184.Chapter 183 Breath of Stone

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  Chapter 183 Breath of Stone

  Blessed by the Mountains...

  Just hearing this greeting, Lindsay had an idea in her mind.

  Look at the opponent's body made of earth and stone, and the friendly green color displayed on the map.

  "Are you an elemental creature? And you're of the earth element?"

  "As you can see." The elemental creature sitting on the spot admitted directly, "You can enjoy this kind of blessing, and you probably don't need me to introduce you to your own species. "

  Now Lindsay understands where the other party's goodwill comes from.

  [Mountain Blessing]

  [Improve the perception ability of earth elements and increase the initial favorability of earth element beings.

  Suramo's blessing when he said goodbye is still in effect.

  And unlike the Glacier Elemental, which only perceives this effect.

  The earth elemental creature in front of Lindsay at this moment was directly favored by this effect.

  This is also the real reason why the other party sent Elder Roots and issued a reminder.


  Lindsay quietly put her middle finger and index finger together and shook them from side to side three times.

  Hong on the side saw it and immediately understood.

  This was the code the two had agreed upon.

  After the unexpected encounter on the cliff, Lindsay also realized the problems caused by information asymmetry.

  If he wanted to change a person's personality in a short period of time, Lindsay believed that he did not have the brainwashing skills like Yuri.

  So he took the easy way out.

  Make an agreement with Hong and set a code gesture in advance.

  The meaning of this action at this moment is to show that the guy in front of you is safe and not to use force.

  At this time, the elemental creature in front of it spoke again. It asked Lindsay very politely:

  "Human, can you tell me where your protection comes from?"

  Lindsay immediately replied:

  "It's a man named Su. Gifted by the elders of Ramo, he is also an elemental life."

  The existence of the mountain spirits is too old, and the current public opinion atmosphere is not friendly to such existences, so Lindsay only gave a name.


  "Forgive me for being ignorant, but it must be a great existence."

  Sure enough, this elemental life in the Black Mountain world did not know about Surama. It thought for a moment and then shook its head with regret.

  Lindsay doesn’t get too hung up on the issue, either.

  He directly switched the topic to the current situation that everyone is currently in:

  "So you specially sent this elder root to warn you of the danger, just because of the protection on my body?" The

  elemental creature continued to shake his head:

  "Not entirely."

  "This compatriot "My protection has made me know that you are a friend of the earth." "

  But apart from your safety, I really don't want anyone to enter the forest again."

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows: "What's the reason?"

  "Please tolerate me. Introduction." The elemental creature said in a long tone, "The above-ground world of the great forest is governed by the tree mother and has been thriving for thousands of years. And with this development, the underground world has also changed." "

  In a natural breath , Shanshi, headed by me, awakens the spiritual wisdom, we stabilize the veins of the earth, and support the growth of all living things in the forest..." The

  Shanshi element seems to be more adapted to a certain slow dialogue rhythm, and is about to fall into a long memory.

  Hong couldn't help it anymore and directly interrupted the other party's description:
  "Hey, first tell me the reason why you shouldn't enter the forest?"

  The Shanshi elemental paused, but still followed Hong's idea and responded:
  "This is just my innocence "

  The great forest is under the control of the Tree Mother. Many spiritually awakened plants will naturally react when encountering humans and will be noticed by the Tree Mother. If you enter hastily, you will undoubtedly seek your own death."

  Lindsay retorted. He answered:

  "Just a reminder, there must be more ways."

  "Instead of sending men to observe us, or even inviting us to you in the end."

  Lindsay stared at the rock elements in front of him. Although I don't know the physical condition of this elemental creature, I can infer the weakness of this guy from the way it was weak even when it stood up just now.

  "You must have a reason to do this to bring a dangerous existence like us in front of you!" "


  For a moment, the Shanshi element fell into silence.

  The two humans in front of him quickly advanced the topic, making it less uncomfortable for him.

  But one thing must be admitted, the other party's guess is correct.

  The light at the joints of the mountain and stone elements flickered for a few seconds, and then it did not answer immediately. Instead, it asked a question:
  "Humans, what is your purpose? Like the previous humans, to escape from this world?"

  Lindsay only said one thing. A simple name:

  "Dragon Beast."

  The light in the joints of the mountain stone elements suddenly became stronger:


  "You can't resist the power of that evil beast!"

  This time, Lindsay didn't react like he did to the mountains. Like Lingshi, take out the [Brilliant Bomb] to convince the opponent.

  After entering the world of Montenegro, this trump card sealed his fate.

  It will only reappear in the world at the moment of use.

  Facing the rock element in front of him, Lindsay's choice was to ask confidently:

  "You are also no match for the dragon beast, but don't you try to resist?"


  The rock element fell into silence again.

  Lindsay's guess was correct, or this was the only result.

  The creatures born in the big forest, the choice to escape from their hometown, the weak state and the sparse manpower.

  These conditions come together.

  There will only be those remaining forces that once resisted the dragon beast, but experienced failure, so they lurked and fled.

  After a long time, the mountain stone element spoke again:
  "Humans, let alone dragons and beasts, you are not even the opponent of the tree mother."

  Lindsay replied with a serious tone and a firm look:
  "This should be the reason why you called us here. The reason."


  "You humans are really quick in thinking."

  The mountain stone element sighed, and then added a message:
  "What I heard may not be accurate. But that evil beast is so eager to advance. Maybe it’s because of the threat from you humans.”

  "Oh?" Lindsay raised her eyebrows.

  Threat to humanity?
  The hidden border that was almost forced to a dead end could never be the source of this threat.

  If the news is true, it could only come from the other side of the world.

  Just when Lindsay was secretly speculating on the reliability of this news, Shanshi Yuan continued:

  "I am about to die, and I can't give you more help."

  "But this thing must be of some use on the road, please take it. Let's do it."

  As soon as he finished speaking, two water-green stone tablets appeared from the hands of the mountain and stone elements.

  Elder Roots on the side immediately stepped forward, picked up the two stone tablets, and brought them solemnly to the two humans.

  Lindsay took the small jade stone plaque.

  [Strange Object: Breath of Stone]

  [A special item that condenses the earth element. After being held, the owner's external aura can be changed.

  【No one is buying this rare item with special functions.

  "Last advice."

  Lindsay frowned and observed the strange object in her hand, and the mountain stone element finally warned:

  "The tree mother has fallen into madness."

  "With my aura, as long as you don't get close to her main body, you will not There is danger."

  "Compared with this, the messenger of the dragon beast may require your attention more."

  (End of this chapter)

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