192. Chapter 191 Confrontation under the Moon

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  Chapter 191 Confrontation under the Moon
  Under the cover of night, Hong’s figure rushed out of the forest like a tiger.

  She spent some time in the forest, but failed to find their target, so she turned back and planned to see the situation on Lindsay's side.

  So under the moonlight, she saw such a scene.

  In theory, Lindsay, who should be looking for the enemy, was squatting on the spot in a daze, time and consciousness seemed to be frozen in his body.

  And in front of Lindsay.

  A fairy girl with transparent wings on her back is floating in the air.

  Her beautiful pupils stared at Lindsay in front of her, and the two of them moved in unison, as if they were performing some kind of ritual.


  "Lindsay, you were taken down so easily."

  Hong smiled softly and mocked the controlled Lindsay.

  However, although she was mocking her companions, the movements of her hands were not slow at all. The meteorite spear was clenched in his hand in an instant, and all the strength in his body was integrated into one movement as his body leaned back.

  At this time, Hong's whole body was like a tight bowstring.

  The next second, a red spear shot out.

  Hong did not even take the initiative to divide the afterimage during the attack, but concentrated all his strength on this attack, just to kill the fairy girl who controlled Lindsay instantly!


  Almost at the same time, the fairy girl who was browsing Lindsay's memory also noticed it.

  Her pretty brows furrowed and she rushed back to dodge.

  The spear originally aimed at her head almost missed her, and the air near her ears even left a trace of flame, making people feel hot and burning.

  "Is there another one?"

  The elf girl looked a little impatient.

  She looked at Hong in the distance, and then her figure flickered on the spot and disappeared, reappearing three seconds later, and appeared behind him with the idea of ​​using Lindsay as a human shield.

  At the same time, the elf girl looked towards the location where the spear struck.

  "Huh?" A contemptuous greeting sounded from beside the elf girl, "Where are you looking?"

  The elf girl turned back in surprise.

  In just three seconds, Hong didn't have any scruples and cautions that he should have in battle, and he rushed over!
  Under the light moonlight, the girl's long black hair dances in the air.

  A pair of flaming eyes were staring at him, revealing pure murderous intent.

  He hit the elf girl in the face as soon as he hit her.

  Her face was instantly covered with blood, and the bridge of her pretty nose was broken and dented, and the nose bone was even smashed into her head!


  At the critical moment, the fairy girl flickered and disappeared again as before.

  "So fast?"

  Hong, who was in the air at his feet, also looked stunned.

  Just now, the enemy appeared behind Lindsay from the blink of an eye. She thought that this ability should not be used continuously, but she did not expect that it would disappear again the next second.

  This ability can still be used continuously!


  "It's unreasonable to use this kind of flash skill casually."

  Hong shook his head slightly, then turned around and slapped Lindsay on the face.

  "Hey, it's time to wake up!"

  Lindsay was slapped to the ground.

  He was still deeply trapped in the illusion, his body was lax and weak, and there was no sign of consciousness.


  Hong frowned, briefly thinking about his abilities in his mind.


  Apart from efficient and fast killing methods, she doesn't seem to have any skills to rescue her companions?
  "Then we can only kill the culprit."

  Hong made a decision in his heart, and his eyes quickly swept around.

  It took less than two seconds before the other party disappeared.

  The cold moonlight shone quietly on the silver flower bed, and there was no trace of the fairy girl.

  ——Retrieve the weapon first.

  Hong moved forward quickly. She rushed to the meteorite spear that had just been planted on the ground and pulled out the weapon again. The flames on it had not even been extinguished yet!

  "Human, throw away the weapons in your hands!"

  Almost at the same time, the elf girl's voice appeared again.

  Hong turned around and saw that the other party was next to Lindsay again, and his hand was already around Lindsay's throat.

  "If you don't want him to die, just be obedient."

  The elf girl covered the wound on her face with her other hand and looked at Hong opposite her with a smile full of blood.

  She had already made up her mind.

  These two humans must... "Huh?"

