188. Chapter 187 Stranglethorn Valley

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  Chapter 187 Stranglethorn Valley
  Three days later, Lindsay and Hong finally saw the Stranglethorn Valley.

  On the way here, they clearly felt that the probability of encountering magical beasts had increased, and there were also many battles between various magical beasts in the mountains and forests, and there were even corpses of dryads who had failed to escape.

  The atmosphere of crisis skyrocketed as we moved forward.

  Various details also confirmed that they were about to arrive in a dangerous place.

  It was early morning, and the thin layer of sunlight was torn apart by the dense canopy of trees, and the scene ahead became hazy.

  Lindsay walked to the center of a nearby hill and looked forward.

  The Stranglethorn Valley in front is a natural depression in the hilly area. In its depths, towering giant trees stand like an umbrella canopy holding up the sky, or like an ancient guard standing tall.

  Looking down, countless vines and thorns spread across the valley bottom.

  There seems to be something rushing through it, but if you look closely, you can't detect it.

  Fragments of sunlight flow through the complex maze of thorns, interweaving into a mottled and broken picture.

  "Valley of Thorns..."

  Facing this scenery full of natural flavor.

  Lindsay frowned slightly and opened the map.

  He didn't even have to go in, just on the outside, he could see a few red dots lurking everywhere.

  Under the quiet morning light, there is a danger that has been anticipated.

  Behind Lindsay, Hong, who was also following, was vaguely aware of the danger.

  The girl even changed from her previous impulsive violence. She frowned and asked Lindsay very cautiously:
  "Lindsay, something seems not right here?"

  Lindsay nodded and said:
  "After all, we are close to the Starry Forest. The core area."

  While answering, Lindsay pointed forward.

  Although this thorny valley is large in area, its terrain is not high.

  Looking from the current position of Lindsay and the two, they can see across the mountains and see the scene behind them.

  It was a huge banyan forest.

  Dense green banyan trees cover the entire mountainous area. Their aerial roots are so intricate and intertwined that the entire forest seems to be connected. In the middle of the forest, a huge old banyan tree stands out from the crowd. The guardian's canopy almost blocks half of the sky.

  "That thing is the true form of the tree mother?"

  Lindsay muttered in a low voice.

  According to the answers given by the previous tree spirits, the tree mother is the spirit of vegetation born in this banyan tree.

  Normally, the tree mother will live in the banyan tree.

  Without the powerful force to break through the city, she just stood there, and ordinary people couldn't do any harm to her.

  This is also a desperate landscape that is difficult to break through for Lindsay and Hong now.

  "Lead her out of the banyan tree, or find a way to destroy it..."

  Lindsay frowned and looked into the distance, and began to think about the countermeasures.

  Fire attacks on such an exaggerated giant tree are not easy to be effective, let alone a tree mother inside who will definitely resist.

  But let’s talk about drawing the other person out.

  What method should be used to deal with the sixth-stage monsters now?
  The scene of Lindsay frowning and thinking was discovered by the girl next to her. She patted Lindsay on the shoulder and asked a rare question:
  "Lindsay, do we want to take a detour?"


  Lindsay remained silent instead. .

  Fighting against the Tree Mother at this moment was undoubtedly an irrational choice, and Lindsay had no intention of making fun of her own life.

  But what about the future?

  On the other side of the Black Mountain world, there is a seventh-stage dragon beast waiting for them!

  When she thought of this, Lindsay stared at the banyan forest in the distance.

  Ordinary awakened people naturally have to train constantly, go through a long period of skill growth, and then defeat powerful enemies.

  But the logic of Lindsay's abilities is different.

  As long as he passes the test of danger and battle, whether he gains new skills or items, [Gamer]'s characteristics will make his power grow by leaps and bounds.

  If at this moment, I can find a way to defeat this six-stage tree mother.

  By then, it will improve Lindsay's strength, which will undoubtedly be a great help for the ultimate goal of conquering the dragon beast!
  Lindsay must kill the dragon beast!

  Suddenly, Hong slapped Lindsay hard on the head.

  Lindsay turned her head inexplicably, but was shocked by the oncoming red pupils and the gaze in the girl's eyes.

  "Lindsey, didn't you teach me not to be impulsive when I shouldn't be impulsive?"

  "What do you want to do with your eyes now!" Hong's eyes were like a tranquil lake.

  The lake water reflected Lindsay's thoughts on his own body at this moment. At the same time, the cold lake water also poured into his heart, making people suddenly wake up.

  There is nothing wrong with pursuing improvement in strength.

  But we must not lose our rational judgment of reality because of this.

  Lindsay burst into laughter:

  "Why do you feel like our roles are reversed?"

  "Hong, let's re-plan the route and find a way around..."

  After accepting Hong's advice, Lindsay was planning to reduce the traces of her actions as much as possible. , sneaking through this Starry Forest without anyone noticing.

  But the moment he turned around.

  Some of the pictures that appeared in front of him, as well as the information collected since entering the world of Black Mountain, gave him new ideas.

  The ultimate goal of defeating the dragon beast;
  the six-stage tree mother who was extracted from the essence and fell into madness;

  and the messenger sent by the dragon beast to supervise the tree mother here.

  All three are mixed together.

  "You're here, why don't you bring some souvenirs with you before you leave?"

  Lindsay's heart moved:
  "Hong, wait for me first, I'll go to the tree to check the situation."

  After whispering an order, Lindsay walked up the hill. Walking around, I climbed up a tall oak tree in twos and twos.

  He took out his telescope for the first time in a long time and looked towards the east.

  The terrain ahead is actually based on the basic terrain of the hilly area, and is shaped like a lying capital F letter.

  The protruding valley of thorns is the groove at the front.

  Next to it is the banyan forest where the mother tree is located, and on a hill in the north, there is an open woodland.


  "Is this where the messenger lives?"

  Lindsay analyzed the situation in a low voice, but the next second, another voice sounded next to her:
  "Lindsay, do you have any ideas?"

  Hong Ke did not wait patiently below.

  The girl followed Lindsay and climbed into the tree. The two of them hung on the branches, one on the left and one on the right.

  Lindsay handed over the telescope directly:

  "Look at the situation in front of you."

  Hong imitated Lindsay's actions, and when she noticed what was being pulled into the telescope, she immediately shouted in surprise:
  " Lindsay, I can see very far!"

  "Where did this thing come from? Why didn't you let me play with it before?"

  Lindsay rolled her eyes at the other person:
  "I told you to take a good look at the situation in front of you!"

  Hong but directly He hugged the telescope tightly and buried the prop in his arms to express his attitude:

  "What's good to see? Isn't it the same as what the tree spirits said before?"


  "I'll give you this. Can't you do it!"

  Lindsay was a little speechless. He didn't expect a guy with Hong's personality to like telescopes so much.

  He immediately synthesized one again on the workbench.

  Then he and Hong looked into the distance:

  "Red, our goal is to kill the dragon beast."

  The girl nodded and confirmed without hesitation:
  "Yes, is there any problem?"

  Lindsay pointed to the forest ahead, Then he said what he had just thought of:
  "The dragon beast itself is far away, and we have no way of knowing more information about it."

  "But now, the situation seems to be different."

  Hong was as smart as ever, she quickly Then he realized the meaning of Lindsay's words:
  "You mean its messenger!"

  Lindsay put away the telescope and nodded vigorously:

  "That's right!"

  "We may not be able to defeat the tree mother."

  "But this messenger, we But you can find a way to pull it out and pry the information about the dragon beast from its mouth!"

  (End of Chapter)

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