182. Chapter 182 Collapse and Fall

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  Chapter 182 Collapse and fall
  Are you taking action now?
  I still have questions to ask!

  Hong's questions and movements were so fast that Lindsay was even a little confused.

  But at this moment, the meteorite spear fell from the sky, piercing the rock puppet's hands at the moment of contact.

  If it were one second later, the root elder below would definitely die.

  In this short period of time, only Lindsay could react.

  At the critical moment, Lindsay grabbed the meteorite spear thrown by Hong and punched the ground at the same time.

  The blow appeared to be unarmed.

  But the mace in the equipment slot is still functioning, so the actual burst of power is far beyond imagination. At the same time, the power of [Emblem of Ice and Fire] took effect, directly smashing the rock puppet's hands to pieces.

  Elder Roots, who was a little dizzy from the shock, was dragged out again by Lindsay.


  Hong was very puzzled by Lindsay's behavior of preventing her from killing the enemy: "   Why
  do you want to save this guy who succumbs to power, betrays in crisis, and acts in a sneaky way?"

On my map, it shows neutral units.

  If the two of them were alone, Lindsay could explain it this way, but now that there were outsiders present, he changed his explanation:

  "Hong, your goal is also to kill the dragon beast, right?"

  The girl replied without hesitation:

  "Of course!"

  Lindsay persuaded along with the conversation:
  "Then you should also be able to see that no matter what it has done before, its position is always against the dragon beast. Even if we want to achieve our goal, we can't kill him so easily. Drop it."

  Hong crossed his arms and turned his head:

  "Ha! I don't believe what this guy said!"

  Hong's idea was very simple.

  The elder Roots in front of her once served the dragon beast force that imprisoned her. Later, he became even more erratic and turned his back on his master to survive. She didn't want to talk to such a thing at all!
  But even if the attitude is disdainful.

  Hong also accepted Lindsay's persuasion and gave up the idea of ​​killing Elder Roots immediately.

  Lindsay turned his gaze to the root elder in his hand and the motionless rock puppet next to him:
  "You guys also saw it, I..."


  at this moment, Lindsay felt a slip under her feet.

  Elder Roots had fled to the cliff before, but they were now standing here.

  Later, the rock puppet rescued people, causing the ground to shake. Coupled with Lindsay and Hong's actions, the soil and rocks on the edge of the cliff finally couldn't bear it and began to collapse.



  Everyone had different reactions.

  Lindsay opened her bag and took out items.

  Hong then bumped towards Lindsay, obviously trying to knock him back to safety first.

  However, the earth and rocks suddenly slid downwards and it was difficult to catch them. Everyone was halfway through the movement and immediately fell into the cliff and deep valley.

  Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!
  A few seconds later, a strange sound came from the cliff.

  Falling off a cliff amid slipping rocks was a dangerous situation with a narrow escape from death.

  But Lindsay seized the opportunity and planted his resource-resourced soil blocks across the cliff, barely forming a place to stay.

  Lindsay then grabbed Root Elder with her left hand and Red with her right hand.

  The three of them stopped between the cliffs in this dangerous way.

  "Human, what have you done?"

  They were all in shock, but Elder Roots had a keen sense of the earth. It was very sure that the ability used by Lindsay had nothing to do with the earth, but it happened to save them by changing the terrain.

  It couldn't understand this phenomenon and couldn't help but ask:
  "What have your skills done to the earth?"

  At the same time, strange sounds came from the cliff below.

  The three of them looked down and saw that it was the rock puppet that had just fallen and climbed up again.

  However, its state is a bit strange. The lower body is integrated into the earth and stone due to its ability, while the upper body is exposed on the cliff surface.

  As for that weird sound.

  It was also the sound made by the exposed upper body of the rock puppet rubbing against the rocks.

  Lindsay mused. The Rock Golem has previously demonstrated the ability to completely dive into the movement of earth and rock.

  Now move in this way that makes a sound.

  Perhaps it was to remind Lindsay that he was approaching and to ensure that this contact would not cause other misunderstandings.

  Not long after, the rock puppet 'swam' up like this.

  Just as Lindsay expected.

  It did not launch an attack, but seemed to recognize a certain reality, and said to the two serious-looking humans:

  "Humans, you are right, we have a common enemy."

  "In order to solve the crisis facing the world, We should fight here."

  Clearly showing goodwill, the rock puppet turned to look at Elder Gensu:
  "Zongsu, bring them to see me."


  Elder Gensu was obviously reluctant, and the rock puppet The voice in the middle continued:

  "I can understand your caution and attitude of protecting me."

  "But look, a misunderstanding has been born."

  "Now we have very little left, and the evil beast has entered The steps are also close at hand. Every hope at this time must be firmly grasped."

  Elder Roots could not refuse the voice coming from the rock puppet.

  It nodded slightly, indicating that it accepted the order:

  "Human, come with me."


  With the help of the rock puppet, it was much easier to go down the cliff.

  In the meantime, Lindsay opens the map.

  As expected, this pure tool without life is not shown on the map. It also served as a reminder to Lindsay not to rely entirely on the reconnaissance function of the map.

  Otherwise some day in the future.

  He might make a big mistake for this reason.

  Not long after, they were led directly to the bottom of the canyon by the rock puppet.

  The journey that followed was somewhat surprising, but also reasonable.

  The person behind Elder Roots is far away from them.

  For a whole day, they traveled between canyons and even entered some hidden underground tunnels with the help of rock golems.

  Even then, it wasn't until the next morning.

  They found an inconspicuous cave at the bottom of a canyon.

  "This is it."

  Elder Roots made the introduction. He took the initiative to walk in front and entered the cave.

  At the same time, the rock puppets that had brought them along also merged into the earth and disappeared.

  "It's right here."

  Lindsay and Hong looked at each other, took out their torches and followed.

  The cave hidden at the bottom of the canyon is just an entrance, and there is a deep tunnel behind it.

  Don’t mention the length, just the depth of the descent.

  After walking down for more than twenty meters, the narrow space in front of me suddenly became clear.

  This is a stone hall hidden beneath the ground.

  A strange creature with a body made of rock and a shape similar to a rock puppet, but with rays of light emitting from its joints, is sitting here.

  Seeing Lindsay's arrival, it seemed to want to get up.

  But a certain feeling of weakness lingered on its body, and it only moved a little before giving up helplessly.

  In the end, I could only sit there and say hello to Lindsay:
  "Human beings blessed by the mountains, I'm glad to see you."

  "There may be some misunderstandings between us, but I believe that sincere communication can resolve these unpleasant things." question."

  (End of chapter)

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