211.Chapter 210 World Altar

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  Chapter 210 World Altar
  "Red, are you okay?"

  In Lindsay's eyes, Hong must be more important than the gopher clan he just met.

  So without any negotiation, he rushed forward immediately, holding the shoulders of the girl in front of him with both hands:

  "You touched this stone pillar? How does it strengthen the power?"

  Hong smiled bitterly:
  "This stone pillar seems to strengthen the contact. The essence of the person."

  "My ability was enhanced when I was in contact just now, which also caused me to think of some pictures."

  Lindsay immediately realized what the picture Hong said was:
  "Have you recovered your lost memory?"

  "It's not that easy." Hong shook his head, "There is only one scene, where someone pierced my chest with a sword."

  Lindsay asked,
  "Can you remember what the other person looked like?"

  Hong shook his head again:
  "I have no impression. I'm not even sure if there's something wrong with my memory."

  With that said, Hong pointed to his chest.

  "I even took off my clothes and took a look. There are no wounds in this position."

  Lindsay's gaze paused on Hong's chest for a while, then turned to the stone pillar aside:

  "You didn't try to touch it again, and you recovered more. Memory?"

  Hong curled his lips and said in a very helpless tone:

  "I tried it right away, but contact with it again cannot activate the effect of this stone pillar."

  So what is going on with this stone pillar?

  Lindsay knew one thing very well - Hong came with him and knew almost nothing about the situation here.

  Want to get more information.

  We can only start with the local indigenous people.

  Lindsay's eyes then turned to the gopher on the side.

  The attitude of this monster that followed him back to the ground was still friendly.

  In other words, after Lindsay showed kindness and strength respectively, as long as there are no overly extreme customs, any race will reciprocate the same attitude.

  The gopher took the initiative to explain:
  "Humans, the power of stone pillars can strengthen the source of essence in the body of the contact." "

  But as the female said, this effect will only exist in the first contact, and it is impossible to use this all the time. Ways to build strength."

  Lindsay accepted the explanation.

  But when his gaze shifted to the three stone pillars under the night, another question popped up:
  "You just said this is called the first stone pillar, what about the other two?"

  "This kind of enhancement is that every stone pillar has Can it be improved once, or can I choose one of the three and only have one chance to become stronger?"

  This gopher knew everything:

  "You can only choose 1 out of 3, and there is only one chance to become stronger."

  "Among the three stone pillars, we are in the It is the first stone pillar, and contact with it will strengthen the stock of source matter to the greatest extent; the second stone pillar on the left is focused on enhancing physical fitness; the third stone pillar on the right is mainly used to enhance the spirit."

  Although it is only once.

  But whether it is for humans or Warcraft, this kind of item that can quickly increase strength is definitely of high value.

  Lindsay's eyes wandered between the first stone pillar in front of her and the other two behind her.

  He didn't hesitate for long.

  The Sefirah as the foundation of everything is definitely the best choice.

  What's more, for Lindsay, attributes such as physique and will can be enhanced through the attribute panel.

  There is nothing to hesitate about.

  So Lindsay also stepped forward and reached out to touch the surface of the first stone pillar. The rough frosted touch appeared on Lindsay's hand along with the source of essence.


  Lindsay went through the same strengthening process as Hong.

  However, he did not have any additional memories to awaken. The source material in the first stone pillar came into contact with him, and then began to expand Lindsay's main principle - [Genealogy of Life].

  The increase is astonishing!

  [Life Lineage] Strengthening route at the current stage. In itself, it is necessary to continuously enhance the source of essence in one's body through various means.

  He has worked very hard in this year, but the amount of growth is relatively limited. Now after being strengthened by the first stone pillar... At this

  moment, Lindsay has a vague perception:
  "The distance to the advancement of [Life Lineage] should be only It’s about half of the accumulation.” After

  the strengthening was completed, Lindsay did not stop immediately.

  He used his product skills to check the properties of the stone pillar in front of him.

  [Altar: Energy Pillar]

  [A natural altar that can strengthen abilities. ]

  [The source of the world itself has been disturbed and occupied. In order to resist or interfere with this phenomenon, some special beings were born in the world to promote this process of resistance and interference.

  【A mysterious altar that only appears for a short period of time. Unless you have the strength of level seven or above, it is not recommended to sell it. ]

  Did this thing appear to deal with dragon beasts? !

  Lin Ma understood immediately.

  In the hidden frontier, he already knew that plundering the world's essence to advance was a very dangerous act.

  I didn’t expect that besides the dangers involved in the advancement itself.

  Even the world whose essence has been extracted will resist accordingly!

  The purpose of the emergence of something like this that can enhance strength is probably to cultivate new strong men to challenge the dragon beasts.

  "So what is this?"

  "Will of the world? Law of heaven? Or restraint?"

  "Does the world itself have self-awareness?"

  Lindsay looked at the stone pillar in front of him and shook his head slightly.

  He originally wanted to secretly knock down a sample of a stone pillar, but now he has completely given up on this idea.

  Lindsay turned to look at the gopher next to him:
  "So those transparent lizards attacked you because of this thing?"

  "That's right." The gopher answered honestly, and then his voice became annoyed, "They don't have anything to begin with. Opportunity! After our leader receives reinforcement, he has the possibility to advance from the fifth stage to the sixth stage."

  Lindsay continued to ask:

  "What about your leader?"

  The gopher lowered his head, and two small front He scratched the lake water with his claws and wiped his nose. His voice became choked:

  "The leader...it failed, and then died." "


  The brave man who had the opportunity to help the world fight against the dragon beast was gone prematurely.

  "My condolences." Lindsay comforted the gopher.

  Hong, who was next to him, heard this conversation and had a new understanding of the undercurrent water lizard sitting underneath him:

  "So these guys attacked by taking advantage of the opportunity."

  "Lindsay, let's call this guy first. Wake up and torture him, or say..."

  Hong's voice trailed off, but his eyes were pointed at the gopher.

  Lindsay thought about it later, and then changed the topic of communication to the content before this incident started:

  "Continue to tell us about the sunken ground to the east."

  Of course, the gopher had no reason to refuse.

  However, compared to its previous attitude during the negotiation, it spoke in more detail and more seriously this time:

  "That's the story the leader told me

  before he was alive." "I heard that before the dragon beasts ruled the world, thousands of mountains and stone forests were used as a means of fighting. The most intense place is also the place where the most powerful people appear."

  "It's in the underground world in the east."

  "The two flourishing races have been developing for a long time, and their territories finally began to collide, and a big war began..."

  (End of this chapter)

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