149. Chapter 149 Businessman’s Transaction

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  Chapter 149 Merchant’s Transaction

  Anrui followed Somkin’s figure leaving Zhendong.

  But the two weren't too far away.

  In other words, with Somkin's mobility as a businessman, he couldn't run too far.

  When An Rui caught up with each other, they were only a few hundred meters away from the east of the town and stopped at the door of a warehouse slightly to the north.

  An Rui was a little surprised.

  Because when he got here, Somkin did not run away. Instead, he stood there and smiled like a businessman:

  "Mr. Anrui."

  "You killed someone. As a lord, you killed the person you were supposed to protect."


  "Then why do you think I took action?"

  An Rui stepped forward with anger and hit Somkin in the chest with an impartial punch.

  The businessman took two steps back, his expression was not serious.

  He used the merchant's abilities to increase the 'value' of his own defenses while reducing the 'value' of Anrui's attacks.

  So this fist could have hit him to the point of paralysis.

  It became an ordinary fight between two adults and did not threaten his life.

  Then buy the shock to your body.

  "You killed 1/7 of my value with one punch. The difference is really big."

  An Rui saw all this in his eyes.

  "Why did you make such a stupid choice?" He didn't understand the other party's choice. "It is impossible for a businessman, whose skills are still at the fourth stage, to defeat a warrior."

  As the lord of the town.

  An Rui knew Somkin's ability very well. If the other party insisted on taking those people away, he would definitely be able to keep the news leak-proof.

  Instead of him directly taking a screenshot of the message and leading someone to block the opportunity to escape, like now.

  At the same time, An Rui slashed out with a knife.

  This blow carries the belief that it will kill him, and its power is definitely more threatening than the angry punch just now.

  As an old businessman, Somkin was unable to escape.

  He used 1/6 of his value to buy the accuracy of An Rui's attack, then used 1/6 of his value to strengthen his defense, and finally used 1/6 of his value to buy the power of this attack.

  The businessman took three steps back, but was still unharmed.

  But the expression on his face was even more surprising. Somkin actually smiled when he looked at Anri, who was obviously going to take his own life.

  He even thought to himself and said as if he was declaring victory:

  "Anrui, I'm sure you will chase me when you see me escaping." "

  And if people like Alan are watching, I probably won't have the chance to kill you with my own hands. ."

  "What nonsense are you talking about..."

  At this moment, Anrui felt that his source of energy was rapidly weakening, and a strange power began to spread within his body.


  The businessman in front of him was playing tricks.

  An Rui reacted instantly and struck with another knife.

  This time Somkin did not have enough value to completely offset the danger of this attack.

  He strengthened his defense and lowered the accuracy of Anrui's attacks.

  Then he flew backwards during the impact.

  By the time he got up from the ground again, the accumulated value on his body was almost dry.

  But in front of Somkin.

  An Rui, who could launch an attack just now, fell to his knees.

  The power in his body seemed to be a poison specially designed for the awakened.

  As a user of the source of life, An Rui not only suffered the damage caused by toxins to his body, but the depletion of the source of life also brought him to the critical line of death quickly.

  "Haha -"

  Looking at the kneeling man in front of him, Somkin smiled and shook his head as his plan succeeded:
  "You are right in what you said. How can I, a businessman, compete with you, a warrior, in terms of combat ability? "

  The businessman staggered toward the lord:

  "So I have been thinking about it for a long time."

  "How can I get rid of this tiger that is standing in front of me?"

  The businessman came to An Rui with his chest covered, his expression Quite emotional:
  "What an honor."

  "A fourth-stage awakener can kill a fifth-stage upgrader."

  An Rui stared at Somkin who came to him.

  He thought about everything before and found no reason why he would be poisoned:

  "You have no chance of poisoning me."

  A victorious smile appeared on Somkin's face:

  "But I can trade with the people around you; I also concluded that you would stop us from leaving in the east of the town; I even guessed that you would chase me all the way here and give me a hard blow." "

  Your usual defenses are really tight, even with your warrior-like elm The wooden head is not suitable for caution. But I am afraid that I am unable to resist the toxins produced by the combination of food, smell and merchant's essence." "

  After all, you are only in the fifth stage, not those in the sixth or seventh stage. Monster."

