187. Chapter 186 No hesitation

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  Chapter 186 Won’t Hesitate
  Only a few minutes passed.

  Lindsay dragged the carcasses of the remaining gray wolves back to the ground where the battle originally broke out.

  The four tree spirits were trembling on the spot.

  Hong was nonchalant, touching the spear thoughtfully, as if he was considering something very important.


  Lindsay raised her eyebrows but didn't say much.

  He briefly touched the corpse. The strength of these forest gray wolves varied. The strongest could reach level three, while the weakest was just a little stronger than ordinary animals.

  The materials produced are mediocre, and even the number of achievement kills is still some way off.

  However, the giant bear that he killed in a sneak attack
  was a fifth-stage monster. After touching the body, he gave Lindsay a special [Forest Giant Bear Skin], which also had a special synthesis formula.

  [1 Forest Bear Skin + 6 Silk Threads = Sleeping Bear Cloak]

  Lindsay's eyes lit up.

  He had all these materials on hand and made a synthesis on the spot.

  [Equipment: Sleeping Bear Cloak]

  [A cloak made from the skin of a giant forest bear. After equipped, it increases strength and physique at the same time; the wearer gains the special ability [Hibernation].

  (Hibernation: Reduces the physiological metabolic rate of the wearer and enters a special hibernation state that does not require eating. During this period, low sensitivity to the outside world is maintained, and the maximum sleep time is thirty-six months.)] [

  A cloak with rare functions, worth higher. ]


  Lindsay raised her eyebrows.

  The skills that come with this equipment are generally useless.

  But in some special circumstances, it can have miraculous effects that are difficult to replace.

  Lindsay immediately put the cloak on her body and looked at the attribute panel.


  "As expected of a fifth-stage monster."

  Strength and physique were increased by two points respectively. Faced with such data, Lindsay could not help but sigh.

  At this time, he looked at the trembling tree spirits behind Hong.

  So he put the dryad corolla in the equipment rack, and then Lindsay said to Hong beside him:

  "Hong, why are they so frightened?"

  Hong tilted his head slightly, with an innocent smile on his lips:

  "How do I know?"

  "Obviously they were rescued, and they were quite honest. I just told them not to talk casually, and they gradually became like that." "


  Lindsay turned to Hong unceremoniously . Rolled his eyes.

  He ignored the girl's shouting and came to these frightened tree spirits. He deliberately squatted down to be at eye level with the other party.

  This friendly attitude also pays off.

  Escaping from a life-and-death crisis, he was watched over by a strong guy like Hong for a few minutes, until Lindsay, a human who was obviously easy to talk to, appeared.

  One of the more courageous tree spirits asked tremblingly:

  "Humans, I am very grateful for your help."

  "If there is anything we can do, just tell us, and we will try our best to complete it!

  " The guy is smart enough to know that being left behind is useful.

  Lindsay nodded slightly and replied in a frank and gentle tone:
  "My companions and I are trying to cross this forest. When we saw you being chased, we came to help."

  "There is nothing you must do now."

  " But if you know, I hope you can tell us the detailed conditions of this forest."

  Lindsay's idea is simple.

  The information given by the mountain stone elements is what they saw in the Starry Forest a few years ago, and may have expired now.

  It would be great if we could get the news from the mouths of these guys who are currently in this situation.

  Upon hearing Lindsay's inquiry, several tree spirits looked at each other.

  For some reason, they all felt that they were quite fond of the humans in front of them. After whispering to each other, the leader of the tree spirits took the initiative to speak:
  "Humans, my suggestion is to turn back immediately."

  "The woods ahead are much more dangerous than the direction you came from. . If you go deeper, you will only become the nourishment of the forest."

  Lindsay shook his head:

  "We have a reason to go to the east, and it is too late to turn back now."

  While talking, Lindsay took a look. own map.

  After he clearly expressed his goodwill, the attitudes of the rescued tree spirits gradually changed from neutral yellow to friendly green.

  After hearing Lindsay's statement, the tree spirit opposite continued:

  "If you really plan to go to the east, I also suggest you take a detour."

  "As you can see, we are being hunted, and the most dangerous area in the forest is In front. Regardless of race or height, any creature may lose its life or the essence of survival." The

  crazy tree mother, the high-pressure rule, and the dragon head constantly asking for the essence... Shu Jing's answer undoubtedly confirmed Lindsay understanding of the situation.

