204. Chapter 203 Stone Pillar Eagle's Nest

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  Chapter 203
  After the Stone Pillar Eagle Nest enters the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest.

  The first thing Lindsay and Hong felt was not the dangerous monsters, nor the danger brought by the steep terrain, nor the wariness of unknown areas.

  They feel very comfortable.

  The pillars of Qianshan Stone Forest are rugged and the terrain varies greatly.

  While the climb is extremely difficult, it also means that its temperature ranges widely.

  It only took more than half a day to advance.

  Lindsay and Hong had already found an altitude with a suitable temperature.

  Now that they are instantly freed from the ever-pervading sense of humidity in the forest, for two awakened people with sufficient physical strength, traveling here can indeed be described as 'relaxing'.

  To say it has a bit of an outing feel is not an exaggeration.

  "Lindsay, I hate forests."

  "Both the previous basin and the current stone forest are more comfortable than staying in a humid and hot forest!"

  Hong commented very obediently.

  At this moment, the two of them were in the middle of a stone pillar.

  She broke a moss-covered stone and sat on the cliff, closing her eyes and letting the distant wind hit her face.

  "I think it's pretty good here. Can we rest here tonight?"

  "That's okay." Lindsay had no objection to this.

  His eyes wandered around Hong's long, dark hair that was flying everywhere. Looking at the sky, the sun's rays have begun to hide behind the horizon.

  "It won't be a problem for the two of us to trek through mountains and rivers here."

  "But at night, we'd better find a campsite to rest."

  There was a drop of about 100 meters below the feet of Lindsay and Hong.

  During the day, the two of them have a wide field of vision and strong movements, so there will be almost no problems.

  But at night...

  although there are equipment and potions to enhance vision.

  But it is better not to take risks that can be avoided.

  While talking, Lindsay took out a meteorite pickaxe from her luggage, banged it twice on the stone pillar next to her, and pulled out a hole.

  Whoosh -

  Hong got right in, and only his head came out.

  After closing my eyes, I feel like I'm falling asleep directly here, like a worm emerging from a stone.

  Lindsay couldn't help but ask:
  "Is it really so comfortable?"

  Hong didn't even want to open her eyes:

  "Next time we run into the forest, just don't use those weird things."

  Lindsay was noncommittal about this. .

  Seeing that Hong no longer wanted to move, he continued to wield the meteorite pickaxe, widening the cave on the stone pillar, and prepared for the two of them to have dinner today.


  At night, there was an eagle chirping in the sky outside.

  After the day's battle, the Black Eagle clan also sent people to conduct reconnaissance.

  It's just that although their eyesight is good, they can't see through the stone pillars and find Lindsay and the two hiding inside.

  On the contrary, it is the direction in which the Black Hawk appears and leaves.

  They were all seen by Lindsay who was hiding in the stone pillar, and he confirmed that the route was correct.

  He opened the map and stretched the reconnaissance range to the limit.

  Finally, I saw a large number of red dots perched on a huge stone pillar, which were exactly the same as the information given by Black Eagle.

  "You're not lying at all."

  "At the current speed, we can arrive tomorrow, and we will completely solve this trouble by then... But since these monsters obey the rules of obeying the strong, after winning the battle, they may be able to do other things. Something?"

  Lindsay thought for a moment and yawned.

  He took out materials to seal the hole, dug out a few small holes for ventilation, and soon fell asleep quietly in the cave.


  early the next morning. The sky was dark and the sun was not even visible in the sky.

  Lindsay broke through the stone wall and set off with Hong again.

  As they gradually approached the nest of the Black Hawk clan, they paid attention to avoid detection on the way and slowed down their progress.

  even so.

  In the afternoon of that day, the two of them successfully arrived in front of the huge stone pillar.

  "Lindsay, what should we do?" Hong turned to look at Lindsay, "Let's go straight and kill them quickly?"

  Lindsay's thinking was very clear:

  "Our most important goal is the King of Black Hawks."

  "The Eagles only have this. This guy is a level 5 monster. If you get rid of this leader, the other black eagles will be scattered."

  The situation in Qianshan Stone Forest is that various tribes are in a state of enfeoffment occupying the land.

  As long as the leader is successfully killed, the other individuals will most likely scatter. Even if there are any remaining ones, they will be oppressed and killed by the monsters elsewhere.

  Even if the Black Hawk has flight advantages.

  Without the only leader who has seen the dragon beast, he is naturally no longer a threat.

  Lindsay will take out the Eagle Eye Potion made yesterday and drink it in one sip, while also passing some to Hong.

  "Here, drink this."

  "The effect lasts for about three minutes, remember to maintain your vision."

  After using the potion, Lindsay's pupils shrank instantly.

  Although the strengthening time of Eagle Eye Potion is short, its effect is extremely exaggerated.

  Looking far away, he could now clearly see the details of the earth and rocks on the top of the stone pillars; looking closer, he could also see the floating trails of dust in the air!
  This sudden improvement in vision may even cause a temporary feeling of dizziness.

  Hong next to her trusted Lindsay very much. She took the Eagle Eye potion and put it in her arms, and drank the first bottle without hesitation.

  Then she shook her head as did Lindsay.

  Lindsay confirmed the situation:

  "Red, are you used to it?"

  "No problem!"

  "Then let's go!" As

  soon as the words fell, the two figures moved, and the next second they quickly climbed up the stone pillar.

  The nest chosen by the Black Hawk clan was originally a deserted place that was difficult for ordinary animals to climb.

  But Lindsay and Hong are different.

  Using climbing picks and spikes made from survival modules, the two of them could even climb on completely vertical cliffs. With their physical strength as awakened beings, the two of them could almost climb higher!

  Before long, the two of them had reached four-fifths of the stone pillar.

  The Black Eagle above had no idea that anyone would come here to attack, so the Black Eagle who was the first to spot the two couldn't even believe the scene below.

  The arrow shot out instantly.

  The Black Eagle, who only had time to scream, fell directly from the edge of the cliff and turned into a limp corpse on the ground.

  Lindsay and Red picked up speed again.

  The two of them arrived at the top of the stone pillar in the blink of an eye, and found that the top here was uneven, and black eagles mostly built their nests on the edges.

  Only in the center of the top of the stone pillar, a large number of dead branches of trees surrounded a bag-shaped nest.

  The King of Black Eagles whom I saw from a distance yesterday is now perched inside.

  "Humans!" Realizing the attack of Lindsay and Hong, the King of Eagles was also furious. "I don't want to fight with you, but you dare to offend like this!" The

  King of Black Eagles threatened.

  Then it will flap its wings and take off from the nest.

  However, before its huge black wings could unfold, Hong had already thrown away the mountaineering pickaxe, leaping high into the sky, and in an instant, he crossed the dead branches of the nest and came directly above its body.


  The Black Eagle King saw a javelin.

  The sharp tip flashed with poisonous green, and an aura of death enveloped it.

  (End of chapter)

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