189. Chapter 188 Riots in the Valley

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  Chapter 188: Riots in the Valley
  Dryads are a kind of spirit of vegetation.

  In order to ensure the success of this plan, I am also responsible for my own life.

  Lindsay and Hong did not take action immediately. Instead, they lurked in the trees high on the hill and continued to observe the situation in Stranglethorn Valley.

  After half a day.

  The two gradually captured traces of the tree spirit's activities.

  And this long-term observation also means one thing.

  [Hunting Simulation] module takes effect.

  Under the dual effects of [Habits Investigation] and [Weakness Investigation], more information about creatures like tree spirits gradually emerged in the hunting notes.

  Lindsay had no intention of fighting head-on with these huge numbers of monsters.

  But a newly emerged clue allowed him to determine his next strategic route.

  [Tree spirits inherit the activity habits of plants. They are more active during the day and their strength increases under the sun. However, at night and in cold environments, their reaction speed decreases and their mobility decreases.

  Lindsay turned her head and looked into the air.

  The path of the sun is gradually shifting towards the west.

  "Speaking of which, the first tree spirit I met was killed in the dusk sunlight. No wonder now that I feel that it is stronger than ordinary stage four monsters, but the speed at which I stabbed it down while climbing the Babel Vine was just Very slow. In the final analysis, it is the effect of sunlight and low temperature."

  Lindsay recalled the past experience in a low voice.

  The time deep in the forest gradually dimmed as the sun set.

  Hanging in the tree, Lindsay and Red enjoyed a dinner in a unique situation, and then it was pitch dark before the two jumped down and started setting off.

  They did not enter the land of Stranglethorn.

  Half an hour later, they circled around the towering terrain at the bottom of Thorny Valley and gradually moved closer to the hills to the north.

  Wait until you reach the ideal commanding heights.

  Lindsay took out the Silent Edge rag and started rubbing it on the surface of the [Iron Horn Archbow].

  Hong was a little unhappy because there was no work. She tried to find something she could do:

  "Lindsay, you really don't need my help?"

  "For example, if I throw you higher, you can shoot farther!"

  " ..."

  Lindsay glanced at this guy and said comfortingly:
  "Don't worry, we are going to find trouble with the Dragon Beast Messenger later, and you will take action when the time comes!"

  As he spoke, Lindsay was already ready.

  The [Iron Horned Big Bow] was in perfect condition, and the arrows he chose were the most suitable armor-piercing arrows, but compared to the previous sneak attack on the five-stage giant forest bear, he took out one more thing.

  [Miniature Spider Nest]

  After more than half a year of travel, this strange nest-like object has contributed an extremely large amount of spider materials to Lindsay.

  Lindsay will have no shortage of relevant material for the foreseeable years to come.

  "But use resource-producing items as consumables."

  "If you do this in a long-term game, you will definitely be sprayed with blood."

  Lindsay sighed, and then without hesitation [ Miniature spider nest] attached to the arrow.

  In order to ensure that this blow achieves the best effect.

  Strength-increasing food and equipment, Essence burst technology, the highest point on the entire hill.

  After gathering these elements, Lindsay quietly opened the [Iron Horn Big Bow].


  Lindsay’s eyes changed, and a crosshair that predicted where the arrow would land suddenly appeared in his sight.

  He had almost never tried such an extremely long distance throw before.

  But with the help of [FPS Template], he doesn't have to think about any details.

  He just kept adjusting the angle of the bow and arrow, and soon found the shooting arc that allowed the arrow to fly to the farthest distance.

  "This is it."


  In the forest under the night, except for Lindsay's low murmur, there was no sound.

  But the arrow had already been shot.

  The Silent Edge eliminates all movement when the [Iron-Horned Great Bow] shoots.

  The arrow tied to the [Miniature Spider Nest] instantly shot into the dark night sky, speeding through the night unnoticed.

  The powerful force guides the arrow to move quickly.

  Its initial speed was extremely fast, and it gradually shot up into the sky, and then began to slow down and fall downwards, always moving forward during the entire process.