  He thought for a moment and did not continue to force the tree spirit to persist on this issue. Instead, he decisively changed the subject:

  "Then let's ask another question."

  "What will happen if my companions and I continue to walk eastward?"

  This time the dryad's expression was more hesitant.

  But Lindsay's good attitude, and the air of wanting them to be close relatives, eventually prevailed.

  They communicated in low voices, overturning the last loyalty in their hearts.

  "Humans, ahead is the Stranglethorn Valley, where there are many of our compatriots." "

  But unlike us who want to escape, they obey the Great Mother and fall into madness. They will try to turn you into the nourishment of the forest and seize Your lives!"

  Are there two situations where you choose to escape, and you choose to obey?

  Lindsay understood, and then continued to ask:
  "What about passing through the bottom of the Thorny Valley and heading east?"

  The moment they heard this question, the four tree spirits began to tremble.

  The thorny vines that made up their bodies even began to twitch and twine, making dense and tense friction sounds.

  A fearful voice sounded:

  "There is Ronglin, our mother."

  "You may think that relying on your own strength, you dare to try to cross the Thorn Valley. But please remember not to enter Ronglin. It is best to follow the south and bypass it. That forest area, this is your only chance to survive."

  The habitat of the tree mother.

  Lindsay understood immediately why, but also noticed a detail in the answer.

  "Why do you want me to go around the south?"

  The dryad replied in a sad tone:
  "Because there is also a dangerous existence living in the north. She can even command our mother, but being discovered by her will also lead to death."

  Okay, Now even the dragon beast's messenger knew where he was.

  After determining the locations of the two most dangerous entities ahead, Lindsay was quite satisfied with the results of this rescue.

  However, he looked at the corpse of the giant bear that was trampled under his feet, and asked cautiously:
  "I will save you here and kill this giant bear."

  "Your mother will immediately deal with this matter. " Do you know?"

  "Death can happen at any time in the forest." The dryad shook his head and denied, "A few decades ago, a sober mother would have noticed it immediately. But now, it may take dozens of days for her to start to react. ."

  Lindsay looked at Hong on the side:
  "A few dozen days should be enough for us to get around it."

  The tree spirit kindly reminded:

  "But you must also be careful of the pursuers sent out after being discovered."

  " You may be very strong, but the power in the big forest is endless!"

  Hearing this, Hong smiled disdainfully:

  "If you catch up, you will catch up. At worst, you will risk your life to see who it is. He is the final winner!"

  After saying this, Hong tightened his grip on the meteorite spear.

  She prepares to clean up hidden dangers.

  But at this moment, the girl saw Lindsay's fingers shaking slightly.


  The girl shook her head in dissatisfaction.

  She said nothing and did not look at the four tree spirits, but she still held the meteorite spear tightly in her hand.


  Lindsay kept her promise and did not continue to embarrass these tree spirits.

  After asking about the situation in the forest ahead, he let these guys go and continued to run for their lives.

  After a quarter of an hour, the two of them packed up the battlefield and continued on their way.

  Hong Cai looked at Lindsay with some confusion:
  "Lindsay, why didn't you let me kill them just now?"

  "What if these guys leaked our information?"

  Lindsay shook his head:

  "They don't know about us. It’s enough to kill all the pursuers.”

  After giving the answer, Lindsay gave another example:
  “And think about it, if we were in the canyon from the beginning, we would kill Elder Roots. Even if you kill him, you won't be able to get this amulet that confuses your breath. You will be easily noticed in the forest, and then you will be under siege." "Sometimes

  appropriate kindness is also the choice to help yourself overcome difficulties."

  Hong curled his lips and put the meteorite spear on his shoulder with a neat movement.

  The girl did not refute Lindsay because she knew what she said was right, but some inexplicable habit in her heart made her feel very uncomfortable.

  It wasn't until she thought about what she might encounter later that she asked again:
  "Lindsay, if we encounter the situation, we may be discovered by the tree mother..."

  Lindsay directly interrupted Hong's question and gave a Firm answer:

  "Of course unnecessary killings must be avoided."

  "But if it comes to that critical moment - Hong, believe me, I will never hesitate!"

  (End of Chapter)

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