146. Chapter 146 The Endless Winter

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  Chapter 146: The Endless Winter

  When Lindsay sets out from a border town to search for meteorites in the border mountains.

  This year's winter has come to an end.

  And when he climbed to the top, wielding a meteorite pickaxe to dig out meteorites, he was preparing to scheming with elemental creatures.

  Spring should also have returned to the earth.

  The latter didn't happen.

  While Lindsay was working in the hot crater, the hidden frontier did not welcome the familiar goddess of spring.

  On the contrary, the cold monsoon still rages on the earth.

  The forests are covered with long-lasting snow, the frozen rivers no longer gurgling, and even fewer animals are active in winter.

  There is no sign of decline this winter.

  At other times or places, this situation might only be considered an abnormal seasonal phenomenon.

  But for the residents of the hidden border town.

  They already understood the crisis brought by dragon beasts, and they knew very well what this abnormality of the season meant.

  The nostalgia for the earth in winter is by no means an accident.

  Instead, temperature erosion is spreading to the world they live in at an alarming rate.

  It is at such a moment.

  Ju, who returned from hunting with his mother, couldn't help but feel worried when he saw the two rabbits he had caught:

  "Mom, when will this winter end?"

  Dan shrugged, who was walking in front. shrugged.

  The huntress was keen on adventure when she was young and had her own views on various situations:
  "In the worst case scenario, this may be the last winter we experience; but if there is any good news, the sun may warm up immediately tomorrow."

  Ju looked at the two rabbits in his hands again:
  "There are fewer and fewer prey in the forest."

  Dan said calmly:
  "If this winter continues, there will be fewer in the future."

  Ju's eyes were a little unwilling:

  "We Can't we do something but wait here passively?"

  Dan stopped and looked back at his son:

  "Didn't Somkin gather his strength and rush out with the others before?"

  "That time It's just a chance to not be passive."

  "But you also know that after the counterattack against Warcraft, the public opinion in the town was no longer on the side of taking risks."

  After answering, Dan turned around and continued walking forward.

  She counted the food stored at home and the meat distributed among the people in the town. Through that counterattack against the monsters, the town obtained a lot of prey, and it was not yet time to worry about food.

  But that doesn't mean you can sit back and relax.

  In less than a month, some people's families will probably run out of food.

  Dan couldn't help but sigh:
  "I don't know how An Rui's stupid head came up with this idea." "

  When there is a shortage of food in the future, I hope he can have such a brain."

  Behind the female hunter, Ju didn't answer.

  They were returning to the town from the south and happened to pass by the farmland. At this moment, he saw a figure wearing a black robe.

  ——It’s Anna.

  Ju recognized the other person at a glance, and at the same time he understood why Anna came here.

  several days ago.

  Lindsay once again left town alone.

  He said he was going to find something very important to the town, so he entrusted Anna with the task of taking care of the plants and chicken coops.

  This scene originally had no special significance.

  But for Ju, who is trapped in an embarrassing situation in the town, the situation is somewhat different.

  He thought of the experience of killing the tree spirit with his mother, Alan, and Lindsay a few months ago; he also thought of Lindsay's solo expedition to the edge of the world; and he even thought of An Rui taking Lin Sai. race action.

  A strong desire burst out in Ju's heart.

  Although they were able to act together not long ago, why did they fail to put them to any use in the subsequent adventures?

  Especially in Ju's eyes, Lindsay is his best friend in town.

  Three years ago, the other party even risked his life for himself, and he was almost like an elder brother.

  Next, though never seen. But the father that the female hunter often talked about also appeared in Ju's heart as a vague figure.

  Under his mother's eyes full of love and nostalgia, Ju learned that his father was a brave adventurer, and he also admired his father's adventurous character.

  The last thing that came to Ju's mind was the figure of Somkin.

  When his mother was leading a hunting team and was in danger, this businessman came to him and talked with him about his views on the town.

  "Your own destiny should be in your own hands."

  "Being lucky when danger comes is tantamount to selling your life to death."

  "I have prepared supplies in the warehouse in the east of the town, which are enough to deal with the situation. The consumption of crossing the Black Mountain world."

  Ju raised his head and looked at his mother in front of him:

  "Mom, we should try to break through the Black Mountain."

  The huntress shook her head, as if laughing at herself:
  "Silly boy, don't think about it."

  "Now An Rui's control over the town is far stronger than before. Unless you knock him down head on, those ideas will be impossible to realize."

  Ju tried to ask:

  "If you don't tell Uncle An Rui, we can sneak away."

  " Don't say such stupid things!" Dan scolded without hesitation, "How can a person do such a thing!" "


  This time, Ju did not argue with his mother.

  He seemed to be no longer talking, but what emerged in his mind was the figure of Lindsay, who was like his brother, and the other person's experience of acting alone and achieving results many times.

  Ju murmured in a low voice, a voice that only he could hear:

  "Sorry, mother, I must try."

  "I won't tie everyone to this chariot like Mr. Somkin did, but I also I will never accept the choice of cowardly survival here."


  That night, everything was as usual in the hunter's house.

  After hunting during the day, Dan returned to his accustomed schedule and took a good nap.

  The next day, three poles were reached.

  She got up from the bed and fell down two or three times before moaning and shouting:

  "Ju, get up!"

  "Didn't you get two rabbits yesterday? Kill one and try it today. I want to eat fresh meat!"


  "You brat, get up!" "

  ... "

  Ju? Where is the person?"

  Dan called several times in a row.

  She didn't know how long it took, but Ju never responded.

  The female hunter had to get up by herself. She saw that Ju's bed was empty and the quilt was neatly folded.

  "This kid is quite diligent today."

  Dan naturally thought that Ju had left the house early.

  Her child is a kind-hearted young man who even takes the initiative to help the elderly in the town. It is not unusual for him to go out in the morning.

  Yawning, Dan prepared breakfast alone.

  During this process, she discovered that Ju's clothes were missing several pieces, and his bows, arrows and weapons were also taken away.


  For a moment, the conversation yesterday when returning from hunting came to the mother's mind.

  She immediately understood what her child was doing!

  The female hunter didn't even bring her bow and arrows, she just rushed outside the house. It was snowing in the sky at the moment.

  However, Dan didn't go far when he heard Somkin's voice.

  The businessman waved to her: "Dan, I have something to talk to you about."

  Dan: "Don't block the road, get out of my way!"

  (End of Chapter)

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