

  It was a collapsed land.

  On the surface of the ground with countless cracks, there are countless stone pillars that have fallen here. Occasionally, the wind and sand blow by, and the whole world is covered with a layer of gray. Simply sniffing the air makes one's throat dry.

  A long time has passed since that war.

  When Lindsay and Hong came here, this land with almost no life still could not conceal the sadness of the disaster that had occurred.

  (End of chapter)

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