205. Chapter 204 Accidental Death

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  Chapter 204 Accidental Death

  The King of Black Eagles let out a long cry, and the jet-black feathers on his body flashed with a layer of metallic luster.

  The wood poison javelin stabbed its wings accurately, but it made a sound of gold and iron clashing.

  The Black Eagle King's judgment was quite accurate.

  At this distance, it would definitely not be able to dodge Hong's attack, so it could only use this enhanced defense method to withstand it.

  It also did block the javelin that was stabbing it.

  But the next second, an uncontrollable sharp pain came from the wings.

  The wood poison javelin failed to penetrate the Black Eagle King's defense.

  But Hong's own skill, the apoptotic power that exudes the aura of death, directly invaded the Eagle King's body with this attack.

  Where the attack hit, the shiny black feathers instantly wrinkled, and the body covered by the feathers also emitted a rotten smell.

  Unable to take off - I can't run away today!
  The Black Eagle King instantly realized his predicament.

  But before it could make another move, Hong, who had made a successful attack, used the power of the javelin to turn around in the air, his legs drew a fast arc, and he kicked the Eagle King hard on the head.

  The huge body of the giant eagle fell to the ground, smashing its original nest, and flying dead branches everywhere.

  The Black Eagle King's eyes were dull.

  It was suffocated and suffocated by this kick.

  But after falling into the ruins of the lair, his dazed eyes saw an even more desperate scene.

  Outside the nest, the human male frequently bent his bow and shot arrows. Every time he let go, an arrow penetrated the head of a black hawk.

  Moreover, Lindsay was specifically focused on attacking those Black Hawks who wanted to take off and escape.

  This group of monsters with certain intelligence, even if no one threatened them, realized the reality of 'taking off = death', and quickly gave up escaping, staying on the platform at the top of the stone pillar like little chickens.

  "Hey, why don't you try to resist?"

  At this time, Hong's condescending question came from in front of him.

  The King of Black Eagles twisted his neck. The figure of the human female was right in front of him, and the wood poison javelin filled with the aura of death was placed on his head.

  The girl smiled contemptuously and said,

  "I didn't kick you to death for fun."

  This arrogant attitude undoubtedly angered the Black Eagle King.

  It struggled to flap its wings to get up, and its sharp eagle beak also tried to peck at Hong's body.

  But this is just the beginning.

  Hong raised his poisonous javelin and struck it hard like an iron whip.


  The Black Eagle King screamed sadly.

  The hardened feathers protect its skin like armor.

  But this blow directly broke the light and strong bones in its body, and the power of action was completely extracted from the giant eagle's body.

  At the same time, Lindsay, who had subdued the other Black Hawks, also came over.

  He reached out and patted the Black Hawk King on the head:
  "Can you still speak?"

  "I have something to ask you."

  The Black Hawk King's eyes were full of anger:
  "Humans, you are delusional..."

  Lindsay He interrupted directly:
  "If I'm in a bad mood, all the Black Eagles here will die today."


  The King of Black Eagles fell silent for a moment.

  It could see the killing intent in the eyes of the humans in front of it, and knew that it would be impossible for it to survive today no matter what.

  If given a choice, it can abandon its kin and run away on its own.

  But under the premise that he must die no matter what, the responsibility of the leader of the group begins to prevail.


  At the same time, Lindsay was calmly waiting for the Black Hawk King's choice.

  He had made up his mind.

  No matter what happens today, this Black Eagle King will definitely die. After all, the opponent was a Warcraft who had come into contact with dragon beasts, and was not on the same level as the other rabble. As long as the other party recovers, find a way to inform the dragon beast about what happened here.

  It's a huge disaster for Lindsay!

  The King of Shadows finally chose to surrender. It lowered its angry head and lost its strength in its tense body:
  "I understand."

  "Human, what do you want me to do?"

  Lindsay nodded with satisfaction:
  "You just need to Just tell me the relevant information about that dragon beast."

  The King of Black Eagle said in a surprised tone:

  "You want to escape from this world? Give up, human, you can't do it!"

  I actually wanted to solve it Lose.

  Lindsay curled his lips, but he didn't have the kindness to explain to his enemy, so he just urged in a cold tone:

  "You just need to tell me the information you know."


  The Black Eagle King was silent for a while, and then slowly He said,
  "The dragon beast was originally a lone beast in the underground world of Qianshan Stone Forest. It became a fifth-stage monster more than 300 years ago and has been wandering and hunting in the underground world." "


  Lindsay's pupils shrank and her heartbeat accelerated.

  Unexpected gains!
  No matter in the records of the expedition team or the information he collected before, the description of the dragon beast has always been that of a terrifying monster falling from the sky.

  But the King of Black Eagle in front of him clearly stated the origin of the dragon beast!

  Lindsay felt mixed emotions for a while.

  The tree mother and the fairy girl might know something.

  But those two guys, one crazy and the other die-hard, couldn't possibly press for information.

  But who could have guessed that after entering Qianshan Stone Forest.

  Because of an unexpected encounter, the monster that came to hunt could actually provide such information!

  And the World of Warcraft that became the fifth stage three hundred years ago...

  "Are you kidding?" Lindsay retorted directly, "The speed of Warcraft advancement has always been relatively slow. If it had just reached the fifth stage three hundred years ago. Now. How can we be in the seventh stage, or even advance to the eighth stage!"

  The Black Eagle King replied reluctantly:

  "Human, I accept my fate."

  "Although I don't know how the dragon beast can do such a thing , but I tell the truth every word."

  "Facing two guys who are on the road to death, I have no reason to deceive them!"

  The attitude of the Black Eagle King is obvious.

  If Lindsay and Hong in front of them are ready to sneak out of Montenegro and escape from this world.

  Then there is no doubt that they will be discovered by the dragon beast and then killed.

  In his eyes, these were two guys rushing to commit suicide.

  Lindsay did not comment on this, but simply questioned the accuracy of the Black Hawk King's information:
  "If you want to prove that you are not lying, then tell more details and let us determine the truth and falsehood."

  He didn't care about the monster in front of him. view of oneself.

  I just want to get more information about dragon beasts.

  Facing Lindsay's continued question, the King of Black Hawks shook his head and kept his promise and continued:
  "Fly east for half a month from here, and there is a huge depression on the ground. That was 100 years ago... Phew! "

  At this moment, the Black Eagle King suddenly roared.

  Then its body temperature dropped at an alarming rate, and in less than a breath, its entire body turned into a cold hard block.


  Lindsay didn't expect such a change at all.

  He carefully reached out and touched it, and extracted a [Black Eagle Heart].

  Lindsay realizes the fact that this is a source of material.

  The Black Eagle King is dead.

  (End of chapter)

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