  Suddenly, the elf girl's expression changed.

  Because in Lindsay's memory, she had just received news.

  The real purpose of the man who fell into the illusion in front of him was not to escape from the Black Mountain, but to kill the dragon beast!
  At this moment, Hong on the opposite side also noticed the other person's surprise.

  She didn't hesitate at all, and immediately seized the opportunity and rushed over, thrusting directly with the meteorite spear.

  The fairy girl used Lindsay's body as a cover and relied on her agility and speed to deal with Hong.

  She is waiting for an opportunity.

  As long as you can bypass the opponent's weapon and make physical contact.

  She could also kill the human female who looked like a crazy beast in front of her!

  But at this moment, the fairy girl's expression changed again.

  Because in the illusion at this moment, Lindsay revealed the weakness of the dragon beast.

  This was a huge change that she couldn't expect!

  Just such a change in expression was immediately caught by Hong.

  She immediately stabbed him with a spear, even trying to stab the fairy girl and Lindsay through each other!

  the elf girl cursed angrily, grabbed Lindsay's body and flew into the air, shouting angrily:

  "You don't even care about the life and death of your companions, humans are really despicable and shameless!"

  Hong, who missed the blow, said with With a disdainful tone, he imitated Lindsay's attitude during the sparring with her and started a psychological war:

  "If you wanted to kill Lindsay, you would have done it long ago. Why did you have to wait for me?"

  "You must have killed her right away." Let’s kill him for his reasons!”

  Even if you don’t know what the other person is thinking.

  But relying on her keen intuition, Hong still sensed the elf girl's scruples.

  The other party was very concerned about how Lindsay learned about the dragon beast's weakness, so much so that he was unwilling to kill him.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
  The next second, the fiery red spear split into several afterimages in the air, drawing bright lines of fire in the air.

  Red attacks again.

  This time, the red fire light enveloped the fairy girl in the air from almost all directions, even Lindsay was not spared!

  The fairy girl couldn't avoid it, but she didn't dare to gamble.

  The human male in her hands somehow mastered the drake's weakness.

  This guy is definitely not the strongest among the dragon beast enemies; but in terms of threat, it may be the biggest crisis in the past ten years!
  Before digging out the truth from the other party's memory.

  She really didn't want Lindsay to die first unless she had to.


  At this moment, Lindsay was denying her feelings for the dragon beast in the fantasy world.

  "You lunatic!" The fairy girl was furious and yelled, "If you want him to die, then let me do it for you!"

  She threw Lindsay down, and she disappeared without a trace again.


  "A coward who only knows how to run away."

  Hong cursed with a smile.

  She immediately canceled the afterimage created by the spear, and then she jumped high into the air, catching Lindsay falling from the air under the bright moonlight.


  Suddenly, a roar sounded from a distance.

  For a moment, everything fell silent.

  In the distant Thorn Valley, a terrifying roar suddenly erupted. Then a bright green light suddenly appeared in the air, setting off a violent explosion. The sounds of the corrupted poisonous spiders and tree spirits fighting were instantly extinguished.

  "There's something wrong over there!"

  Hong immediately realized that it was the work of the elf girl.

  This guy is the messenger of the dragon beast, and he probably has the means to restrain the tree mother.

  After finding that the enemy was difficult to deal with, she immediately took some measures to summon the tree mother from afar.

  Hong realized the dire situation now.

  Fighting one-on-one with the fairy girl, although she had the advantage, the two of them were still in a stalemate.

  One more stage six tree mother...

  Even though Hong likes to solve problems violently, she also understands that this is not a situation she can handle.

  She immediately prepared to carry Lindsay on her back and leave here first.

  But the moment he put his companion's arm around his shoulders and neck, a chill rose from behind.

  Hong subconsciously turned his head to look.

  The fairy girl who had just disappeared without a trace suddenly appeared behind them again at this moment, with a ferocious look on her face stained with blood:
  "Want to run now? It's too late!"

  (End of this chapter)

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