202. Chapter 201 Attack and Killing

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  Chapter 201 Assault
  "Have we been discovered?"

  The mark on the map instantly changed from yellow to red.

  "Red, prepare to fight!"

  Of course Lindsay understood what this meant. He reminded Hong and took out his bow and arrows from his bag.

  At the same time, the King of Black Eagles also let out a long cry in the sky.

  It did not understand the strength of the two humans below, and only regarded Lindsay and Hong as sources of intelligence, and ordered the surrounding black hawks to go down and capture the two humans.

  Several black hawks flapped their wings, then tightened their wings and dived quickly.

  Just like when they were approaching prey on the ground in the air, they were already close to the ground in just a few seconds, and their sharp eagle eyes were locked on the two of Lindsay.

  Whoosh -

  Immediately, a sharp sound of tearing the air sounded.

  Arrows and wooden javelins were shot out from the woods, and two of the three black hawks that swooped down were shot to death on the spot.

  The remaining black hawk was extremely panicked. It quickly spread its wings, trying to adjust its direction and speed.

  But it was too late.

  The identities of predator and prey were instantly reversed, and another arrow shot out quickly, directly piercing its newly unfolded wings.


  At this time, Black Eagle whined.

  It lost its balance in the middle of the wings and fell directly into the forest.

  Black Hawk fell to the ground.

  Fortunately, it spread its wings because it wanted to escape. The speed of its previous downward dive was greatly reduced, and with the help of the powerful body of the Warcraft, none of them fell to the ground.

  But even so, it could only scream weakly when it hit the ground.

  A special force in the arrow is corrupting and damaging its wings.

  Even if the arrow is broken with the eagle's beak, part of the body has lost its response and cannot fly high at all.


  At the same time, the black eagles in the sky were also surprised.

  At the junction of the Thousand Mountains Stone Forest and the Starry Forest, the Black Eagles have always been the dominant group due to their superiority in flying in the air.

  Three of them were killed in an instant, and all of them were members of the same race who were quite powerful.

  The young Black Eagle was even a little at a loss.

  I began to wonder if it was the crazy tree mother in the forest and whether she was planning some conspiracy.

  The current incident is the beginning of all this.

  Among the black hawks, only the leader, the King of Black Hawks, has a unique look.

  As a fifth-stage monster, it has a longer lifespan than its peers and has experienced some things.

  The terror of strong human beings, the rise and departure of dragon beasts, and the changes in the entire Black Mountain world.

  All of this flashed through his mind.

  The corresponding judgment also comes to mind.

  That crazy tree mother would not be so kind as to let humans pass through her territory. These two humans might...

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
  The black hawks in the sky were still circling in surprise.

  Lindsay and Hong below did not hesitate.

  Now that the hostile relationship has been established, the two people immediately took action. More arrows and the differentiated javelin remnants tore through the air again and shot toward the group of black hawks in the sky.


  The advantage brought by high altitude gives the Black Hawks room to dodge attacks.

  But there were too many of them, and the attacks from below were urgent and fast, so a few black hawks were unfortunately hit.

  Either they were deprived of the ability to move by the power of corruption, and then fell to death; or they were poisoned in the air, and then fell into death.

  "Go back to the nest!"

  Seeing this scene, the Black Eagle King immediately gave the order.

  The eagle itself is a smart animal that can measure danger. Unless it is extremely hungry, it will not take great risks to attack dangerous prey.

  This is even more true after becoming a World of Warcraft.

  The King of Black Eagles is aware of the possible crisis and does not want the group's strength to be seriously damaged, otherwise it will be difficult for them to maintain the territory they currently occupy.


  In the desolate chirp, the black eagles began to turn back.

  When the two people on the ground saw this scene, they naturally attacked again.

  Unfortunately, there was no new harvest this time. The arrows and javelins could not catch up with the eagles that fled in the air, and finally fell from exhaustion, or simply disappeared in the air.

  "..." Lindsay and Hong looked at each other.

  "Lindsay, the prey has escaped."

  "What can we do? We can't fly."

  Lindsay pouted and stepped forward to clean the battlefield.

  The two shot dead at the beginning, as well as the black hawks shot down in the air, naturally had no breath left, and they were too dead to die.

  But the black eagle wanted to give up, but fell to the ground because its wings were shot through.

  At this moment, he was lying on the ground, still retaining the ability to breathe.

  "Hey, there's still one alive."

  Hong was the first to spot the black hawk.

  She stretched out her javelin and poked the guy's body. When she was about to end the opponent's life with one blow, Hong remembered Lindsay's reaction before.

  "Well... let's keep it for now."

  "Maybe this guy can still be useful?"

  Hong made up his mind and pulled a cane from the surrounding woods. Black Hawk tied it up and hung it on his javelin. superior.

  However, this Black Hawk is too big.

  Hong put the javelin on his shoulder, and Black Eagle dragged his head upside down on the ground.


  Black Eagle cried out sadly.

  It tried to struggle, but in exchange it was knocked unconscious by Hong's punch, and in the end it could only be dragged back like a slaughtered rooster.

  On the other side, Lindsay has quickly collected other prey using the hunting module.

  The black hawk is a creature that has reached the fifth level of passive quality. The first level achievement requires 50 kills, and the current number is naturally far from enough.

  But the materials they produce are pretty good.

  [Black Eagle Feather] [Black Eagle Egg] [Black Eagle Beak] [Eagle Eye].

  The corresponding synthesis that can currently be made is as follows.

  [1 Arrow + 1 Black Eagle Feather = Black Feather Arrow]

  [1 Black Eagle Beak + 3 Bones + 1 Rope = Eagle Beak Pendant]

  [1 Eagle Eye + 1 Water + 1 Glass Bottle = Eagle Eye Potion]

  "I can I don’t have time to hatch eggs and raise eagles, so I’ll have extra food tonight.”

  After Lindsay decided the fate of the two black hawk eggs, he immediately synthesized these things.

  [Accessory: Eagle Beak Pendant]

  [After wearing it, the weak attack armor-piercing ability is strengthened. ]

  [Pendants with certain effects are of low value. ]

  [Arrows: Black Feather Arrows]

  [Arrows that fly extremely fast, with special barbs on the arrows. After hitting the target, it is easy to tear the flesh and blood, but it is difficult to remove. ]

  [Potion: Eagle Eye Potion]

  [Drink it directly, and your eyesight will be greatly improved within three minutes.

  【 Potions that enhance vision, both scouts and hunters like this. ]

  "Still no heart..."

  Lindsay was a little disappointed, but soon relieved.

  The beast heart he obtained before was a rare item that he had to kill for several days during the great siege. The three or five black hawks currently did not contribute, which was within expectations.

  "Besides, aren't there a lot of eagles ahead?"

  Lindsay sighed as she began to process the corpses and decompose the meat.

  At the same time, Hong, who was carrying the prey from behind, also rushed back.

  She threw the huge black hawk to the ground with a bang, and then asked Lindsay:
  "Lindsay, this guy is still alive."

  "Don't you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve? Do you want to play with it?" ”

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  (End of this chapter)

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