145. Chapter 145

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  Chapter 145

  "Mutual support and hostility among the same race."

  "These two completely opposite things always seem to happen to you humans."

  Lindsay's answer.

  It reminded Suuramo of the humans who had fought alongside it or been hostile to it during the Abyss War.

  After sighing with emotion, it directly agreed to Lindsay's request.

  "No problem."

  "This will save me a lot of time and strength."

  "If you can kill the dragon beast in advance, I can even allow these humans to continue to live in this elemental world."

  I heard Surama agree . trade.

  Lindsay let out a long sigh of relief.

  The warmth provided by meteorites is not a panacea for human survival that can cope with all crises.

  But if there is a guarantee from the spirit of the mountains who can repair the world.

  Even if the threat of dragon beasts to the world comes, mankind will no longer face a hopeless situation.

  "Do you need me to send you away now?"

  After negotiating, Sulamo thought that Lindsay was about to leave, so he took the initiative to extend an invitation and even prepared to extend his hand.

  But Lindsay quickly shook her head:
  "No, no, no, I still have many questions to ask you!"

  "About the knowledge of the elemental world and the wars in ancient times, I want to hear from you, the person who experienced it, about what happened in the past. Everything!"



  Lindsay's anxious look caused Surama to laugh.

  Its laughter made the entire underground space tremble, and the world on the ground seemed to be shaking gently.

  "Of course I am willing to answer it for you, brave little guy."

  Lindsay also followed suit:
  "Then let's talk about the knowledge about the elemental world first?"

  Sulamo elaborated on this:
  "The elemental world is where we elemental creatures live. The abbreviation of the world. Before I fell into sleep, there were seven worlds in the universe, all belonging to us."

  Lindsay asked:
  "Then what about the war that could destroy the world?"

  When it came to this war, Surama fell into In silence, it recalled everything it had experienced, and then told the stories that happened in ancient times.

  "The Abyss is a skill hidden in the darkness. They can change people's will and even prevent the dead from finding peace. Their external aggression and infection ability allowed them to develop extremely fast, and soon threatened the entire universe. living creatures, and this war began."

  Just listening to this description, Lindsay understood what a critical moment it was.

  "How did this war end in the end?"

  "In two places." Surama continued to answer. "The Abyss cannot defeat the unity of the entire universe. In the final battle, their armies were driven far apart in the universe. Two far directions."

  "One of them is the elemental world I am repairing, where the king of their army is buried; and on the other side, I heard that Bena, the first righteous man in mankind, died together with the ruler of the abyss. The end of the world."

  The right person...

  This is the name Lindsay heard again.

  He had heard the name of this kind of awakened person in the epic myth "The Young King's Journey". He was the king of the capital of law and the ruler of the world. At the same time, this was also the occupation of Arvette who sent him to the hidden border. .

  Lindsay couldn't help but ask:

  "Can you tell me about the righteous people you know?"

  Sulamo: "They are firm in their beliefs and can transform their will into concrete power, and this power can often Cause miracles."

  "But because of this, once the beliefs of the righteous do not conform to the common sense, it will bring people as terrible a crisis as the miracle."

  Lindsay asked:
  "Then you know the name of the Knight of the Law? Awakened person?"

  Surama shook his head and denied:
  "At least during the Second Abyss War, I have not heard of this profession." In the very ancient past, there were no law knights around those who did the right thing!
  This answer made Lindsay start to think about it and make more assumptions about the relationship between the Righteous and the Knights of the Law.

  Speaking of this, Lindsay remembered another thing she wanted to know:
  "Since the elemental world was once destroyed in the fire of war, what is the world on the other side like? The expedition team set out there more than a hundred years ago, and to this day No news of return yet."

  That's where the expedition is headed.

  From Surama's mouth, he learned that this was not the real end of the world, and was naturally curious about the current situation of the expedition team.

  Surama is very clear about this issue.

  "The next world is Shiratorihara, a world inhabited by a large number of birds and trees; followed by an ocean world, where there is only the endless sea; and then the Storm Mountains, where violent hurricanes shroud the mountains all year round... "

  The ancient elemental creatures listed many worlds to Lindsay.

  He talked for a long time. After Lindsay clearly realized the richness and variety of the universe, he couldn't help but interrupt:

  "So Mr. Surama, how long do you think our expedition team can return?"

  Surama He smiled and replied:

  "Sorry, I have never reached the end of the world in person."

  "But I believe that your friends will definitely return with the glory of exploring the world just like the previous expedition team.

  " Sai was a little curious:

  "Is there an expedition team in your era?"

  Surama was very happy to answer this question:
  "In the past that is so ancient that there is no record in the rocks, expeditions were a great tradition. Sooner or later, the limited world will be destroyed. The infinite development of civilization is full, and the expedition is to expand this 'limited' boundary for all living things."

  Lindsay understands this concept.

  But at the same time, he was also very concerned about a problem that was bound to happen.

  "Then during the expedition, if we encounter other civilizations, it will become an invasion..."

  Before Lindsay could finish his words, Sulamo denied it in an extremely serious manner:

  "While broadening the edge of the world, the expeditioners He will also pass on his skills in using the essence to benefit all uncivilized civilizations." "

  Sharing will bring prosperity and progress, while destruction will only bring suffering and hatred. This is the expedition flag established long ago. ."

  "Even our elemental life's skills in using the essence were taught by others during an expedition a long time ago." The

  ideological consciousness of the ancient people was really high...

  Lindsay sighed in her heart.

  Sulamo, who had been answering his questions, suddenly reached out his hand and changed the topic at the same time.

  "Lindsey, I'm afraid this winter will be extra long, and your compatriots will also be uneasy about it."

  "Aren't you going back?"

  Will the winter be extra long?
  Lindsay instantly understood the meaning of Surama's reminder, and her expression became tense.

  "Please send me away from here."

  He immediately jumped onto Suuramo's palm.

  While being lifted up by the ancient elemental creature, Lindsay also noticed changes on her taskbar.

  Because of the deal with Surama.

  The content description of [Escape from Predicament] on the taskbar has been changed, and the rewards provided have also been greatly increased.

  【Dragon-slaying warrior! ! !

  【People's survival, the entrustment of elemental life, and the restoration of the world.

  In order to answer all these prayers, the brave man will embark on a journey to slay the evil dragon! ]

  [Mission rewards: RPG module upgrade, hunting simulation module upgrade, golden ring in the Rhine, huge amount of attribute/skill experience points!

  (End of this chapter)

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