151. Chapter 151 [Spider Crisis]

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  Chapter 151 [Spider Crisis]

  There is a mountainous area ahead.

  There are scattered peaks standing in the valley, and dense forests spread here. The green canopy is like an endless sea of ​​life, reflecting the colors of life in the sun, as if pregnant with endless vitality.

  But this is not the case.

  Lindsay stood in front of this mountainous area.

  He didn't even need to go in to know what was going on inside.

  In the mountainous woods, there are some cute little animals - corrupted poisonous spiders.

  "It's so hot..."

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows and curled her lips.

  The advancement of the dragon beast causes the world's temperature to be affected by altitude.

  The environment around us suddenly switches from winter to hot summer, which is really not a good experience.

  And thanks to the corrupt poisonous spiders in the forest.

  Among the maples, oaks, and beech trees, there is only the rustle of the wind blowing through the leaves, but there is no crisp bird song that should be heard. The vitality and tranquility of nature are gone.

  But Lindsay couldn't avoid this place.

  After climbing down the Babel Vine and passing through the previous hilly area, all the routes in front of you are surrounded by this mountainous area.


  "Weren't you very diligent when you were chasing people before? This time, you can settle old and new accounts together!"

  This time entering the world of Montenegro, Lindsay chose to go alone.

  There's no one else watching, so it's freeing up in some ways.

  I took out the [Tread Corolla] from my luggage and took it with me, put on a pair of cute [Grey Fur Rabbit Shoes] on my feet, and the [Mountains Coat of Arms] was replaced with the [Molten Fire Coat of Arms], with pendants, brooches, and coats of arms all in one. All the ground fell on him.

  In the blink of an eye.

  Lindsay instantly went from a simple, small-town youth to a serious player whose intensity means beauty.

  He even took out the [Ice Badger Mace] with great interest and put it on his back, feeling like he was on another level.

  Only when facing [Frostwind Earrings].

  Lindsay was frightened.

  In the game, if something like earrings is dragged onto the equipment bar, it can be equipped immediately. But in reality, Lindsay still didn't want to make a hole in his earrings. He thought of some things he had seen and always felt that this kind of thing was weird.

  He said to the air in front of him:
  "Look, this is the wilderness."

  "Although my physical fitness is high enough, wouldn't it be a bad thing if the wound becomes suppurated and infected?"

  Lindsay found a reason to convince herself. own.

  Later, he took out a few pieces of wood and built himself a temporary shelter near the mountainous area.

  "Corrupted poisonous spiders..."

  "There are spiders all over the mountains and plains. I can't just go in carelessly by myself."

  While preparing today's food, Lindsay also began to plan a way to get through here.

  By expanding the reconnaissance range of the map.

  He was sure that this mountainous area was full of traces of corrupted poisonous spiders.

  And due to this species' ability to sense vibrations and the spider webs all over the forest, it was impossible to sneak past quietly.

  "Set the mountain on fire?"

  A bold idea came to Lindsay's mind, but he soon shook his head and rejected it.

  Not to mention the moral restraints engraved in the heart by the memory of the previous life.

  Finn's teachings alone, as well as the death school's teachings of respecting life, also destined him to be unable to do such a crazy thing.

  At this time, the food-making pointer stopped at the corresponding position.

  Lindsay quickly operated the system and held a piece of freshly baked perfect barbecue in his hand. He took a bite and began to think:

  "It is not advisable to set the mountain on fire directly, but what if we define a range?"

  "Or there are survival building modules that bring it. Skills, I'll just dig a tunnel underground." "..."

  Thinking like this, Lindsay's idea gradually took shape.

  When An Rui and I came to Montenegro last time, the corrupted poisonous spider showed a strict hierarchy of dominance in the battle. The fifth-stage corrupted poisonous spider was undoubtedly the king of this mountainous forest.

  Lindsay was not going to dig a tunnel underground and sneak across in despair.

  Since he is preparing to fight a seventh-stage dragon beast this time, there is no reason to let go of all the previous training of actual combat abilities and opportunities to enhance his own strength!
  "Since these corrupted poisonous spiders have a clear hierarchical order."

  "Then as long as we find a way to kill the one in the fifth stage, they will most likely fall into chaos, and they will be able to pass through here easily."

  Because of Lindsay's determination . , a corresponding task also appears on the taskbar.

  [Spider Crisis]

  [The first stop in the new world was blocked by spiders. Kill their leader and make your way through the mountains. ]

  [Task reward: Spider poison corpse water*5, attribute/skill experience points.

  "Spider poison corpse water?"

  "I'm not going to engage in any assassination activities. Why do I want to destroy the corpse corpse water?"

  Looking at the reward given by this task, Lindsay had a subtle expression.

  Then he didn't care about this, but turned his attention to the corruption strain itself.

  Now that we have decided to fight, we must not let go of the corresponding details.

  While chewing the barbecue, Lindsay opened the [Hunting Notes] and began to research the specific attributes of this species.

  [Corrupted Poisonous Spider]

  [Arthropods—Plasmic Animals ~ Awakening Level 5]

  [Body length 0.003~2.3 meters]

  [Weight 0.02~102kg]

  [Crawling speed is slightly faster than that of adult humans. ]

  [Eight-eyed spiders have a keen sense of touch, dexterous movements, and violent venom.

  【Corruption poisonous spiders like to set up webs to hunt. If the prey is entangled in the web, they will attack quickly, wrap the prey with a tough web, and then pierce the prey and inject poison. During this time, the prey is always tightly held by the corruption poisonous spider. When the prey is The activity of the prey stops, and the digestive enzymes in the venom will also complete the decomposition of the prey, and the prey will be taken back to the nest by the Corruption Spider. ]

  [Weaknesses: brain, abdomen. ]

  [Hunting advice: Carry out fire attacks in advance outside the spider silk lair. ]

  [Kill Achievement: 262/300]

  [Leader Kill Achievement: 0/1]

  "Even the hunting suggestions ask me to attack with fire." What

  Lindsay cares about most is of course the two pieces of information about hunting suggestions and weaknesses. .

  But just below, the number of kill achievements also made him quite concerned.

  After experiencing two battles against corrupted poisonous spiders in the Black Mountain World and the Hidden Frontier, he has killed 262 of these monsters, and his title has evolved from [Spider Killer] to [Spider Nemesis].

  Lindsay can now even hear the meaning of the spider's words from the scraping sound they make!
  "Follow the title rules of the hunting simulation."

  "As long as we kill 38 more spiders, the spider-related titles can evolve again!"

  "And if we continue to hunt these spiders, with our habit investigation and weakness investigation capabilities, we may be able to get more clues. !"

  At this time, Lindsay had finished eating the perfect barbecue.

  The attribute bonus brought by food made him feel full of vitality.

  So he stood up and looked towards the mountainous forest opposite.

  "In that case..."

  Lindsay took out the [Iron Horn Big Bow] from behind.

  However, thinking about the noise this weapon would cause, he replaced it with an ordinary wooden bow, and then walked into the forest in front of him.

  "Come on! Let's complete my achievement kill count first!"

  (End of this chapter)

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