141. Chapter 141 In the Dark

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  Chapter 141 Spraying   in the dark !
  Bullets without any added effect were fired from the barrel of the flaming flintlock.

  This physical attack.

  It cannot affect the elemental body of the Magog fire monster.

  But it accurately hit the frozen antimony arrow that had been inserted into its core.

  Click -

  Magog Fire Monster's weak flames were unable to stop this sudden impact.

  With a gunshot, the arrow penetrated completely into its core.

  [[First gunshot] Mission completed]

  [Module open to gamers: FPS]

  [Hunting achievement: First level five prey]

  [Attribute/skill experience value increased]


  Lindsay was flooded with various notifications on the properties panel.

  But he hasn't waited to check out these full data improvements.

  It was discovered that a bright yellow core was revealed in the dissipating flames of the Magog fire monster.

  Compared with the core of the previous Fire Fire Spirit.

  The core of the Magog fire monster is more solid, almost a complete entity.

  The arrowhead of the frozen antimony arrow was deeply inserted into it, with only a crack proving its damage, and the arrow shaft exposed in the air had been completely burned into coke by the high temperature.

  "Can this arrowhead be recycled again?"

  Lindsay immediately tried to collect materials and at the same time recycle the antimony arrowhead that had penetrated into the core.

  [Acquired Materials - Explosive Flame Crystal]

  [Acquired Materials - Completely Damaged Arrowhead]

  The Magog fire monster, which is as high as level 5, has indeed successfully collected an explosive crystal.

  However, the antimony arrowhead that successfully killed him was completely damaged and could not even be used again.


  Lindsay sighed, with mixed feelings in her heart.

  Joel had given him three arrows, but now the last one was completely useless.

  With this precious material, even the craftsman's cabin could only make three arrowheads.

  "I still want to have something like this that can directly affect the essence in the future. I don't know when..."

  Suddenly, Lindsay's sigh stopped abruptly.

  Right in front of him, the core of the Magog fire monster began to glow dazzlingly!

  The Magog fire monster is indeed dead.

  But the power of fire condensed in its core has not disappeared.

  At this moment, without the influence of the antimony arrow, and without the control of the Magog fire monster, this power immediately entered a surging riot state!


  Lindsay's eyes froze.

  There is only one thought in my mind at the moment.

  What phenomena will occur if the fire element goes berserk? --explode!
  At this distance, it is completely impossible to escape. The only way is to reduce the damage of the explosion.

  No time to think about it.

  Lindsay directly poured out the clods of soil in the bag in one breath, and while surrounding himself, he also stabilized them with the ability to use resources.

  The next second, the impact came as promised.

  Lindsay could not see any external changes in the scrawled fortress she had built.

  However, the roar caused by the huge impact immediately formed a terrifying echo in this small space. Lindsay only felt a sharp pain in his head, and at the same time as the feeling of falling, his consciousness began to blur.

  At this last moment.

  Without any hesitation, Lindsay added all the experience she had just gained to her physique.


  Darkness enveloped the entire world.

  When Lindsay regained consciousness again, he was hit by the pain that came from everywhere in his body. "Hiss—!"

  Lindsay gasped.

  He forced himself to sit up with his hands on the ground, and immediately opened the attribute panel to check.

  in the personal attributes column.

  Images symbolizing the state, the bruises and bruises left by impact can be found almost everywhere. Especially on the head, the red words clearly mark the negative status of "Mild Concussion" and "Hearing Impairment".

  Along with the severe pain, a feeling of nausea and vomiting also surged up from his throat.


  After retching twice, cold sweat dripped from Lindsay's forehead.

  The only good news at this moment is that the ability of the essence of life is healing his pain.

  Although this ability cannot bring about ridiculous repair speeds such as rapid regeneration.

  But at least it can make people feel that their physical condition is improving.

  As a rough estimate, these injuries should be healed in three days even without the use of any medicine.

  "Today has been a lesson." Sitting in the darkness, Lindsay reflected with a wry smile. "In the future, if you defeat a strong enemy, you must also be careful about the reaction of its corpse after it dies." Looking back

  on the previous scene, Lindsay They all felt like being bitten by a decapitated snake.

  "If I hadn't reacted quickly enough, I would have been dead if I exploded directly."

  Lindsay's judgment was no exaggeration.

  The injuries on his body now were caused by the use of earth blocks for defense.

  As for the defenses that protected him from the first wave of impact...

  Although he was in darkness at the moment.

  But Lindsay was very aware that there was no trace of the earth fortress around him. They had obviously been destroyed in the explosion.

  "An enemy in the fifth stage..."

  "Even if the plan is successful, even the corpse cannot be underestimated."

  Lindsay felt pain everywhere in his body. He bared his teeth and continued to check his attribute panel.

  Then a lot of gains wiped away the pain on his face.

  The first thing that comes into view is the physique.

  This is Lindsay's strongest attribute. After defeating the five-stage Magog fire monster, gaining experience points from the battle itself, and superimposing mission rewards, it directly reached 20 points!
  This is already an incredible physique for ordinary humans.

  Even in a border town, I am afraid that only Anrui's is a little higher than Lindsay's.

  The reason why he was not seriously injured in the explosion is probably thanks to the few attributes added at the end.

  As for other attributes.

  Strength increases by one point and agility increases by two points.

  Excellent combat design directly increases intelligence by three points, and will and charm also increase by one point each.

  Basic attributes have once again been improved in all aspects!
  Looking further down, the movement skills that were originally proficient in level have been upgraded to master level.

  The characteristic of (Close Fight) has been upgraded to the level of movement of (Inertial Glider)
  , which allows Lindsay to overcome the influence of inertia to a certain extent. Even when running at full speed, he can make some sharp-angle turns and the like. Exaggerated maneuverability!

  "Is this the feedback I got from dodging the bomb just now?"

  Lindsay thought thoughtfully. He nodded with satisfaction and looked at his most important upgrade.

  Opening of FPS module.

  Like the previous modules, the unlocked FPS module also comes with a basic skill.

  [Aim: Collect the surrounding environment information, combine the player's own attributes, and add a crosshair in the field of vision to calculate the impact point of the attack. ]

  [Note: Have you seen this crosshair? Just move it to a person and shoot! ]

  "Is this considered shooting mode?"

  It was pitch black around him at this moment, and he couldn't see anything at all.

  In order to try out her skills, Lindsay naturally took out the torch from her backpack.

  Phew -

  for a moment, the flames illuminated the surrounding environment.

  From this, Lindsay also discovered that her aim was aimed at a huge eye more than ten meters away!
  (End of chapter)

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