144. Chapter 144 True Level

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  Chapter 144 The true level
  of the mountain spirit?

  Lindsay had only heard such a title not long ago.

  It was one of the enemies and gods that had been defeated in this world as Hongyue said.

  The rock giant in front of him.

  Was he once an enemy that threatened the entire world?

  As soon as the idea came to mind, Lindsay quickly dismissed it because of time.

  It is known from the words of Surama, the spirit of the mountains.

  It once formed an alliance with humans, and it was an ancient history tens of thousands of years ago!
  This period of time is also long enough for civilization.

  Whether it is the classics of the Death School or the books in Fenn's cabin, they are records from two to three thousand years ago at most.

  Humanity has lost records of the elemental world.

  So when the expedition team came to the Elemental World 120 years ago, they regarded it as a completely unfamiliar world and named it the Hidden Frontier, even temporarily identifying it as the edge of the universe.

  The history of gods enslaving all living beings and finally being countered by humans.

  The time is much later than the story told by Surama.

  Lindsay figured out the sequence of events.

  Faced with this ancient elemental being who was willing to explain his doubts.

  His first question was not to satisfy his curiosity, but was closely related to the future of the Hidden Frontier, or a question about humans living in the elemental world.

  "Lord Surama, the dragon beast in the Black Mountain world next door is trying to advance to the eighth stage. The impact of its advancement is also seriously threatening the normal development of the elemental world. As the restorer of this world, what do you have to say about this? What do you think?"


  I heard Lindsay ask.

  The ancient elemental creature was silent for a few seconds, seeming to feel the interference of the dragon beast on the world.

  It soon produced results, affirming Lindsay's judgment:
  "A restless force is indeed threatening the normal development of the elemental world." "

  But I have merged with the earth of this world, and after completing the I cannot escape from this state until the world is restored."

  Surama is not a simple question-and-answer machine.

  Although it woke up after sleeping for a long time, its reaction speed was a bit slow, but it also realized the reason why Lindsay asked this question.

  So this ancient elemental creature asked back:
  "You and your compatriots are blocked in this world and are facing the threat posed by this dragon beast. Do you want to seek help from me for this question?"

  Faced with this kind of ability To repair the existence of the world, Lindsay has no idea of ​​playing tricks with words:

  "The enemy that threatens life lives next door, and people are not allowed to leave."

  "No one in the world will be indifferent to this situation."

  Su Lamo gave a regrettable answer:

  "Lindsay, I can't help you."

  "If that dragon beast takes the initiative to enter the elemental world before it successfully advances, I can find a way to subdue it, but my Power cannot leave this world."

  Lindsay was not discouraged, but confirmed to Surama:

  "You also need to ensure the normal development of the elemental world, right?"

  "I said, I can't do anything about it, I can only guarantee We will do other things after the world is restored." Sulamo's voice was low and confident, "And the dragon beast is still flesh and blood after all. He may live for several thousand years, but he cannot surpass the magnificence of the world. After he dies, I It will bring order to the development of the elemental world."

  Lindsay made a bold hypothesis:

  "What if there is a chance to solve this problem in advance?"


  Su Lamo smiled, thinking that Lindsay's proposal It was a whimsical thought:

  "I can feel everything on the earth. Of all the creatures standing on the ground, no one can defeat the dragon beast of the seventh stage." "

  Even if your skills reach the fifth stage, it is impossible to do such a thing ." "..."

  Surama's statement confused Lindsay.

  On his attribute panel, a clear skill level is clearly recorded, and it has nothing to do with the number five!

  "I... Stage 5?"

  Lindsay's surprise was not loud.

  But Surama, who was almost as big as the earth, still clearly heard the surprise.

  Its huge head nodded in confirmation:

  "That's right, stage 5. Your physical condition is very special. According to human classification, you should be an upgrader. But the skills that should have been sublimated are not the same as those of the source. The essence is fused together, as if you automatically learned the relevant techniques after you were born, but have no contact with the essence at all." "

  Even in my lifespan, I rarely see this kind of situation in people."

  said to here.

  Surama was also a little curious about Lindsay's situation.

  It looked carefully at the little human in front of it and fell into deep thought again.

  In front of this ancient elemental creature, Lindsay had already realized what the problem was.

  The properties panel is actually written quite clearly.

  Behind the level of one's own player skills, [Game Enthusiast (Stage 2)/(Stage 5)] is displayed.

  This is not to say that the upper limit of Lindsay's ability is in the fifth stage.

  Rather, he was talking about the gaming technology that he had played all his life in his previous life, and even led to his eventual death. According to the judgment of today's world, it has reached the fifth stage standard!
  Essentially, he is a fifth-stage upgrader.

  But what is lacking is the influence and transformation of the essence on the body during the long training.

  This is why he never encounters bottlenecks when breaking through, unlike other awakened people in the town.

  Memories of past lives brought about after awakening.

  Not only does it give Lindsay a special personality and understanding of the world, but it also gives her a unique position in the Awakener system.

  Lindsay felt a little emotional.

  If it weren't for this natural spirit with unknown strength, he could tell the truth in one word.

  He might not be able to understand what happened to him until much later.

  "You have a very special power hidden in you."

  Just as Lindsay smiled bitterly in his heart, Sulamo finished his thinking and spoke again:

  "But this does not seem to be the reason for you to defeat the seven-stage dragon beast."

  " Because I still have something special!”

  Lindsay heard the curiosity and wavering in Sulamor's tone, and had already taken the risk to negotiate with the other party. Naturally, he could not miss this opportunity again, and immediately took out the brilliant bullet: "
  If you use this as a basis, are you willing? Make a deal with me?"


  "What do you want?"

  Sulamo was undoubtedly moved.

  It can wait thousands of years before slowly changing the elemental world, but if the time can be advanced to now, then there is no reason to refuse.

  At this time, Lindsay took a look at her map.

  He saw that the mark symbolizing Surama had changed from neutral yellow to friendly green, and he couldn't help but smile:
  "I am ready to embark on a journey to conquer the dragon beast."

  "But in exchange, I hope that in You can keep them safe during the foreseeable cold winter."

  (End of this chapter)

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