203.Chapter 202 Stone Forest Clans

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  Chapter 202: Stone Forest Clans
  Lindsay stepped forward and poked Black Eagle lying on the ground.

  This thing was completely unconscious and didn't respond to Lindsay's movements at all.

  He thought of the scene when Hong dragged the Black Hawk back, and couldn't help but complain:
  "If you drag it back like this, you won't break its head."

  Hong shrugged indifferently:

  "It is a Warcraft after all. The body is strong."

  Lindsay patted Black Eagle's head. The beast was still in a coma:
  "Then it doesn't wake up even if I move it like this?"

  Hong smiled disdainfully:
  "This shows that it sleeps well. At least he's better than me."


  The two of them bickered a few times every day.

  Then Hong also sat down and helped Lindsay handle the prey.

  After the black hawk corpses were processed, Lindsay walked up to the only prisoner, with a trace of fire on his fingers.

  Sizzle -

  the flames burned his body, and the severe pain finally made Black Eagle wake up from his coma.

  It subconsciously wants to struggle.

  But without waiting for any unnecessary movement, Hong stepped on it and crushed the monster under his feet.

  Lindsay extinguished the flame and tried to ask in animal language:
  "Hey, can you talk?"

  This is a very real question.

  Warcraft at level five and above are fully capable of learning languages, and even with lower requirements, you can also learn and use beast language at levels three and four.

  But during the journey of more than half a year, Lindsay also clearly realized a reality.

  Beast language is an independent language and is not a common instinct for all beasts.

  There are also illiterate people in Warcraft.

  Within a group, they usually still use their own language.

  Even the Magog fire monster, which has never left the crater since it was born, still cannot speak bestiality in its fifth stage.

  The leader of this group of black hawks, Lindsay thought, could speak bestiality.

  But this is just a subordinate who comes down to hunt and arrest people, so that's not necessarily the case.


  "Gu, human, please kill me."

  Black Eagle lying on the ground replied.

  Its sound was different from the long chirping when soaring in the sky. Lindsay even wanted to laugh when she heard it.

  He controlled his expression and then asked:
  "I don't have to kill you."

  "But you have to tell me why your tribe came here and attacked us."

  Hearing this, Black Eagle's desire to survive was aroused. emerge in an instant.

  Just as their leader said before setting off, the law of the jungle is the survival rule of the black eagle. Almost without thinking, it immediately answered:
  "Lord Fowo, we found our compatriots dead at the edge of the forest."

  "It thinks it belongs to the big forest. There is something wrong with the tree mother, so she brought us to investigate the situation."

  "You two came out of the big forest. You may know something, so I want to take you back to the nest."



  Lindsay had a somewhat expression. surprise.

  He was just thinking about how to pry the information out of this monster's mouth.

  Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, the other party explained everything honestly.

  Is this black hawk lying to himself?

  No, you still have to test it.

  Although there was a precedent of corrupted poisonous spiders, Lindsay was conservative and asked tentatively:
  "Your leader, have you had any contact with dragon beasts recently?"

  Black Eagle's expression...

  For a human like Lindsay, , it may be difficult to fully understand the expression of an eagle.

  But he could see the look in the other person's eyes.

  In the yellow pupils, pure confusion emerged:
  "Dragon beast, isn't that the ruler of the world?" "It conquered the leader before I was born. I haven't seen it since I was born." "

  ... ..."

  Lindsay nodded slightly and began to ask about the terrain ahead:

  "Isn't the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest ahead?"

  In fact, after crossing the two peaks, you can already see the tall white stone mountains ahead. Stone pillars, tall or short, stand in the mountains, with clouds even drifting among them. Over the long years, various strange and desperate situations have been eroded.

  Black Eagle immediately replied:


  Lindsay continued to ask:

  "Tell me about the situation of Qianshan Stone Forest."

  "Qianshan Stone Forest covers a very vast area. We usually move in the air and on the top of the stone forest, and occasionally catch some Antelope climbing among the mountain sheaths. The leader said that there is a border on the other side, but we have never flown there in our lifetimes."

  Hong, who was riding a black hawk, also interjected and asked:
  "Besides you, who else is there in the mountains? Are there any other dangerous monsters?"

  "The front is our territory." Black Eagle's eyes were a little nervous, "Outside of the territory, each ethnic group has its own area. Because we can fly, we can fly in the Thousand Mountain Stone Forest and the Great Mountains. The edge of the forest."

  Lindsay asked:

  "What do you know about these ethnic groups that occupy the area?"

  Black Hawk said hesitantly:
  "I, I don't know more information."

  "Just walking eastward , is the territory of a group of guys who can dig holes in the mountains. We have almost no contact with those guys."

  After finishing speaking, Black Eagle added:
  "But one thing I know is that they can occupy a territory in the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest. The population at least has a strong leader like the leader!"

  A fifth-stage monster can occupy a piece of land.

  The journey through the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest may be more troublesome than the Forest of Stars.

  After all, before the arrival of the dragon beast, the Forest of Stars had maintained a peaceful development for many years under the maintenance of the tree mother.

  There was no too chaotic scene.

  But in Qianshan Stone Forest, which has complex terrain and is completely unmanaged, this situation will never happen again.

  Not to mention terrain like the stone forest.

  It's inherently more difficult than trekking through the forest.

  "I'm afraid it will take more time to pass through this area."

  Lindsay sighed in a low voice.

  The black hawk in front of him was just a hunter in their group, and Lindsay didn't expect to get more information from him.

  So he ended the question and answer with his final question:

  "Tell me, where is your nest?"

  The black eagle was stepped on and replied without hesitation:

  "Go all the way east, on the tallest and thickest stone pillar. , is our nest."


  "You are really obedient enough." Lindsay couldn't help but complain.

  "I tell you everything I know honestly!" Black Eagle asked nervously, "I obey your strength, you will let me go, right?"

  "Red." Lindsay glanced at the girl who was stepping on Black Eagle .

  "I know." Hong immediately raised his feet.

  Then the two of them ignored the Black Eagle lying on the ground and continued on their way towards the Qianshan Stone Forest.

  Wait until the two figures completely disappeared into the forest.

  Their conversation only sounded on the pale rock.

  "Lindsay, are you keeping your promise, or do you think it will definitely die?"

  "Red, what do you think?"

  "That little bird is only at the third stage of strength. One of its wings is broken, and the wound is still bleeding. Will it be safe just lying on the ground?"

  "But if it is smart and resourceful enough, it is not impossible to survive..."

  (End of this chapter)

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