147. Chapter 147 Fulfilling Responsibilities

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  Chapter 147 Fulfilling Duties
  "Dan, are you looking for the kid?" "


  With just one sentence, Somkin stopped the huntress.

  Then Dan turned around and looked at the other person with extremely dangerous eyes.

  "This matter has something to do with you?"

  As a merchant awakener, Somkin's skills are at the fourth stage, on the same level as the female hunter.

  However, their abilities are completely different in how they are used in battle.

  Somkin did not dare to provoke Dan's nerves at such a distance, not to mention that he did not intend to make an enemy of the female hunter. He immediately explained:

  "There are a lot of supplies in a warehouse in the east of the town, but last night it was Someone took part of it."

  The huntress frowned and said,
  "Did the torch take it?"

  Somkin nodded and confirmed,

  "It should be, and he left last night. It's very difficult for you to catch up now."

  Dan snorted coldly:
  "Don't underestimate my ability."

  "As long as we are in the forest, I will definitely be able to catch up with him!"

  Somkin had a different view on this:

  "Ju is a smart kid, I think he will Can't you guess this?"


  The huntress fell silent, and the businessman pursued his victory:
  "He knows your abilities very well, and the snow water in the forest will help his actions. And now, he has been setting out for nearly a day time!"

  Dan said with a cold tone:
  "You want to persuade me to give up?"

  Somkin shook his head:

  "Maybe I can help you."

  "You also know that although the general atmosphere in the town is biased towards Anrui Over there, people with strong wills like us are also ready to take action at any time."

  Although Dan was anxious because of Ju's reckless actions, he did not lose his ability to judge things.

  She realized Somkin's purpose almost immediately.

  The merchants were still preparing to break through to Montenegro.

  As a fourth-stage hunter, she is undoubtedly very important and must be fought for.

  Dan asked:
  "So you can't wait any longer and plan to use the power you have now to give it a try?"

  Somkin made no secret of his purpose:

  "In fact, the time to take action is today."

  " Everyone is in the town and has seen this endless winter. Since we can't get more help if we continue to stay, timely action is the decision we must make."

  Dan reiterated his purpose, which is also the most important. Purpose:
  "I want to find my son."

  A victorious smile appeared on Somkin's face:

  "Then we are on the same road."


  If we can find helpers, especially some awakened people, we can search together. His own son.

  The huntress certainly had no reason to refuse.

  She followed the merchant and walked towards the east side of the town, thinking of some possibilities.

  Somkin undoubtedly wants to take advantage of his abilities.

  So is it possible that Ju's departure was also a choice made by the businessman in front of him after instigation to achieve this goal?

  Dan speculated on the possibilities in his mind.

  But when she and Somkin came to the east side of the town, a new change disrupted all her previous thoughts.

  Among the snowflakes flying all over the sky, a lonely figure stood at the east entrance of the town.

  It's An Rui.

  A breeze blew by, and snow particles slid gently from the surrounding eaves. These snow particles fell on An Rui's shoulders and immediately blended into the white shirt he was wearing.

  The attire of this town lord was not much different from usual.

  But he put on a black wide-brimmed hat, the brim of which was already covered with snowflakes. With every breath he took, white mist formed in the cold, and then merged with the snowflakes sliding from the brim of his hat.

  An Rui was alone.

  But his presence seems to be a symbol of some kind of tranquility, a challenge to all the scenes in front of him.

  He firmly guards this place.

  When he saw the female hunter and the businessman appear together, there was no excitement or disappointment on her face.

  Anrui just said a simple order:
  "Now, go back."


  "Anrui, you have no reason to stop us."

  Somkin seemed to have anticipated the scene before him.

  He took the initiative and took a step forward.

  Just like a few months ago at the Lord's Manor, tit for tat with An Rui.

  At the same time, nine people gradually walked out of the empty streets around the town.

  They all chose to stand behind Somkin.

  These people are the awakened people who were won over by the merchants, or who originally planned to leave the hidden frontier. If Lindsay had been there, he would have discovered that his friend Joel was among them.

  In the blink of an eye, the two sides have entered a confrontation.

  A conflict was about to break out almost immediately.

  But at this moment, the female hunter reacted differently.

  She did not be coerced by the atmosphere at the scene and joined the camp against An Rui. Instead, she took the initiative and said:
  "An Rui, that kid ran away last night. I want to bring him back."

  Dan's action made An Rui relieved. , he showed a rare smile in the tense atmosphere:
  "Dan, the hunters in this town still need you to lead them."

  The female hunter replied without hesitation:
  "I will come back after I find the torch."

  Two simple sentences The conversation seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding.

  As soon as the words fell, Dan left Somkin's merchant camp, crossed Anrui alone, and walked out of the town.

  An Rui did not stop her action.


  Looking at the female hunter leaving alone, Somkin narrowed his eyes, hiding his emotions at the moment.

  Then he waved his hand and took the others to leave together.

  The businessman even explained to An Rui with a polite smile:

  "The kid Ju ran away too suddenly yesterday. I'm afraid it's hard to find Dan alone, so we're going to help."

  An Rui stepped in front of these people.

  The relaxed smile just now was no longer visible on his face:

  "I will only say it for the last time, go back."


  The smile on Somkin's face froze, but he still wanted to negotiate harder:
  "An Mr. Rui, we are also concerned about the children in the town..."

  "Do you think it is meaningful to use these excuses now?" An Rui directly interrupted the businessman's quibbles, and then said directly, "In the past few months, I have also thought carefully about some issues. You have provoked me again and again, and I have a responsibility that I cannot shirk." "

  Don't think that I will allow it at this time..."

  Somkin also shouted loudly An Rui cut off his rebuke:

  "We only intend to implement our own will, and have no intention of dragging others in." "

  An Rui, you have no reason to stop us now!"

  An Rui's tone is still cold:

  "But For the town, you are destroying unity and increasing instability."

  Somkin snapped:
  "It is your duty as the mayor to eliminate this instability, not ours!"

  An Rui stretched out his hand. Pointing to all the awakened people in front of him:
  "You are right."

  "So right now, I am fulfilling this duty."

  (End of Chapter)

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