193. Chapter 192 I don’t care what you love!

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  Chapter 192 I don’t care what you love!
  No change in the way it appears!
  Under the moonlight, the fairy girl strikes again.

  The enemy's figure was reflected in his eyes, but Hong didn't care about the danger, but instead realized something.

  Immediately afterwards, she threw Lindsay far away, and she held the meteorite spear and attacked again.

  This time she failed.

  The elf girl pounced from behind, just one step faster than Hong, and struck Hong's forearm with a knife.

  The elf girl was quite strong, but she couldn't cut off Kurenai's arm with a single strike of her hand.

  But nothing but pain.

  The next thing Hong felt was a strong dizziness in his mind - this guy was physically poisonous!
  Hong reacted almost instantly.

  She gritted her teeth and struck back with a spear.


  However, the fairy girl succeeded in one blow and flickered and disappeared again.

  She knew that her advantages lay in toxins and flexibility, and she had no intention of confronting Hong head-on!


  Hong stood alone, feeling dizzy and sick in waves.

  The meteorite spear reversed the direction in his hand and struck his clean arm, leaving a hideous wound burning with flames.

  The strong burning sensation stimulated Hong's nerves, preventing her from falling into coma immediately.

  Even though she was seriously injured and troubled by toxins, the expression on her face was still as calm as water, and she silently recited the numbers:

  "Three, two, one!"

  At the moment when the countdown ended, the spear in Hong's hand flicked, and afterimages were thrown out again. go out.

  The figure of the fairy girl has not yet appeared in the sky.

  The spear he threw was pointed directly above Lindsay who was lying on the ground!


  The next second, a scream sounded from Lindsay.

  It wasn't that something was wrong with him being trapped in a fantasy, but that the fairy girl happened to appear above Lindsay.

  It looked as if the spear was about to arrive at the moment.

  She took the initiative to show up to meet the incoming attack.

  In an instant, a spear penetrated the elf girl's left shoulder, and the severe pain even affected the illusion she maintained.

  At this time, in a detail that no one noticed, Lindsay moved her fingers slightly.

  The flame-shaped red magic pattern also transformed into an earthy yellow texture.

  At the same time, the elf girl stared at Hong across from me with a puzzled expression:

  "How do you know?"

  Hong sneered, holding the spear again and about to throw it:

  "You disappeared several times, but you still appeared. Next to Lindsay, and the time is exactly the same, no fool can't see it!"

  Then, Hong's movements froze.

  The fairy girl with flames burning on her shoulders is no longer as sure of victory as before.

  She didn't dare to expect to take down these two humans in one fell swoop, so she directly held Lindsay in front of her and used it as her human shield.


  Looking at Hong who threw the weapon, the elf girl laughed wildly:

  "Madman, why don't you try throwing your weapon again?"

  Hong's eyes were cold, she exerted force on her feet, left her body, and headed straight towards The fairy girl rushed over.

  Since there is no way to attack remotely.

  Then she would fight in close quarters and snatch Lindsay from the opponent's hands!
  "Don't even think about coming here!"

  Seeing Hong taking action, the elf girl screamed.

  The crystal wings behind her exploded instantly, turning into a sky full of diamond powder, wrapping her and Lindsay in it.

  The elf girl stared at Kurenai across from her fiercely.

  The meaning in the eyes is self-evident - rush in and try!

  The fairy girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Her body already contains severe toxins.

  At this time, it actively exploded its wings and turned into powder floating around, almost forming an airtight shield.

  If you want to rush in and fight up close, you will inevitably be contaminated with new poisons.

  And with the physical condition of the human being in front of him, this is almost suicide!

  After completing this defense, the elf girl didn't even feel reassured enough, so she opened her mouth to seduce Hong:
  "Human, I only want this male in my hand."

  "You turn around and run away now, I can guarantee that I won't hunt you down." "But if you rush in - the feeling of being slapped by me just now won't be pleasant, right?" "


  This is the situation Hong is facing at the moment.

  In the direction of Thorn Valley, the tree mother is rushing here quickly and will arrive in a few minutes.

  And she is now suffering from poisonous wounds.

  If you want to rescue Lindsay, you must take the initiative to rush into the poisonous fog in front of you.

  "Either one of them dies, or both of them die."

  Hong chuckled at the desperate situation in front of him.

  She didn't even hesitate at all, holding the spear and rushing directly towards the two people wrapped in the poisonous mist.


  The fairy girl didn't expect that the other party would be so decisive. She subconsciously wanted to disappear again, leaving Hong trapped in the poisonous mist.

  But once, she failed to do so, and severe pain hit her lower abdomen!
  Lindsay, who was supposed to be firmly trapped in the illusion, somehow broke free from her restraints and stabbed her body with a knife at an extremely close distance!

  "Despicable human being, you are stalling for time!"

  At this moment, Hong Ye rushed to the fairy girl like a thunderbolt.

  Lindsay's personal sword restrained her ability to flash, and Hong just launched the final fatal blow!
  The flames on the spear flickered like bright light.

  The meteorite spear pierced the elf girl's head directly, pinning her to the ground.

  Snap -

  the elf girl's body twitched on the ground. A certain obsession remained in her dying life. In the end, she only murmured intermittently:

  "My love..."

  "I don't care what you love!"

  Hong A flick of the spear in his hand ended the opponent's last words, and an irresistible dizziness came to his mind.

  Before, she could rely on the burning on her arms to stay conscious.

  But at this moment, she rushed into the area covered with poisonous powder, and the poison was added to the poison. Finally, she couldn't hold on anymore, and her body fell downwards.

  Snap -

  the girl staggered and fell down, but a hug that had just climbed up brought her back to her feet.

  With the death of the fairy girl, Lindsay is completely out of control.

  He realized his current situation almost instantly, hugged Hong who was about to fall, and rushed out of the poisonous mist.

  At the same time, the antidote in the bag was poured into the mouths of the two of them.

  The antidote takes effect quickly.

  But low-level medicine cannot detoxify immediately.

  The two people who rushed out of the poisonous mist were still deeply troubled, but they did not immediately fall into coma due to the toxin.

  Lindsay slapped herself hard to stay awake.

  He opened the package, took out the coca leaves he had prepared, and stuffed them into their mouths.

  "Red, chew hard!"

  The coca leaf itself can anesthetize and relieve pain, stimulate the central nervous system, and relieve fatigue.

  The effect will be better after being resourced.

  Relying on drugs to barely maintain his condition, Lindsay changed the magic pattern to the [Mountains Crest]. His eyes also turned to the body of the elf girl staying on the ground in the poisonous mist that had not yet dissipated.

  Since it was this guy who administered the poison, maybe the other party also has the antidote?

  Hong immediately realized what Lindsay was thinking and quickly reminded:
  "Lindsay, that guy is poisonous!"

  "And there's bad news. Before I killed this guy, she seemed to have called the tree mother here too. Got it."


  "So this is how I got tricked?"

  Lindsay recalled the action of slapping the opponent while looking for him.

  He was accidentally hit because of the slap he slapped on the other person's face.

  At this time, he turned his head and looked south.

  The tree mother runs rampant in the forest with great momentum, and can know the opponent's position without any skills.

  And here's the even worse news.

  At this speed, the other party might be able to reach their location within a quarter of an hour!

  And the current state of myself and Hong...

  "It's really a desperate scene."

  (End of this chapter)

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