185. Chapter 184 Entering the Jungle

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  Chapter 184:
  The fate of entering the jungle to resist the dragon beast was very tragic.

  It wasn't until he said goodbye to the rock element and the root elder that Lindsay knew that this was actually the last survivor.

  Originally, there were a lot of rebels in the Forest of Stars.

  But the six-stage tree mother is already an insurmountable chasm.

  After two years of cleaning up by Tree Mother, there are no more resisters in the surrounding area.

  Only tree demons with strong individual consciousness will break away from control and try to escape from the Forest of Stars.

  Suppose the situation is more serious.

  If only Lindsay had been here a few years earlier, or the purge was still going on.

  Even if there is a strange item [Breath of Stone] given by the mountain stone element, I am afraid it will not be able to escape the opponent's detection.

  It was also through that protracted battle.

  Today, the Shanshi element is dying, and only Elder Roots is still around.

  They barely survive around this canyon by relying on their special ability to blend into the ground.

  But going further, there is the basin swamp occupied by the black-scaled lizard dragon.

  Later, the road was blocked by a large forest.

  Guys like them who are on the wanted list cannot escape at will like the tree demons, and are trapped here, waiting for the end of their lives.

  One day later.

  The two people who started their journey again came to the edge of the Star Forest.

  The scenery of the originally vibrant forest had obviously not changed at all, but at this moment, it seemed to be inexplicably shrouded in a layer of haze.

  Lindsay and Hong are ready.

  The two checked their own status and confirmed that the [Breath of Stone] was intact before walking into the forest.

  Lindsay walked ahead.

  His eyes were firm and his steps were steady, always adjusting his route based on the information on the map.

  It seems like every step is on the right path carefully planned.

  Behind him, Hong unreservedly trusted Lindsay in front of her. The girl held a meteorite spear in her hand, and her dangerous eyes frequently swept through the forest.

  As long as there is something a little strange...

  or as long as Lindsay sends a secret signal, she will attack without hesitation.

  The road in the mountains and forests is not easy.

  There are no signs of human activity here at all, and you can only walk through dense bushes, occasionally using animal trails to walk a certain distance, and you also need to use the knife in your hand to clear the way.

  Then, more troublesome blockers began to appear.

  The shape of the earth does not suddenly change.

  The ground below, covered by dense tree canopy, is filled with ravines of all sizes, just like the previous canyon.

  You can still find ways to cross the narrower ones.

  But if it is a canyon that humans cannot cross... trying to cross this kind of terrain often means a very bad wilderness experience.

  The only thing that can be called comfort.

  It was [Breath of Stone] that worked perfectly.

  Lindsay and Hong wear this strange item, and their human scent transforms into the scent of the earth in the Starry Forest.

  The creatures here are already familiar with this scent.

  Therefore, unless they collide directly head-on, no matter whether it is a monster or an ordinary animal, they will not take the initiative to cause trouble for the two of them.

  Until a month later.

  The forest-covered area changed from canyons to hills, and Lindsay's progress finally accelerated.

  "Hong, have you ever thought about a question?"

  In the early morning, the chirping of birds echoed in the forest, and occasionally the roar of unknown animals could be heard in the distance. The long and boring journey made Lindsay a little bored.

  He recalled what he had experienced since entering the world of Black Mountain. Some doubts remained unanswered, so he asked his companions:
  "Those glacial elements may affect the advancement of dragon beasts."

  "But from one end of the world, it's a long way to go." Being so far away is a very unreasonable choice in itself."

  "It can choose a place around Montenegro."

  "This is conducive to monitoring and being under control at all times."

  Hong immediately speculated:
  " Unless it doesn't want the glacial elements to get too close to itself, and is even quite wary of it. That's why it drives those elemental creatures to such a distant place, and even sends powerful cronies to guard them..."

  At this point, Hong might Not deeply felt.

  But as a person who has witnessed it, Lindsay feels a big headache when thinking about the black-scaled lizard dragon guarding the glacier element.

  The poison in the mouth; the special and dangerous source of skills; the strong and powerful body, and the airtight defense.

  Combining these qualities, even at the fifth stage level.

  There is no doubt that the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon is an extremely powerful being. It even moved the lords of the border towns. In a head-on battle, it is not certain who will win or who will lose.

  Lindsay also relies on many factors to defeat the enemy.

  And such an absolutely powerful subordinate was sent by the dragon beast to guard some glacier elements that had already expressed their surrender?

  Thinking of this, Lindsay was thoughtful and her eyes fell on Hong.

  The girl's thoughts were still focused on the dragon beast itself. She followed the information given by Lindsay and got the next inference:

  "So, Lindsay, do you think the dragon beast's weakness may be related to ice?"

  "A strong man in the seventh stage. I'm afraid it won't be defeated by simple temperature." Lindsay shook his head, "But I think this is an idea, and we may be able to find some clues from it."

  In the primeval forest, Lindsay and Hong were each lost in thought.

  What Lindsay proposed was just a hypothesis.

  However, the dragon beast's behavior of driving away the glacial elements is indeed unreasonable in many aspects, and there should be other secrets hidden in it.

  The purpose of both people's trip was to kill the dragon beast.

  When it comes to the enemy's weaknesses, they will naturally not let go of the pursuit of any possibility.

  Click -

  at this moment, Lindsay stepped on a dead branch under his feet.

  In the shade of a tree next to it, a green bird that was inexplicably frightened suddenly appeared.

  This was just a small episode that can be seen everywhere in the forest.

  But precisely because of the frightened birds, there was a sudden sound of tearing air on the mountaintop a few hundred meters away, and then the birds in the sky were shot down to the ground.



  Hong almost instantly raised the meteorite spear and pointed it in the direction of the hill.

  With her abilities, spear throwing within a range of 200 meters is almost guaranteed to be absolutely lethal. The power will decrease further away, but it is absolutely impossible to withstand it with the strength of ordinary people.

  Although the hilly location is remote.

  But once the two sides continue to get closer, she is sure to attack first before encountering them!
  Red failed to throw the meteorite spear.

  Because almost at the same time, Lindsay stretched out her hand to stop her movement.

  Lindsay held Hong's wrist and shook her head under the gaze of ruby-like eyes:
  "Hong, there is something special ahead."

  "Let's go over and take a look first, don't make any noise."

  Hong's mouth curled up, a little frustrated. He put down his weapon
  and said, "What did you find out about those inexplicable skills?"

  Lindsay looked at the map, and four fast-moving yellow marks were at the corresponding positions:
  "They are neutral individuals with no hostility."

  "If so. The situation I imagined, then we might be able to get some helpful information."

  (End of Chapter)

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