  After a few breaths, the arrow quietly fell into the Stranglethorn Valley. It didn't even get into the tree trunk it hit, but fell to the ground in the collision.


  kah! Click! Click!
  In an instant, the [Micro Spider Nest] began to tear apart, and yellow-green corrupted poisonous spiders emerged from it.

  The achievement items given by [Hunting Notes] have a characteristic.

  The stronger the creature, the better the reward will be given, and the more kills, the better the reward will be. The group of corrupted poisonous spiders has five-stage lords.

  Lindsay's kill count has also reached a high level, and only then can he obtain the resource-based rare item [Miniature Spider Nest] that continues to be produced.

  Now, the power of this rare item is unleashed all at once.

  There is a seemingly endless stream of corrupted poisonous spiders bursting out from their lairs.

  Although they are unconscious, their combat effectiveness is generally maintained at the third to fourth stages. Their numbers are constantly increasing and there is no tendency to stop in a short period of time!

  And the dryads that sleep at night.

  Nor did they expect that a crisis would erupt from the center of their homeland.

  By the time the dryads realized the invasion of the corrupted poisonous spiders, it was already too late.

  Dozens of giant spiders with huge bodies and terrifying faces have begun to spread throughout the valley. Some have built webs to set traps, while others have rubbed their poisonous pincers to directly hunt other creatures indiscriminately.

  Fighting and screams occurred one after another.

  Dryads are inherently less active at night, but spiders are nocturnal hunters.

  Half an hour later, the power of the [Micro Spider Nest] was exhausted and it completely turned into a few white remains of spider webs scattered on the ground.

  But the entire Stranglethorn Valley is really boiling!

  A hundred corrupted poisonous spiders were completely released. Even in the Forest of Stars, this was a force that could not be underestimated.

  In the crazy forest at night, they move in groups and massacre all living things indiscriminately. The killing that breaks out from the center of their home inevitably expands rapidly.

  Weird roars and the sound of tearing plants came one after another.

  The entire valley turned into purgatory in an instant!


  "Lindsay, where did you get this thing?"

  On the hill, watching everything happening below, Hong cast a rather subtle look on Lindsay:
  "You usually train with me, right? Are you perfunctory with me?"

  Lindsay was excited and immediately shook his head in denial:

  "Are you kidding me!"

  "I am also very stressed when I fight with you now!"

  "And I only have this kind of thing in my hand. But it’s completely gone!”

  Lindsay was still communicating and joking with Hong on the surface.

  But the pressure in my heart is not low at all.

  He was willing to pay the [Micro Spider Nest] in exchange for the massacre in Stranglethorn Vale. The real goal was still not achieved at this moment.

  Lindsay's eyes fell on [Hunting Notes].

  [Mini Spider Nest] was shot by him, and the kills of the tree spirit below must be counted on his head.

  4, 7, 12, 19...

  The constantly beating numbers also mean that the situation continues to deteriorate.

  The achievement number of 25/25 arrived soon, and Lindsay received the reward immediately.

  [Equipment/Materials: Thorny Wood Bracers]

  [Wooden bracers engraved with thorn patterns. After wearing it, you can improve your physical fitness and strengthen your skin's defense capabilities; it can also be used as a material to make other props.

  【Achievement items, moderate value.

  Lindsay put the Thornwood Bracer on the workbench, and a synthesis formula appeared that made him unable to take his eyes away:

  [1 Thornwood Bracer + 1 Vine + 3 Plant Seeds = Thorny Ring]

  Lindsay I quickly searched for a synthesis formula that I had been thinking about for a long time.

  Sure enough -

  [1 dryad crown + 1 flower fairy anklet + 1 thorn ring = forest brooch]


  "The only material needed is vines to synthesize [thorn ring]!"

  Vine .

  It happens to be the material that the dryad will produce.

  Just when Lindsay was getting excited, as if in response to the good news in front of her, there was another movement from the banyan forest in the distance.


  A crazy scream sounded from the mountain, and then quickly approached the Thorn Valley.

  In an instant, Lindsay and Red knew they had achieved their goal.


  The two people's eyes met, and their figures moved forward almost at the same time, rushing towards the hills to the north.

  "The Tree Mother has been distracted by the commotion."

  "Now, it's our turn!"

  (End of Chapter)

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