186.Chapter 185 The Fugitive from Desperate Situation

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  Chapter 185

  In the desperate forest of escapees, Lindsay and Hong groped towards the direction of the sound.

  The two men made almost no sound.

  But during the process, they noticed that the object making noise in the forest was moving towards the location where the bird landed.

  Just over ten seconds later.

  Under the cover of layers of green trees, Lindsay and Hong saw the source of all the noise.

  Several dryads whose bodies were made of plant vines were surrounding the place.

  They hurriedly ate the birds eagerly and greedily to replenish their severely depleted physical strength.

  "The escaped tree spirits...are these vegetative people eating meat instead?"

  Lindsay and Hong looked at each other.

  The two of them lowered their voices, and the girl asked first:
  "Do you want to kill me?"

  Lindsay immediately shook her head:

  "We have to stay calm and not act impulsively."

  "This forest is too big, and it is rare to encounter such a level in a month. Warcraft, observe as much as possible..."


  Before Lindsay could finish speaking, there was new movement in the distance.

  The two of them looked towards the forest to the east, and there seemed to be the sound of a huge creature crashing through the vegetation, aiming directly at these tree spirits.

  Even though the dense trees block the view, countless birds and beasts in the forest are frightened by them, almost drawing a clear and clear path, making people feel the brutal power of rampaging like a tank.


  This unexpected kick really brought about an incredible change?

  Lindsay and Hong had subtle expressions.

  But they still remain cautious and continue to wait and see.

  On the other hand, the tree spirit below was as silent as a cicada at the moment.

  They stood up, looked at the direction of the sound in horror, and then fled away without looking back.

  It was only then that they began to cry desperately in animal language.

  "It's over, he's catching up."

  "Don't give up, run away, we will definitely escape!"

  "Forest, why?"

  The tree spirits fled towards the west in panic.

  Lindsay, who was hiding in the dark, followed him. He roughly estimated that reality was very cruel to these tree spirits.

  Their speed is completely behind that of their pursuers.

  If nothing else, they will be completely caught up within half an hour!
  "Hong, we will decide whether to take action depending on the situation."

  Lindsay ordered, and Hong nodded slightly, and then followed the chase.


  A quarter of an hour later, what Lindsay expected happened.

  The four fleeing tree spirits, even though they tried their best and pushed their speed to the limit, still could not escape the pursuers behind them.

  In the shadow of the dense forest.

  A three-meter-tall gray-black giant bear rushed out with a ferocious roar.

  Beside its strong body, there are more than ten gray forest wolves. Some of them were guarding the giant bear, and some were a step faster, blocking the four tree spirits and surrounding them.

  In times of crisis, the dryads were forced to stand together.

  Facing the threat of death, the thorns on their bodies began to grow rapidly and twisted together to form a dark green barrier full of spikes.

  Desperate pleas sounded from the barrier:
  "We just want to leave the forest!"

  "Hui, let us leave, it will be better for everyone!"


  The giant bear opened its bloody mouth.

  A deafening roar sounded in the forest.

  This behemoth had no intention of communicating with these fugitives.

  It rushed forward directly, its huge bear paws covered with a layer of dark gray light, and with just one claw, it tore a crack into the hard thorns.

  "Betraitors, there is only one way to die!"

  The surrounded tree spirits had no escape route, and death was right in front of them. They stared desperately at the falling claws.


  there was a 'pop'.

  The giant bear that had cornered the four tree spirits suddenly fell to the ground!

  The dryad in the thorn barrier looked confused.

  They later discovered that at some point, the giant bear had an arrow on its head!
  And what this arrow caused was no ordinary stab wound.

  Where the arrow hit the giant bear's head, a dent appeared as if someone had hit it with a giant hammer.

  Ice, fire, and corrosion.

  Three types of energy with different properties took effect at the same time, directly turning the giant bear's brain into a ball of colored paste!


  Where did the attack come from?

  When was the arrow inserted?
  A giant jungle bear in the fifth stage died like this?
  Countless doubts emerged from the minds of these tree spirits. They couldn't understand what was happening in front of them, but no matter what, the reality was already in front of them - they were saved!

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
  Almost at the same time, several more sounds broke through the air.

  Through the gaps in the thorn barrier, the dryads could see clearly this time.

  Several flaming spears shot out from the shadows of the forest.

  The forest wolves that were surrounding them a second ago were immediately shot one after another, and fell to the ground after the giant bear. Every wound showed terrible burn marks!


  The leading giant bear was killed instantly, and other companions also fell down.

  The remaining forest gray wolves completely lost their will to fight, turned around and fled into the dense forest.

  There is no trace of the ferocity of hunting in them.

  Until the situation develops like this.

  The dryads finally saw who was saving them.

  It was a creature that looked a bit like an ape, but had very little body hair, and walked upright on the ground.


  Lindsay, who was the first to appear, ignored these tree spirits.

  He only left an instruction, "Hong, keep an eye on them," and the figure disappeared into the shadows of the trees in the direction of the forest gray wolf's escape.

  After a while, a lingering voice slowly drifted over:
  "Our activities in the forest need to be kept secret. I will be back as soon as possible."


  The sound of a sharp weapon being pulled out of the corpse attracted the attention of the dryads again.

  They turned their heads and looked in the direction of the sound, and discovered another shocking fact.

  The red spears that had just stabbed those gray wolves to death all disappeared at this moment!
  On the body of the only forest wolf with a spear stuck in it, a human woman stepped on its neck and pulled out the red spear.


  Hong kicked the gray wolf beneath him disdainfully.

  After confirming that this guy was dead, she circled around the tree spirit again and shot all the forest wolves that fell on the ground.

  After confirming that all the forest gray wolves were dead, it walked towards the location of the tree spirits without saying a word.


  Witnessing this merciless scene, a tree spirit said in a trembling animal language:
  "Thank you for saving us, I..."

  "Stop talking yet!"

  Hong took the initiative to interrupt the tree spirit's trembling gratitude. .

  The girl didn't even look at the dryad, but patted the head of the giant bear that fell to the ground.

  A five-stage monster.

  Facing a silent sneak attack, he was hit in the head by an arrow and died on the spot.

  Red preferred to think about the battle.

  She held her white chin with one hand, raised her gaze, and began to imagine tonight's battle training.

  "What if Lindsay uses this trick on me during training tonight."

  "Can I dodge it?"

  (End of Chapter)

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