  The merchant is also quite weak now. But it is not a problem to deal with An Rui, who is already exhausted.

  Somkin took out the traveling staff he used as a merchant. The head of the staff flashed with sharp metallic luster, pointing directly at An Rui's heart.

  "If you didn't come to stop me or chase me."

  "I can still linger with this town waiting for burial..."

  Just then, the thunderous sound of bowstrings sounded.

  An arrow flew out, instantly pinning Somkin's arm to the ground, and his traveling staff flew aside.

  Somkin fell to the ground, holding his injured arm.

  Arrows bring more than simple arrow wounds.

  Surrounding the location of the wound, a decaying force turned the skin and muscles of the arm gray and dilapidated.

  His only remaining value is that apart from stabilizing his injuries, he can't do anything else.

  Apart from his skills as an awakener, he is just an old man.


  Somkin stared angrily.

  He turned his head, and the owner of this thunderous bow sound was naturally only Lindsay, who rushed back in time.

  Lindsay stopped Somkin's attempt to kill Anry.

  He came carrying a bow and arrow. The long journey in the wild and the unexpected encounter in the crater had left his appearance and clothes in tatters, covered with dust and blood.

  But when looking at Somkin, Lindsay's pupils were both tired and determined.

  "Thanks to the plants you provided, I have cultivated crops that can grow in cold environments. So this arrow shot your arm, not your head."

  Somkin asked loudly:

  "You Choose to stand next to An Rui, like a dead dog waiting to be slaughtered, lingering here?"

  Lindsay shook his head:

  "I have a way to deal with the dragon beast, and I will set off soon."

  Somkin did not believe Lindsay's statement at all. , there is even an illusion that the young man in front of him has gone crazy:

  "You said you have the power to defeat the seven-stage monster?"

  "Don't be stupid, we can find a way to cross the Black Mountain together, put down the bow and arrow in your hands!"

  " My explanation is very sincere." Lindsay walked up to Somkin, drew the long bow, and almost put the arrow on the opponent's head, "Now, first give me the antidote to the poison on Uncle Anrui's body. ."

  Somkin was not afraid of the threat of death and refused without hesitation:
  "I refuse!"

  He made up his mind to die together with An Rui.

  Since he had no hope of escaping this desperate world, he would trade his despair for An Rui's life.

  Ding dong!

  There was a clear sound, and a walnut coin engraved with the symbol of two snakes was thrown in front of Somkin.

  This simple coin does not shine with the golden light that symbolizes wealth.

  But therein lies the power of the merchant's craft.

  Somkin was extremely weak at this moment.

  Although he didn't want to at all, he was unable to resist the temptation brought by this coin he made.

  Businessmen succumb to the power of ego and the power of transaction.

  He replied:

  "The antidote is in the warehouse, in a brown glass bottle."

  Lindsay nodded, took the antidote from the warehouse and gave it to An Rui.

  Seeing the carefully designed plan shattered, the hope of dying with An Rui also ended at the same time.

  Somkin shouted unwillingly:
  "Lindsay, why don't you understand!"

  "Are you going to let us die in this stupid and desperate place with this stupid soldier?"

  At the same time, the man who had just taken the drug Anrui, who was in need of medicine, took out a small jade scale from his arms.

  The poison targeted the essence, causing his body to be almost exhausted, and he would definitely not be able to recover in a short period of time.

  But he supported his failing body and held Lindsay's hands tightly:

  "Lindsay, do you really have a way to kill that dragon beast?"

  There was conflicting hope in An Rui's eyes.

  Reason told him that it was impossible for Lindsay to defeat a seven-stage enemy. But his experience in Montenegro gave him unrealistic hopes for the ability of the young man in front of him.

  "Yes, I have a way."

  Lindsay replied.

  Under the influence of the Scales of the Capital of Law, the other two people present heard that this was an honest answer from the heart.

  It was at this moment that Lindsay turned her head.

  He looked at Somkin with calm eyes and answered the merchant's previous questioning:

  "Unfortunately, the elemental world is not a place of despair." "

  On this trip, I happened to find a place where I can survive safely."

  " Even if the dragon beast enters this world from the Black Mountain, it will never be able to harm it."

  (End of this chapter)

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