191.Chapter 190 Spying

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  Chapter 190:
  The scene of peeking into Lindsay's memory continues.

  The young man who had just become an Awakener fled forward in the snow, planning to kill the monsters that were chasing him.

  These experiences are all seen in the eyes of the fairy girl.

  With a seductive smile on her face, she even did not hesitate to praise Lindsay:

  "Although she has just awakened."

  "But a child can kill a monster. You have been abnormal since you were a child."

  Lindsay Then he didn't pay attention to the other party's thoughts at all.

  He was thinking about his current state and how to escape from the illusion.

  Before he was completely under control, he was sure that he had seen the state of [Dizziness - Coma - Hallucination], and the increased resistance of [Mountains Crest] might have an effect on this.

  But in order to fight before, Lindsay put on the most offensive [Molten Emblem].

  Now in trouble, he cannot switch the magic pattern.

  "We can only wait for the opportunity..."

  At the same time, the scenes in the memory continued.

  The fairy girl didn't say much to Lindsay who ignored her. She sped up some unnecessary scenes. When the border town appeared in her eyes, the guy sighed again:
  "This is that human town, right?"

  "In recent years, there have always been some desperate guys who want to travel through time. This world."

  The fairy girl's eyes fell on Lindsay again, and her voice was full of temptation:
  "But you are the first to find me."

  "Brave little guy~~"

  "... "

  Lindsay still didn't answer, and the scenes in his memory continued to flow backward.

  Finally, during a question and answer process, the elf girl's movements suddenly stopped, and the flow of the entire memory picture was also suspended.

  It all started when she heard a word from Lindsay.

  The smile on her beautiful face even became extremely dangerous:
  "Human, you want to kill my love!"


  This guy likes dragon beasts?
  Lindsay immediately realized what the other party was thinking and understood that this was a rare opportunity. He made a decision in less than a thousandth of a second, and then put on a stubborn attitude:

  "As long as it is a living creature, there must be weaknesses."

  "And weakness means it can be killed!"

  "... ..."


  After the movement stopped briefly, the goblin girl laughed wantonly.

  She even burst into tears with laughter, her chest almost touching her back, her body swaying in the air:
  "Are you showing me some funny joke?"

  "A weak short-lived person wants to kill the mighty and powerful. The dragon beast?"

  "If you want to use this method to please me, then you can continue to try. Maybe I will be happy and really let you go?"

  Lindsay looked through this arrogant surface and said coldly He pointed out the important point:
  "You have not denied that the dragon beast does have weaknesses."

  The elf girl's wanton laughter stopped abruptly.

  She floated in front of Lindsay's conscious body, and their eyes were tightly intertwined, revealing a murderous intent:
  "So what if you have weaknesses?"

  "Do you know if you have the ability? The guy who is about to die in my hands is actually Do you think you can reach Montenegro?"

  The fairy girl asserted:
  "Weak humans should have the awareness of the weak, and don't try to contact things you shouldn't think about!" "

  For you, escaping from this world is not an option. A real dream."

  "The guy I caught easily is talking nonsense here..."

  "Ice." Lindsay suddenly interrupted the elf girl and said a word, "Or temperature, the dragon beast is right The temperature changes very sharply, which is also its weakness!"


  The elf girl's ridicule disappeared instantly.

  Her body was frozen in place, looking at Lindsay with extremely dangerous eyes.

  "Where did you know that?"

  This guy took the bait!

  Lindsay was overjoyed as he confirmed his previous guess about the dragon beast's weakness.

  But now we have to continue to bring this guy into his own rhythm, delaying as much time as possible and waiting for the opportunity.

  Even though continuing the induction may bring danger, there is no other way now. Lindsay made a very mocking expression on the surface:

  "Aren't you reading my memory? Then continue!"

  The fairy girl was furious:
  "Do you think I won't do this!"

  in the memory The scene begins to move backwards quickly.

  Lindsay needed to stall for time.

  The elf girl also wanted to know how the human in front of her knew the weakness of the dragon beast.

  Time passes in an invisible game.

  In the memory picture, little Lindsay is still experiencing everything. The fairy girl didn't care much about Lindsay's initial ability, because at the beginning of the time travel, the true power of the [Gamer] had only just begun and had not yet been revealed.

  But after three full years of growth had passed, when time came to the point where Finn died.

  Lindsay inevitably started to get nervous.

  This time point is the explosive period of his rapid growth. Not only information leakage may bring danger, especially the [Brilliant Bomb] he showed must not be discovered by the enemy in front of him!

  Lindsay immediately challenged the elf girl:
  "You are looking through my memories so carefully to provide information to the dragon beast?"

  "Didn't you just swear that I couldn't defeat it?" "

  ... "

  The fairy girl gave Lindsay a cold look. This time it was her turn to ignore Lindsay.

  Lindsay still didn't give up. He thought of the 'my love' that the fairy girl said just now.

  He immediately had an idea:

  "Are you being forcibly manipulated by dragon beasts, or are your actions dominated by illusory emotions? Or to put it another way, do you monsters also understand love?"

  This provocation of denying the other party's emotions really worked.

  The goblin girl was furious:
  "Humans, aren't you the culprits?"

  "If you hadn't threatened my beloved under the Black Mountain, how could it have chosen to advance in such an anxious way?"

  The dragon beast is being threatened by humans!
  And this power comes from the other side of the world?
  Lindsay immediately thought of the conjecture An Rui had told him in Hidden Border.

  For ten years, even though this outpost was not important, the relatives and friends of the strong men in the expedition would pay attention to the situation here.

  Perhaps it is because some strong people try to break through the barriers in the world from the other side of Montenegro.

  The dragon beast was forced to advance.

  But no one expected that this kind of rescue would be self-defeating.

  The dragon beast began to forcibly advance, and the danger level increased accordingly, making it even difficult to solve.

  And small towns far away on the hidden frontier began to face life and death crises because of this world-level change.


  Lindsay sighed inwardly, and then continued to focus on what was in front of her, refuting the elf girl's statement:
  "But this threat has nothing to do with us being blocked on the other side of the world!"

  The elf girl said viciously:

  "You are all human beings, don't think you can escape from this!"

  Lindsay asked from a different angle:

  "What about this world?"

  "The advancement of dragon beasts is persecuting the entire world and countless innocent people. Creatures."

  "Are they also the culprit?"

  Lindsay's rhetorical question seemed to hit the goblin girl's pain point.

  Her beautiful eyes widened, and emotions emerged in her crystal pupils:
  "What do you know!"

  "It wasn't originally like this, my love..."

  At this moment.

  The figure of the elf girl suddenly became blurry, and a red light flashed across her shoulder. The illusion even began to shake, and the dark night in reality even blurred before her eyes.

  At this moment, Lindsay grasped a glimmer of hope.

  He used his only chance to switch the [Molten Emblem] in his hand.

  And just a few seconds later, the elf girl's sharp roar sounded:

  "Despicable human, you are stalling for time!"

  (End of Chapter)

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