183. Description and summary

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  Explanation and Summary
  There have been a lot of responses to book reviews in the past two days, so I would like to give a special explanation here.

  First of all, as I said in my acceptance speech, my writing ability is very poor, and the main purpose of writing this book is to practice writing.

  Under this premise, each volume of this book should be a different type of story.

  This may be discouraging, but I don’t want to deceive readers who can read this.

  What's more, you should be able to see this at this point in the second volume, right?

  But even if I am practicing writing, I will try my best to write the story well. At this point, I must do my best.

  Then there is the issue of red that many people are concerned about.

  Her appearance parameters are impulsiveness and violence, and childishness that has lost its memory.

  In my opinion, the fact that she is traveling with the protagonist does not mean that the two people are a community with completely consistent opinions.

  But I didn’t seem to write this point well in the previous article, which led to everyone’s intense reaction.

  I also apologize here for causing misunderstandings due to my writing skills.

  I would also like to point out here that some people’s personalities in this book will remain the same. Some characters don’t stay the same.

  Just like the protagonist Lindsay, his mentality and thoughts have also changed a lot from the time he arrived at the hidden frontier to the time he left.

  Today I will open a single chapter and record the problems discovered during the writing of the first volume.

  Hope it can improve in the future.

  The first is that the foreshadowing is not obvious enough.

  As a result, many plots and items appear very abrupt when they appear. After all, readers and creators are not from the same perspective. There are some things that I know in my heart, but readers definitely don’t know.

  This kind of information should have been written earlier, or part of the content should have been revealed, just like the state of Drakmon in the second volume.

  The second is that the ratio between the system and the plot is a bit imbalanced.

  Survival games, equipment synthesis, and loot acquisition are all content that can bring positive feedback to readers, and I also like to write content.

  But this is actually a trap.

  When writing like this, it will be easy to fall into a fun routine, focus on one thing and not the other, and lose control of the plot and development, so it will be out of balance. Therefore, we must pay attention to the proportion and primary and secondary status of the two in the future.

  The third is stance.

  In the volume of Hidden Frontier, my original thought was that the conservative side and the radical side were opposed to each other, and it was just a collision of two different positions. However, after reading it, the readers felt relatively strong emotions.

  This was something I didn't expect.

  As a result, the readers' emotions were stronger than expected.

  This point requires more thinking. It may be a good thing or a bad thing. It is also the most important thing to pay attention to in writing.

  The fourth is a real problem.

  Because a power outage can completely interrupt my update rhythm, and my work and rest routine become bad.

  In the past two days, due to the problem of dangerous trees in the community and the long-term power outage, the result is that time is further compressed and there is less time for writing. In the long run, this will definitely cause problems.

  This kind of thing should be avoided as much as possible, so the issue of manuscript storage should be considered.

  Let’s summarize these four points for now.

  I will slowly improve it in subsequent writing, and hope that these problems will be solved by the time the book is completed.

  , yes, one last thing.

  If you have any criticisms when reading the book, or if you feel good about it, please be sure to say it. This is a very important reference for me to improve my writing skills.

  I'm begging you here!
  Just like Hong, a character who is the same person but has different positions. I never thought that many readers would not accept it.

  But don't say bad words, the ban will be deleted.

  (PS: If you spray too hard, I will cry 0.o)


  I will summarize each volume after I finish it.

  (End of chapter)

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