213. Chapter 212 Looking for the entrance

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  Chapter 212 Looking for the Entrance
  "Is this right here?"

  Hong raised his eyebrows dissatisfied.

  She originally thought that she could see some rare spectacle in this world.

  But this kind of terrain where depressions can be seen everywhere and there are collapsed stone pillars is really uninteresting.

  Lindsay had a completely different view:

  "You can't just look at the surface."

  "And these are just ruins caused by the war. It's impossible to expect to find anything here."

  As he spoke, Lindsay took the lead and walked down.

  Whoosh -

  the gravel began to slide underfoot.

  From the high point to the bottom of the collapsed ground below, there are many sharp-shaped stones. They are stacked on top of each other and stuck in position, maintaining a fragile balance.

  As a result, when Lindsay and Hong walked over, this balance was broken.

  One to ten dollars.

  Ten to hundreds of dollars.

  Then spread from hundreds of blocks to the entire slope.

  The gravel rolled downwards on a large scale. Lindsay and Hong, who were walking on it, could maintain their balance with their excellent abilities, but they could not escape at all.

  The landslide has begun!

  "What the hell!"

  Hong was very dissatisfied with being trapped in this passive state.

  After being pushed by Shi Lang for more than ten meters, she couldn't bear it, so she grabbed Lindsay next to her and jumped up high.

  Amidst the deafening roar, the two of them settled on a slope not far away.

  Now look to the next door.

  A large number of stones were still tumbling downwards with a violent sound, and the terrain at high places quickly became convex, like a dent made by squeezing the bottom of a toothpaste tube.

  "It didn't go well at the beginning."

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows.

  Hong didn't care about this and dragged Lindsay down:

  "Lindsay, where should we start looking?"

  Lindsay immediately clicked on the map.

  Due to the war many years ago, there are very few underground caves in this basin, and the passages connecting them have collapsed and broken.

  In this case, except for creatures that can actively dig holes in the soil.

  Even Warcraft cannot survive smoothly.

  Lindsay shook his head slightly and told his companions what he had observed:

  "The ground has almost completely collapsed and was pressed very solid." "

  We need to look for the two races that are active underground."

  "My suggestion is to start from this basin. Searching on the edge, it is best to directly find a passage into the underground world."

  Hong stepped forward tenaciously without hesitation, and said at the same time:
  "Then let's search separately, this is the fastest!"

  "Wait first!" Lindsay called Hong, who was impatient, took out a special torch from his backpack and handed it over, "Take this with you. It can keep burning under most circumstances, and it can last for many days."

  Then the two agreed on a method of contact. .

  Lindsay used the Bat Staff to summon a bat, causing it to follow Red.

  If Lindsay discovers something, he will directly recall the bat, and Hong will just follow him. On the other hand, if Hong discovers something, she will let the bat return to its owner, and she can also find Lindsay quickly. .

  After making an agreement, the two of them went forward separately, groping forward at both ends of the basin.

  Among them, Lindsay's speed has an overwhelming advantage.

  With the help of the excellent reconnaissance ability of the map, he only needs to walk around the surface. What is going on below, and whether there are any hidden passages around, these doubts will be clear at a glance, and there is no need to spend every inch of careful investigation.

  The results were unsurprising.

  The underground space beneath the basin was compacted.

  However, if you explore from the edge, you will find wide underground caves sporadically appearing, and occasionally you can see tunnels extending into the distance.

  Unfortunately, Lindsay didn't see the markings of a living creature on it.

  "Maybe the collapsed terrain makes this

  place unsuitable for survival." "So the Eyeless people and the Lizard Dragon clan have all moved away from here?"

  Just as Lindsay speculated on the possibility.

  His eyes froze and he saw a red dot on the map. It was in a cave underground due east, almost as high as the bottom of the basin. The red mark was motionless inside.

  "Eyeless man? Lizard?"

  "Or other underground creatures?"

  Lindsay immediately gave an order to the bat in the distance to return.

  There are signs of biological activity, indicating that this place is most likely connected to other underground caves and is not a closed independent space.

  Starting to explore from here is obviously the best choice.


  "That's you!"

  Lindsay didn't bother to look around for a way to get inside.

  To be more direct, he took out his meteorite pickaxe and began to dig a straight passage as high as one person towards the target location.

  Although this place is a battlefield relic, it is essentially an ordinary land.

  It can be said that the meteorite pickaxe can easily deal with targets made of this material.

  Accompanied by a clanging sound.

  A straight passage extended outward at a speed visible to the naked eye, and soon reached the next door of the cave.

  Lindsay stared at her position on the map.

  "It should be only about half a meter away from this cave..."

  He did not dig through the tunnel immediately.

  Instead, he carefully put his ear against the earth wall and listened to the noise coming from the other side.



  "A slight sound of wind, and some kind of breathing?"

  He had a fight with the Undertide Water Lizard underground not long ago. It can be said that Lindsay is very familiar with the movements of this lizard underground.

  The sound coming from next door was very similar to this kind of movement.

  "Then I found the head of a lizard?"

  Lindsay was not surprised but overjoyed.

  In his opinion, lizard dragons are the group most likely to be related to dragon beasts. If he can start with this group first, he will most likely speed up the exploration.

  Thinking of this, Lindsay raised the meteorite pickaxe high.

  "Then give it to me..."

  Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the earth wall ahead.

  Before the meteorite pickaxe in Lindsay's hand fell down, the earth wall suddenly exploded, and a huge force hit him head-on.


  After being thrown backwards by the impact, Lindsay's expression quickly changed from dazed to calm.

  The sound of him digging the tunnel must have been heard by the other side!
  This guy probably sensed the danger, so when Lindsay was about to break through the wall, he attacked first.


  In the tunnel she dug, Lindsay encountered a strange situation.

  Finally, he finally stopped, stood up quickly, stuffed the meteorite pickaxe into his bag, and then changed out his weapon.


  The ferocious roar came almost at the same time, accompanied by a fishy and rotten smell.

  Lindsay felt dizzy as soon as she smelled it.

  "It's still poisonous!?"

  Lindsay shook her head violently, and the dizziness caused by the poison faded away.

  This toxin might have caused him quite a lot of trouble in the past, but now with the toxin resistance provided by [Forest Brooch], Lindsay doesn't even need to drink antidote to deal with this toxin.

  With a hard push, the negative state of the body was completely overcome.

  "It's poison, it's lizard again."

  With a 'pop' sound, Lindsay swung the whip in her hand, and flames and frost wrapped around it at the same time.

  "He's not that kind of guy again, is he?"

  Lindsay looked ahead with a wry smile.

  Sure enough, deep in the opposite tunnel, a pair of earth-yellow snake eyes were staring at him.

  (End of chapter)

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