152. Chapter 152 Spider Fear Breaker

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  Chapter 152 Spider Fearbreaker

  can determine the location of enemies beyond visual range.

  A long-range attack that's deadly enough and doesn't make any sound.

  [Map] combined with the enchantment effect of [Silent Edge] can exactly meet the above two conditions.

  When noon comes.

  A corrupted poisonous spider lurks at the edge of the forest, waiting for prey to appear.

  It lay quietly in the center of the web. Its patient hunting instinct made it silent, almost blending in with the surrounding environment. Its red eyes kept scanning the surroundings.

  The approach of any prey, even the smallest movement.

  The eight black legs with yellow rings can also capture the corresponding vibrations.

  But just behind it cannot be detected.

  There were no signs, no warnings, and no sounds.

  A sharp arrow shot through the dense forest and flew from a distance, instantly piercing its head.

  Immediately afterwards, the corrupted poisonous spider died.

  Being pierced through the brain by an arrow, even if the arrow does not have any special effects, it is still an absolutely fatal attack.

  There is absolutely no struggle before death.

  Because of the title of the Spider Killer series, Lindsay's attacks are more precise and deadly, which creates this terrifying effect of killing with one hit and not even being allowed to struggle before death.

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
  Immediately afterwards, several more arrows were shot out one after another, and several smaller corrupted poisonous spiders living nearby were also cleaned up.

  "Very good, we've killed them all, and nothing has slipped through the net."

  At this time, Lindsay walked in from outside the forest.

  The newly unlocked [FPS module] has an advantage. When Lindsay raises a long-range weapon to aim, in addition to the natural crosshair that predicts the attack point, his natural field of vision will also change.

  The visual angle is reduced, but you can see farther and more accurately.

  Especially on the target of the attack, it can have an effect similar to that of a gun sight hole.

  So even these corrupt poisonous spiders live in the forest.

  As long as Lindsay follows the map to find the corresponding location, he will soon be able to find their clues in his sight, and the ensuing attack will be a matter of course.

  "Already 297."

  After collecting materials from the prey in front of him, Lindsay looked at the number of kills in the [Hunting Notes].

  Then their bodies were taken away and left the mountain area again.

  There are only three left before reaching the next level of achievement.

  But Lindsay is not eager for quick success.

  When facing the corrupted poisonous spiders that were far more numerous than him, a lone traveler, he had to make things as perfect as possible.

  So Lindsay only hunted a small number of spiders on the outermost edge.

  Their bodies will be taken away afterward.

  His luck is indeed good. There are no large-scale activities. The corrupted poisonous spider is not a creature that likes to move around.

  A day of hunting did not disturb these dangerous creatures at all.

  So in half an hour.

  Lindsay found another small spider nest, and his kill achievement number finally exceeded 300.

  [Spider Nemesis] → [Spider Fear Breaker]

  [Achievement Reward: Parasite Wasp]

  Seeing the numbers on the [Hunting Notes] updated and receiving the reward, Lindsay felt a little stunned at the moment.

  Because besides the rewards.

  The achievement reward for the next level increased from 300 to 1500!

  "1,500 corrupted poisonous spiders, do I have to kill them until the end of the year?"

  This exaggerated number broke all Lindsay's assumptions about the fourth-level kill achievement title.

  Immediately he checked out his new abilities.

  [Spider Fear Breaker]

  [Acquire the natural deterrent ability against corrupted poisonous spiders.

  【Many people are afraid of this eight-legged creature that crawls everywhere, falls on people from time to time, and may be highly poisonous. But to spiders, you are the scariest creature!

  Just this title has given Lindsay a lot of ideas.

  But when he saw the achievement reward items of this level. [Strange Object: Parasitic Wasp Egg]

  [A small parasitic wasp egg, when attached to the surface of a living thing, will hatch in two hours and transfer into the living body, continuously damaging it.

  Special effect: When the parasitic target is a spider, the hatching speed is greatly increased and the damage capability is greatly increased. After killing the host, parasitic wasp eggs that can be reused will be left behind]

  "This is really specifically for spiders."

  Lindsay said with a smile on his face.

  Both the title and the ability of the items greatly strengthened his threat to the Corrupted Poison Spider.

  The so-called Spider Buster and Spider Killer.

  Now it has become a truly apt description!
  "But before taking action, let's test the effect of the title first."

  There was a new gain.

  The first thing is of course to test their effectiveness.

  In one day, Lindsay had killed many corrupted poisonous spiders at the edge of the forest area.

  This time it took him a full hour to find a more suitable target.

  There are three corrupted poisonous spiders waiting on the web among the trees.

  Whoosh -

  the first arrow, a sharp armor-piercing arrow shot out, directly killing a corrupted poisonous spider.

  Whoosh -

  the second arrow, the arrow with the arrowhead cut off was shot out and hit the surface of a corrupted poisonous spider, failing to kill it. But the parasitic wasp eggs attached to it stuck to the spider's body surface.

  There is no third arrow.

  The spider as hunter becomes the prey.

  After shooting two arrows, Lindsay also rushed out from his hiding place.

  His agility has now reached 20. With the addition of gray fur rabbit shoes and the newly made bat pendant, it has reached 23, which is the same level as his physical constitution.

  This is already an exaggerated speed that competes hard with wind resistance.

  Lindsay's figure was like a charging cheetah, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of the last corrupted poisonous spider.


  The moment he saw Lindsay, the claws of the corrupted poisonous spider made a rapid rubbing sound, as if threatening the enemy in front of him.

  But it happens that Lindsay is a person who can understand the voice of spiders.

  The sound made by this corrupt poisonous spider is:


  The grinding sound could only mean one thing - a scream of fear.

  In front of this huge spider with a ferocious face, Lindsay was like a terrifying creature that appeared in a nightmare. Along with the scene where its fellow spiders were killed by arrows, it almost lost all its ferocity.

  The next second, this big yellow and green spider jumped from the web.

  Then he fled deep into the mountainous forest without looking back.

  I don't dare to fight Lindsay head-on.


  "Am I so scary?"

  Lindsay's expression was a little complicated. He stared at the corrupted poisonous spider that was escaping, drew his bow and arrow, aimed at the target, and shot.

  Another accurate arrow hit, and the corrupted poisonous spider that escaped was naturally killed immediately.

  at the same time.

  Lindsay looked at the last spider that had been attached to a parasitic wasp egg.

  The scene in front of me was cruel and terrifying.

  Because it is a corrupted poisonous spider with a restrained nature, the parasitic wasp eggs hatch within two breaths and then burrow into the opponent's body.

  In the fierce struggle, the corrupted poisonous spider's body was quickly devoured.

  It was unable to put up any effective resistance and lost all signs of life within a minute.

  Then, a hole appeared in the spider's shriveled abdomen, like a leaking balloon.

  A new yellow egg appeared quietly there.

  (End of chapter)

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