150.Chapter 150 Farewell

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  Chapter 150: Farewell to
  Somkin I never thought about it.

  The balance of the capital of law that was used to interrogate him a few months ago would bring him such news now.

  The young man in front of me.

  Lindsay, who has only been in the hidden frontier for three years.

  Can have the power to kill dragon beasts!

  This reality seemed to drain him of all his strength. Somkin let go of his hand holding the wound and fell to the ground with an expression that looked both like crying and laughing.

  At this moment, anyone could see that he had lost the power to resist.

  This is not despair when no trump card can be revealed.

  But in the face of a reality that completely exceeded expectations, he had chosen to give up in his heart.

  There is no need to be on guard against such people.

  Compared with the businessman lying on the ground, An Rui, who was also extremely weak, still held Lindsay's hands firmly:
  "Lindsay, what did you encounter there?"

  Lindsay explained:

  "I am under the mountains. , I found an elemental life with a life span of more than ten thousand years. It told me a lot of things, about this world, about dragon beasts..." "


  Lindsay was explaining the situation and shouted anxiously Coming from the south.

  Anna's figure in a black robe appeared in a corner of the street.

  The girl who joined the Death School and Hongyue lived in the church in the east of the town, and the battle just now naturally alarmed them. After Anna came to check, she naturally followed the trajectory to the warehouse.

  At this moment, I saw An Rui lying in front of Lindsay.

  The girl looked panicked, rushed over and hugged her father in her arms. She looked at the weak An Rui, and then at the solemn-looking Lindsay in front of her. Her tone became stammering due to panic:
  "Lindsay , my father, what happened to him?"

  "Uncle Anrui has been poisoned," Lindsay quickly explained, "But don't worry, I have fed him the antidote. There is also Dr. Song An in the town, so he must No problem."

  After receiving Lindsay's answer, Anna turned her gaze to her father's face in her arms.


  An Rui nodded weakly:
  "Lindsay is right. I'm just weak. I'll be fine if I rest for a while."

  Seeing someone take over from An Rui, Lindsay also stood up.

  Before leaving, he pointed at Somkin and asked Anrui:
  "Uncle Anrui, what should I do with him?"

  Lindsay thought Anrui was going to kill the businessman immediately.

  He was also ready to do the work for him.

  But after listening to Lindsay’s experience of the crater.

  An Rui did not ask for Somkin to be killed. Instead, he shook his head:
  "He is still useful. Now is not the time to kill him."


  Somkin on the side did not care at all about the conversation between the two.

  The old man was lying on the ground, his eyes empty, and only the rising and falling of his chest when breathing told people that he was still alive.

  At the same time, Alan also rushed over with two guards.

  Lindsay thought to herself:

  It seems that the battle in Zhendong has come to an end.

  The public opinion atmosphere in the town has destined the inequality of strength between the two sides. If Somkin can deal with Anrui here, then they may still have hope of turning defeat into victory.

  But now...

  Lindsay shook her head and walked towards the entrance of the town where the battle started.

  When he comes here.

  Five Awakened people who participated in the resistance died in the battle, and all others were subdued.

  Lindsay's friend Joel, with his hands tied at the moment, was imprisoned with several others at the entrance of the town, guarded by injured guards.

  Looking at this scene, Lindsay didn't know what to do.




  "I made something with the materials you gave me before. But since you were not at home, I wrapped them up and hung them on the fence of the wooden house. ."


  The two of them didn't have much conversation.

  Lindsay followed what the other party said and came to the south of the town. Sure enough, there was something hanging on the fence in front of the wooden house.

  Sweep away a thin layer of snow.

  Lindsay found a backpack and a cape. After Joel saw Lindsay's weapons and abilities, he did not choose to make weapons, but made these two pieces of equipment.

  The backpack is carefully sewn from leather.

  Further craftsmanship and materials allow this brand new backpack to have a full 64 grids after the skill transformation.

  As for the cloak -

  [Equipment: Wild Traveling Cloak]

  [A cloak made of firefox skin as the main material, which has excellent thermal insulation effect. During the production process, they are soaked in special liquid to eliminate overly bright colors and also have the effect of repelling mosquitoes. ]

  [A well-made cloak, of low value.

  From the functions and attributes of the cloak, Lindsay can understand the significance of Joel making it.

  "Since Uncle Anri didn't even execute Somkin immediately, will Joel's life be in danger..."

  Lindsay thought about the fate his friend was about to face.

  After he provided the information about the crater, the town would undoubtedly have to relocate.

  To cope with this journey, the awakened person is of course not a problem.

  But there are more ordinary people in the town, and this operation is destined to require a large number of manpower and the help of awakened people.

  There are only about twenty awakened people in the hidden border.

  An Rui may have also taken this into consideration.

  Therefore, as a lord, he restrained his urge for revenge and did not let Lindsay avenge him on the spot.

  With this thought in mind, Lindsay took two books from the cabin.

  He turned around and walked towards the church in the east of the town, packing his bags along the way.

  Because of her conversation with the spirit of the mountains, Lindsay completed the task of "the true face of the world".

  Considering the upcoming adventure in Montenegro, he directly accepted the reward.

  A large amount of attribute/skill experience points were used by him to improve the most basic and critical personal attributes, including physical fitness by 3, strength by 4, and agility by 3.

  And perhaps because of the encouragement given to Lindsay to act.

  The ancient spirit of the mountains, Surama, gave him a gift. At this moment, a new status was displayed on Lindsay's personal status bar.

  [Mountain Blessing]

  [Improve the perception ability of earth elements and increase the initial favorability of earth element beings.

  As for the elemental emblem, choose 1 out of 4 in the mission reward.

  Lindsay already has the [Molten Emblem], so he prefers the [Mountains Emblem] and the [Ocean Current Emblem], both of which may be used during the trip to Montenegro.

  Considering that the dragon beast lives on the mountain peak, Lindsay finally chose the former.

  [Heraldry/Material: Mountain Heraldry]

  [After equipped, it increases the user's petrification/stun/physical resistance; activating the active effect allows the wearer to pass through soil and rocks within 7 seconds, and at the same time can breathe in the underground environment. ; Can also be used as material to make other props. ]

  [Advanced earth emblem, special item, higher value.

  Some trouble is that the elemental powers of the emblems conflict with each other, and Lindsay can only equip one emblem at the same time.

  Considering the passive improvement effect of [Mountains Emblem], he still put [Molten Emblem] in his bag and chose the earth element as his permanent emblem.

  Not long after, Lindsay also returned to the church in the east of the town.

  Hongyue sat alone in the chapel.

  When she saw Lindsay push through the door and come in, she raised her old face and stared at her godson with dark eyes.

  Then Hongyue, who had lived together for three years, seemed to feel something.

  A gentle smile appeared on her face, and she said to Lindsay as if she was ready:

  "My child, you have to leave."

  "Ah, yes... I'm here to say goodbye to you."

  Lindsay didn't know what she should say. Something, the originally organized language, seemed to be wiped clean from the brain in an instant.

  He finally came to Hongyue, half-knelt down, and held the other person's withered hands.

  He lowered his head and whispered in a voice that only the other party could hear:

  "Mommy, I'm really grateful."


  The snow outside was getting heavier and heavier, and there were only Lindsay and Hongyue in the church.

  Three years ago, the two met in a heavy snowfall in winter, and now they say goodbye in the same way.

   [I went to a hot spring with a beautiful girl today, and I was very happy!

  (End of this chapter)

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